401 research outputs found

    Molecular Hydrogen Kinematics in Cepheus A

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    We present the radial velocity structure of the molecular hydrogen outflows associated to the star forming region Cepheus A. This structure is derived from doppler shift of the H_2 v=1-0 S(1) emission line obtained by Fabry-Perot spectroscopy. The East and West regions of emission, called Cep A(E) and Cep A(W), show radial velocities in the range -20 to 0 km/s with respect to the molecular cloud. Cep A(W) shows an increasing velocity with position offset from the core indicating the existence of a possible accelarating machanism. Cep A(E) has an almost constant mean radial velocity of -18 km/s along the region although with a large dispersion in velocity, indicating the possibility of a turbulent outflow. A detailed analysis of the Cep A(E) region shows evidence for the presence of a Mach disk on that outflow. Also, we argue that the presence of a velocity gradient in Cep A(W) is indicative of a C-shock in this region. Following Riera et al. (2003), we analyzed the data using wavelet analysis to study the line width and the central radial velocity distributions. We found that both outflows have complex spatial and velocity structures characteristic of a turbulent flow.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figure

    Computational Approaches to Facilitate Epitope-Based HLA Matching in Solid Organ Transplantation

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    Epitope-based HLA matching has been emerged over the last few years as an improved method for HLA matching in solid organ transplantation. The epitope-based matching concept has been incorporated in both the PIRCHE-II and the HLAMatchmaker algorithm to find the most suitable donor for a recipient. For these algorithms, high-resolution HLA genotype data of both donor and recipient is required. Since high-resolution HLA genotype data is often not available, we developed a computational method which allows epitope-based HLA matching from serological split level HLA typing relying on HLA haplotype frequencies. To validate this method, we simulated a donor-recipient population for which PIRCHE-II and eplet values were calculated when using both high-resolution HLA genotype data and serological split level HLA typing. The majority of the serological split level HLA-determined ln(PIRCHE-II)/ln(eplet) values did not or only slightly deviate from the reference group of high-resolution HLA-determined ln(PIRCHE-II)/ln(eplet) values. This deviation was slightly increased when HLA-C or HLA-DQ was omitted from the input and was substantially decreased when using two-field resolution HLA genotype data of the recipient and serological split level HLA typing of the donor. Thus, our data suggest that our computational approach is a powerful tool to estimate PIRCHE-II/eplet values when high-resolution HLA genotype data is not available

    Temporal and spatial accretion patterns and the impact of livestock grazing in a restored coastal salt marsh

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    A summer polder had developed a deficit in surface elevation of about 20 cm in respect to rising sea level during its almost one-hundred-year period of embankment. We addressed the questions whether the distance of the restored site to the intertidal flats and continuation of livestock grazing in the restored site could hamper surface-elevation change during the first 10 years after de-embankment of the summer polder. The surface-elevation change showed similar positive linear relationships with annual tidal flooding in both the reference salt marsh and the restored site, indicating that the surface-elevation change in the restored site was not moderated by the distance from the sea. The surface-elevation change had a clear seasonal pattern with positive values in winter and negative values during summer. The surface-elevation change was 11 mm/year in the grazed reference salt marsh and 7 mm/year in the grazed restored site, but amounted to 17 mm/year in ungrazed exclosures in the restored site, showing that grazing retarded the catching up of the elevation deficit in the restored site. The surface-elevation change within the restored site was higher close to the constructed creeks indicating the inception of levee formation. The surface-elevation change was also positively affected by the proximity of breaches in the embankment, but this effect was less clear than the effect of creeks. We conclude that the surface-elevation deficit may be compensated in the Wadden Sea summer polders by their de-embankment when sediment supply is high, whereas livestock grazing retards this process. Dug creeks increase spatial variation in the restored site.</p

    Using electronic medical records analysis to investigate the effectiveness of lifestyle programs in real-world primary care is challenging: a case study in diabetes mellitus

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    The increasing prevalence of diabetes suggests a gap between real world and controlled trial effectiveness of lifestyle interventions, but real-world investigations are rare. Electronic medical registration facilitates research on real-world effectiveness, although such investigations may require specific methodology and statistics. We investigated the effects of real-world primary care for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).status: publishe

    Analysis, characterization, and effects of heavy metal chealating agents in water

