23 research outputs found

    Emergence of the persistent spin helix in semiconductor quantum wells

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    According to Noethers theorem, for every symmetry in nature there is a corresponding conservation law. For example, invariance with respect to spatial translation corresponds to conservation of momentum. In another well-known example, invariance with respect to rotation of the electrons spin, or SU(2) symmetry, leads to conservation of spin polarization. For electrons in a solid, this symmetry is ordinarily broken by spin-orbit coupling, allowing spin angular momentum to flow to orbital angular momentum. However, it has recently been predicted that SU(2) can be achieved in a two-dimensional electron gas, despite the presence of spin-orbit coupling. The corresponding conserved quantities include the amplitude and phase of a helical spin density wave termed the persistent spin helix. SU(2) is realized, in principle, when the strength of two dominant spin-orbit interactions, the Rashba (strength parameterized by \alpha) and linear Dresselhaus (\beta_1), are equal. This symmetry is predicted to be robust against all forms of spin-independent scattering, including electron-electron interactions, but is broken by the cubic Dresselhaus term (\beta_3) and spin-dependent scattering. When these terms are negligible, the distance over which spin information can propagate is predicted to diverge as \alpha approaches \beta_1. Here we observe experimentally the emergence of the persistent spin helix in GaAs quantum wells by independently tuning \alpha and \beta_1. Using transient spin-grating spectroscopy, we find a spin-lifetime enhancement of two orders of magnitude near the symmetry point.........Comment: Will be published in Nature on April 2, 200

    Liquid Heterostructures: Generation of Liquid-Liquid Interfaces in Free-Flowing Liquid Sheets

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    Chemical reactions and biological processes are often governed by the structure and transport dynamics of the interface between two liquid phases. Despite their importance, our microscopic understanding of liquid-liquid interfaces has been severely hindered by difficulty in accessing the interface through the bulk liquid. Here we demonstrate a method for generating large-area liquid-liquid interfaces within free-flowing liquid sheets, which we call liquid heterostructures. These sheets can be made thin enough to transmit photons from across the spectrum, which also minimizes the amount of bulk liquid relative to the interface and makes them ideal targets for a wide range of spectroscopies and scattering experiments. The sheets are produced with a microfluidic nozzle that impinges two converging jets of one liquid onto two sides of a third jet of another liquid. The hydrodynamic forces provided by the colliding jets both produce a multilayered laminar liquid sheet with the central jet is flattened in the middle. Infrared microscopy, white light reflectivity, and imaging ellipsometry measurements demonstrate that the buried layer has a tunable thickness and displays well-defined liquid-liquid interfaces, and that the inner layer can be thinner than 100 nm.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Supplement: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Microfluidic liquid sheets as large-area targets for high repetition XFELs

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    The high intensity of X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) can damage solution-phase samples on every scale, ranging from the molecular or electronic structure of a sample to the macroscopic structure of a liquid microjet. By using a large surface area liquid sheet microjet as a sample target instead of a standard cylindrical microjet, the incident X-ray spot size can be increased such that the incident intensity falls below the damage threshold. This capability is becoming particularly important for high repetition rate XFELs, where destroying a target with each pulse would require prohibitively large volumes of sample. We present here a study of microfluidic liquid sheet dimensions as a function of liquid flow rate. Sheet lengths, widths and thickness gradients are shown for three styles of nozzles fabricated from isotropically etched glass. In-vacuum operation and sample recirculation using these nozzles is demonstrated. The effects of intense XFEL pulses on the structure of a liquid sheet are also briefly examined

    The room temperature crystal structure of a bacterial phytochrome determined by serial femtosecond crystallography

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    Phytochromes are a family of photoreceptors that control light responses of plants, fungi and bacteria. A sequence of structural changes, which is not yet fully understood, leads to activation of an output domain. Time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) can potentially shine light on these conformational changes. Here we report the room temperature crystal structure of the chromophore-binding domains of the Deinococcus radiodurans phytochrome at 2.1 angstrom resolution. The structure was obtained by serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography from microcrystals at an X-ray free electron laser. We find overall good agreement compared to a crystal structure at 1.35 angstrom resolution derived from conventional crystallography at cryogenic temperatures, which we also report here. The thioether linkage between chromophore and protein is subject to positional ambiguity at the synchrotron, but is fully resolved with SFX. The study paves the way for time-resolved structural investigations of the phytochrome photocycle with time-resolved SFX.Peer reviewe