18 research outputs found

    Future physical education teachers’ marketing business motivations survey

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    Objective of the study was to survey marketing business motivations of future physical education teacher

    The development of radio and 3G based telemetry system for the remote gas accounting and control nodes

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    In this article we have described the use of vortex and recently developed ultrasonic flowmeters with high dynamic range of 1 to 1500 for industrial applications. Its software and the software of corresponding computing device is able to avoid gas leakage, to minimize energy consumption and to save human resources while maintaining metrological data. Described is the low power consumption that makes it possible to use this ultrasonic flowmeter in hard remote environment without direct management for a period of several month

    Поведение радионуклида 106Ru в водных растворах при центрофугировании, ультрафильтрации и ионном обмене

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    The paper presents the results of 106Ru radionuclide behavior regularities study in aqueous solutions in a wide pH range by ultrafiltration, ion exchange and centrifugation methods. The regions of 106Ru various species existence in solution have been established: cationic 106Ru species at pH < 3.5; the transition region of non-ionic species formation in the range of pH 3.5–4.2 and the region of non-ionic species predominant formation at pH > 4.2. A characteristic feature of the studied solutions is the formation of non-ionic particles by microconcentrations of 106Ru via pseudocolloids at lower pH values as compared to ruthenium solutions with a concentration of 10-6–10-4 mol/dm3. The established regularities of the behavior of ruthenium radionuclides can be utilized to increase the efficiency of ion exchange and membrane separation methods at nuclear and radiation facilities for technological solutions and liquid radioactive waste treatment.Представлены результаты изучения закономерности поведения радионуклида 106Ru в водных растворах в широком интервале рН методами ультрафильтрации, ионного обмена и центрифугирования. Установлены области существования различных форм 106Ru в растворе: катионные формы 106Ru существуют при рН < 3,5; переходная область формирования неионных форм находится в интервале рН 3,5–4,2 и область преимущественного образования неионных форм при рН > 4,2. Характерной особенностью изученных растворов является образование рутением-106 концентрацией 10-11 моль/дм3 неионных частиц за счет псевдоколлоидообразования при более низких значениях рН по сравнению с растворами рутения в концентрации 10-6–10-4 моль/дм3. Установленные закономерности поведения радионуклидов рутения могут быть использованы для повышения эффективности способов ионного обмена и мембранного разделения при очистке технологических растворов и жидких радиоактивных отходов, образующихся на ядерных и радиационных объектах

    Vasoprotective effect of effective lipid-lowering therapy in patients with <i>ST</i>-segment elevation myocardial infarction

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    Aim. To study the vasoprotective effects of atorvastatin depending on the achievement of the target level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) within 48 weeks of follow-up. Materials and methods. Included were 112 STEMI patients who received atorvastatin 204080 mg. On days 79 from the onset of the disease, after 24 and 48 weeks, ultrasound examination of the carotid arteries with RF technology and applanation tonometry were performed, the lipid profile was determined. The patients were divided into groups: group 1 (n=41) of highly effective therapy (HET) who achieved the target LDL-C after 24 and 48 weeks; group 2 (n=29) in relatively effective therapy (RET) achieving target values at 24th or 48th week; group 3 (n=42) insufficiently effective therapy (IET) did not reach the target LDL-C. Results. When examining the carotid arteries in the HET group, the intima-media thickness (IMT) decreased by 10.713.1%, the b index by 14.926.3% after 2448 weeks. In the RET group, the IMT regression was 10.413.3%; b index 23.9% by the 48th week. In the IET group, the b index decreased by the 48th week by 14.3%. According to applanation tonometry in the HET group, the central pressure did not change. In the RET group, systolic pressure in the aorta increased by 1015.7% after 2448 weeks, pulse pressure by 33.9% by the end of observation. With IET, the increase was 8.66.8 and 19.825.9%, respectively. The odds ratio of developing endpoints in the RET group was 4.7 (95% CI 1.226.4; p=0.02), in the IET group 3.9 (95% CI 1.124.8; p=0.03) compared with HET. Conclusion. The most pronounced vasoprotective effect and a decrease in cardiovascular risk are associated with the achievement of the target LDL-C throughout the entire treatment period

    Study of motivation to labor activity of students 4-5 courses of pharmaceutical faculty

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    The article presents the results of studying student’s motivation who learn on the 4-5 year in the pharmaceutical faculty of the Ural state medical university. The problems of motivation of students to work activity, their professional intentions are considered.В статье приведены результаты изучения трудовой мотивации студентов 4-5 курса фармацевтического факультета УГМУ. Рассмотрены проблемы мотивации обучающихся к трудовой деятельности, их профессиональные намерения

