39 research outputs found

    Norms of Bethe Wave Functions

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    Bethe Ansatz solvable models are considered, like XXZ Heisenberg anti-ferromagnet and Bose gas with delta interaction. Periodic boundary conditions lead to Bethe equation. The square of the norm of Bethe wave function is equal to a determinant of linearized system of Bethe equations (determinant of matrix of second derivatives of Yang action). The proof was first published in Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol 86, page 391 in l982. Also domain wall boundary conditions for 6 vertex model were discovered in the same paper [see Appendix D]. These play an important role for algebraic combinatorics: alternating sign matrices, domino tiling and plane partition

    On the correlation functions of the domain wall six vertex model

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    We propose an (essentially combinatorial) approach to the correlation functions of the domain wall six vertex model. We reproduce the boundary 1-point function determinant expression of Bogoliubov, Pronko and Zvonarev, then use that as a building block to obtain analogous expressions for boundary 2-point functions. The latter can be used, at least in principle, to express more general boundary (and bulk) correlation functions as sums over (products of) determinants.Comment: LaTeX2e, requires eepic, 25 pages, including 29 figure

    Boundary correlation functions of the six-vertex model

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    We consider the six-vertex model on an N×NN \times N square lattice with the domain wall boundary conditions. Boundary one-point correlation functions of the model are expressed as determinants of N×NN\times N matrices, generalizing the known result for the partition function. In the free fermion case the explicit answers are obtained. The introduced correlation functions are closely related to the problem of enumeration of alternating sign matrices and domino tilings.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, typos correcte

    On the problem of calculation of correlation functions in the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions

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    The problem of calculation of correlation functions in the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions is addressed by considering a particular nonlocal correlation function, called row configuration probability. This correlation function can be used as building block for computing various (both local and nonlocal) correlation functions in the model. The row configuration probability is calculated using the quantum inverse scattering method; the final result is given in terms of a multiple integral. The connection with the emptiness formation probability, another nonlocal correlation function which was computed elsewhere using similar methods, is also discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    On the partition function of the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions

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    The six-vertex model on an N×NN\times N square lattice with domain wall boundary conditions is considered. A Fredholm determinant representation for the partition function of the model is given. The kernel of the corresponding integral operator is of the so-called integrable type, and involves classical orthogonal polynomials. From this representation, a ``reconstruction'' formula is proposed, which expresses the partition function as the trace of a suitably chosen quantum operator, in the spirit of corner transfer matrix and vertex operator approaches to integrable spin models.Comment: typos correcte

    On two-point boundary correlations in the six-vertex model with DWBC

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    The six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions (DWBC) on an N x N square lattice is considered. The two-point correlation function describing the probability of having two vertices in a given state at opposite (top and bottom) boundaries of the lattice is calculated. It is shown that this two-point boundary correlator is expressible in a very simple way in terms of the one-point boundary correlators of the model on N x N and (N-1) x (N-1) lattices. In alternating sign matrix (ASM) language this result implies that the doubly refined x-enumerations of ASMs are just appropriate combinations of the singly refined ones.Comment: v2: a reference added, typos correcte

    The arctic curve of the domain-wall six-vertex model in its anti-ferroelectric regime

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    An explicit expression for the spatial curve separating the region of ferroelectric order (`frozen' zone) from the disordered one (`temperate' zone) in the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions in its anti-ferroelectric regime is obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Excited states in the twisted XXZ spin chain

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    We compute the finite size spectrum for the spin 1/2 XXZ chain with twisted boundary conditions, for anisotropy in the regime 0<γ<π/20< \gamma <\pi/2, and arbitrary twist θ\theta. The string hypothesis is employed for treating complex excitations. The Bethe Ansatz equtions are solved within a coupled non-linear integral equation approach, with one equation for each type of string. The root-of-unity quantum group invariant periodic chain reduces to the XXZ_1/2 chain with a set of twist boundary conditions (π/γZ\pi/\gamma\in Z, θ\theta an integer multiple of γ\gamma). For this model, the restricted Hilbert space corresponds to an unitary conformal field theory, and we recover all primary states in the Kac table in terms of states with specific twist and strings.Comment: 16 pages, Latex; added discussion on quantum group invariance and arbitrary magnon numbe

    The role of orthogonal polynomials in the six-vertex model and its combinatorial applications

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    The Hankel determinant representations for the partition function and boundary correlation functions of the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions are investigated by the methods of orthogonal polynomial theory. For specific values of the parameters of the model, corresponding to 1-, 2- and 3-enumerations of Alternating Sign Matrices (ASMs), these polynomials specialize to classical ones (Continuous Hahn, Meixner-Pollaczek, and Continuous Dual Hahn, respectively). As a consequence, a unified and simplified treatment of ASMs enumerations turns out to be possible, leading also to some new results such as the refined 3-enumerations of ASMs. Furthermore, the use of orthogonal polynomials allows us to express, for generic values of the parameters of the model, the partition function of the (partially) inhomogeneous model in terms of the one-point boundary correlation functions of the homogeneous one.Comment: Talk presented by F.C. at the Short Program of the Centre de Recherches Mathematiques: Random Matrices, Random Processes and Integrable Systems, Montreal, June 20 - July 8, 200

    The correlation functions of the XX Heisenberg magnet and random walks of vicious walkers

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    A relationship of the random walks on one-dimensional periodic lattice and the correlation functions of the XX Heisenberg spin chain is investigated. The operator averages taken over the ferromagnetic state play a role of generating functions of the number of paths made by the so-called "vicious" random walkers (the vicious walkers annihilate each other provided they arrive at the same lattice site). It is shown that the two-point correlation function of spins, calculated over eigen-states of the XX magnet, can be interpreted as the generating function of paths made by a single walker in a medium characterized by a non-constant number of vicious neighbors. The answers are obtained for a number of paths made by the described walker from some fixed lattice site to another sufficiently remote one. Asymptotical estimates for the number of paths are provided in the limit, when the number of steps is increased.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX. Extended talk at the Conference "Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems CQIS-08" (Protvino, Russia, January 21-24, 2008). To appear in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics in 2009 (In Russian