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    Students supported: 5 Student Assistants"The term 'chelating agents' refers to chemical ligands which bind to an element with more than one site. It is a ubiquitous term, since there are multitudes of compounds which fulfill the requirements for being called chelating agents. Their origin is both synthetic and natural, and the manner and fashion in which they bind is quite varied. Many of the vitamins and hormones essential to life are chelating agents. Chlorophyll, which is required for photosynthesis, consists of a porphyrin ring structure bound to magnesium. Hemoglobin binds iron in a similar pattern, and vitamin B-12 utilizes cobalt in the same fashion. In addition to these, there are quite a number of similar compounds in both plants and animals. Most metals transport and usage inside living things involve a chelation process. In natural water systems, the presence of chelating agents can have significant impact on the transport and toxicity of metals."--IntroductionProject # B-095-MO Agreement # 14-31-0001-409

    Means of Introducing an Analyte into Liquid Sampling Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge

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    A liquid sampling, atmospheric pressure, glow discharge (LS-APGD) device as well as systems that incorporate the device and methods for using the device and systems are described. The LS-APGD includes a hollow capillary for delivering an electrolyte solution to a glow discharge space. The device also includes a counter electrode in the form of a second hollow capillary that can deliver the analyte into the glow discharge space. A voltage across the electrolyte solution and the counter electrode creates the microplasma within the glow discharge space that interacts with the analyte to move it to a higher energy state (vaporization, excitation, and/or ionization of the analyte)

    Green beach vegetation dynamics explained by embryo dune development

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    Sandy coastlines are dynamic environments with potential for biodiverse habitats, such as green beaches. Green beach vegetation can develop on nutrient-poor beaches landward from embryo dunes. It is characterised by low-dynamic coastal wetland habitat such as salt marshes and dune slacks. It has been hypothesised that the establishment of green beach vegetation is facilitated by the shelter provided by embryo dunes, however evidence is lacking. We explored the importance of geomorphology and soil conditions on the species richness and turnover of green beach vegetation over a time period of 10 years. We recorded 107 plots along 11 transects over a gradient from beach to dune on the island of Schiermonnikoog, the Netherlands. We characterised transect geomorphology at transect level and soil conditions and vegetation at plot level in 2006 and 2016. We found that the green beach vegetation was highly dynamic, total plant cover increased by 62% within 10 years. In 2006 beach width was an important factor in explaining species richness, with the highest number of species occurring on narrow beaches with a large volume of embryo dunes. In 2016, species richness was positively associated with the build-up of organic matter. Overall species richness declined relative to 2006 and was accompanied by an increase in elevation due to sand burial and the expansion of embryo dune volume. Our data suggests that geomorphology influenced the vegetation indirectly by affecting sand burial rate. Plant species richness declined less at sheltered conditions where sand burial was limited, allowing the build-up of organic matter. This indicates a time-dependent relationship between the development of embryo dunes and plant species richness: embryo dunes can be a source of shelter, thus increasing species richness, but can compete for space over time, lowering species richness again. Our results are relevant for engineering and management of biodiverse sandy shores

    Spatial and temporal variation in long-term sediment accumulation in a back-barrier salt marsh

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    In situ persistence of salt marshes in the face of sea-level rise relies on their ability to maintain substrate elevation through sufficient vertical accretion of sediment. However, sedimentation rates in salt marshes vary spatially and temporally, which complicates the assessment of their ability to keep up with sea-level rise. Here, we explore the spatial and temporal variation in sediment accumulation in a single back-barrier salt marsh site. Using one-time in situ measurements at the landscape scale, we obtained synoptic information of elevation and sediment thickness over the entire salt marsh in a chronosequence over centuries. Repeated measurements along short elevation transects (0.3–0.9 m +MHT) revealed decadal changes, complementing the broader marsh data with detailed information on elevation, thickness of the marsh deposits and accumulation rates. Thickness of the deposits was largely related to the elevation gradient: the sediment layer was thinner at the higher marsh (near the dunes and far away from the intertidal flats), and thicker at the lower marsh (near the intertidal flats). Moreover, the thickness of the layer increased with salt marsh age along the chronosequence, and age accounted for 72 % of variability in sediment accumulation. The rate of sediment accumulation was higher than the local rate of sea-level rise in the younger marsh, whereas it was equal to the rate of sea-level rise in the older marsh. In the older salt marsh, sediment accumulation was lower, possibly due to autocompaction in the thicker, older layers. Both at the landscape scale and along short elevation transects within individual drainage basins, sediment accumulation decreased with distance to sediment supply routes. However, their relative importance depended on the scale of observation. Distance to creeks accounted for 17 % of the variability in sediment accumulation at the landscape scale, compared to 4 % at the smaller scale. Similarly, the influence of distance to intertidal flats varied from 1 % at the landscape scale to 13 % at the smaller scale. Our main findings indicate that lower-elevation older marshes and higher-elevation younger marshes far away from sediment sources are at risk of not keeping pace with the local rate of sea-level rise and are potentially vulnerable to increased flooding.</p