    Формы нахождения радионуклида кобальта-60 в растворах борной кислоты

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    In this work, the speciation of 60Co radionuclide in model solution of spent fuel pool coolant is studied by ultrafiltration and centrifugation. The effect of pH and composition of the solution on the 60Co radionuclide speciation is shown; the limitss in existence of ionic and non-ionic (pseudocolloidal) forms are defined. A great part of 60Co states at ionic form represented by hydrated cation of 60Co in the solutions of boric acid 20 g/L at 4–8 pH value. The size of non-ionic forms of 60Co in this pH range is 1–50 nm. Starting with pH 8, the соntent of non-ionic forms increases dramatically and reaches 100 % at pH value 10–11, which is due to formation of CoOH+ ions and their increased sorption activity at forming pseudocolloids. Introduction of iron (III) ions to the solution, which are precursors of corrosion products, shifts the formation of nonionic forms of 60Co to lower pH area.Исследовано состояние радионуклида 60Co в модельных растворах теплоносителя бассейна выдержки отработавшего ядерного топлива с использованием методов ультрафильтрации и центрифугирования. Показано влияние pH и состава раствора на формы нахождения радионуклида 60Co, установлены границы существования ионных и неионных (псевдоколлоидных) форм. В растворах борной кислоты 20 г/л при рН 4–8 большая часть 60Co находится в ионном состоянии в виде гидратированного катиона Co2+. Размер неионных форм кобальта в данном интервале рН составляет 1–50 нм. Начиная с рН 8 доля неионных форм резко увеличивается и достигает 100 % при рН 10–11, что связано с образованием ионов CoOH+ и их повышенной сорбционной активностью при образовании псевдоколлоидов. Внесение в раствор ионов железа (III), являющихся предшественниками продуктов коррозии, сдвигает образование неионных форм 60Co в более низкую область pH

    Similarity and differences in morphology and mechanisms of the <i>fo</i>F2 and TEC disturbances during the geomagnetic storms on 26–30 September 2011

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    This study presents an analysis of the ground-based observations and model simulations of ionospheric electron density disturbances at three longitudinal sectors (eastern European, Siberian and American) during geomagnetic storms that occurred on 26–30 September 2011. We use the Global Self-consistent Model of the Thermosphere, Ionosphere and Protonosphere (GSM TIP) to reveal the main mechanisms influencing the storm-time behavior of the total electron content (TEC) and the ionospheric F2 peak critical frequency (foF2) during different phases of geomagnetic storms. During the storm's main phase the long-lasting positive disturbances in TEC and foF2 at sunlit mid-latitudes are mainly explained by the storm-time equatorward neutral wind. The effects of eastward electric field can only explain the positive ionospheric storm in the first few hours of the initial storm phase. During the main phase the ionosphere was more changeable than the plasmasphere. The positive disturbances in the electron content at the plasmaspheric heights (800–20 000 km) at high latitudes can appear simultaneously with the negative disturbances in TEC and foF2. The daytime positive disturbances in foF2 and TEC occurred at middle and low latitudes and at the Equator due to n(O) ∕ n(N2) enhancement during later stage of the main phase and during the recovery phase of the geomagnetic storm. The plasma tube diffusional depletion and negative disturbances in electron and neutral temperature were the main formation mechanisms of the simultaneous formation of the positive disturbances in foF2 and negative disturbances in TEC at low latitudes during the storm's recovery phase

    Genetic Deletion of Trace-Amine Associated Receptor 9 (TAAR9) in Rats Leads to Decreased Blood Cholesterol Levels

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    In the last two decades, interest has grown significantly in the investigation of the role of trace amines and their receptors in mammalian physiology and pathology. Trace amine-associated receptor 9 (TAAR9) is one of the least studied members of this receptor family with unidentified endogenous ligands and an unknown role in the central nervous system and periphery. In this study, we generated two new TAAR9 knockout (TAAR9-KO) rat strains by CRISPR-Cas9 technology as in vivo models to evaluate the role of TAAR9 in mammalian physiology. In these mutant rats, we performed a comparative analysis of a number of hematological and biochemical parameters in the blood. Particularly, we carried out a complete blood count, erythrocyte osmotic fragility test, and screening of a panel of basic biochemical parameters. No significant alterations in any of the hematological and most biochemical parameters were found between mutant and WT rats. However, biochemical studies revealed a significant decrease in total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in the blood of both strains of TAAR9-KO rats. Such role of TAAR9 in cholesterol regulation not only brings a new understanding of mechanisms and biological pathways of lipid exchange but also provides a new potential drug target for disorders involving cholesterol-related pathology, such as atherosclerosis