    Global Proteomic Analysis Reveals an Exclusive Role of Thylakoid Membranes in Bioenergetics of a Model Cyanobacterium

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    Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic microbes with highly differentiated membrane systems. These organisms contain an outer membrane, plasma membrane, and an internal system of thylakoid membranes where the photosynthetic and respiratory machinery are found. This existence of compartmentalization and differentiation of membrane systems poses a number of challenges for cyanobacterial cells in terms of organization and distribution of proteins to the correct membrane system. Proteomics studies have long sought to identify the components of the different membrane systems in cyanobacteria, and to date about 450 different proteins have been attributed to either the plasma membrane or thylakoid membrane. Given the complexity of these membranes, many more proteins remain to be identified, and a comprehensive catalogue of plasma membrane and thylakoid membrane proteins is needed. Here we describe the identification of 635 differentially localized proteins in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 by quantitative iTRAQ isobaric labeling; of these, 459 proteins were localized to the plasma membrane and 176 were localized to the thylakoid membrane. Surprisingly, we found over 2.5 times the number of unique proteins identified in the plasma membrane compared with the thylakoid membrane. This suggests that the protein composition of the thylakoid membrane is more homogeneous than the plasma membrane, consistent with the role of the plasma membrane in diverse cellular processes including protein trafficking and nutrient import, compared with a more specialized role for the thylakoid membrane in cellular energetics. Thus, our data clearly define the two membrane systems with distinct functions. Overall, the protein compositions of the Synechocystis 6803 plasma membrane and thylakoid membrane are quite similar to that of the plasma membrane of Escherichia coli and thylakoid membrane of Arabidopsis chloroplasts, respectively. Synechocystis 6803 can therefore be described as a Gram-negative bacterium with an additional internal membrane system that fulfills the energetic requirements of the cell

    Measuring exercise adherence in patients with low back pain: development, validity, and reliability of the EXercise Adherence Scale (EXAS)

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    OBJECTIVES: To develop an instrument to measure adherence to frequency, intensity, and quality of performance of home-based exercise (HBE) programs recommended by a physical therapist and to evaluate its construct validity and reliability in patients with low back pain. METHODS: The Exercise Adherence Scale (EXAS) was developed following a literature search, an expert panel review, and a pilot test. The construct validity of the EXAS was determined based on data from 27 participants through an investigation of the convergent validity between adherence, lack of time to exercise, and lack of motivation to exercise. Associations between adherence, pain, and disability were determined to test divergent validity. The reliability of the EXAS quality of performance score was assessed using video recordings from 50 participants performing four exercises. RESULTS: Correlations between the EXAS and lack of time to exercise, lack of motivation to exercise, pain, and disability were rho = 0.47, rho = 0.48, rho = 0.005, and rho = 0.24, respectively. The intrarater reliability of the quality of performance score was Kappa quadratic weights (Kqw) = 0.87 (95%-CI 0.83-0.92). The interrater reliability was Kqw = 0.36 (95%-CI 0.27-0.45). CONCLUSIONS: The EXAS demonstrates acceptable construct validity for the measurement of adherence to HBE programs. Additionally, the EXAS shows excellent intrarater reliability and poor interrater reliability for the quality of performance score and is the first instrument to measure adherence to frequency, intensity, and quality of performance of HBE programs. The EXAS allows researchers and clinicians to better investigate the effects of adherence to HBE programs on the outcomes of interventions and treatments
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