45 research outputs found

    The intellectual information system of medical aid control in the scope of Russian medical insurance

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    The article presents the developed intellectual information system, oriented for healthcare providers. The system solves a problem of medical aid quality control in the Russian medical insurance sphere. The main components are ISO13606, fuzzy logic and a case-based reasoning concept. The system provides medical insurance payments forecasting by the analysis of medical records and generates two evaluations based on medical standards and a set of precedents. The result of the system implementation allowed up to a 10% increase in insurance payments for the healthcare provider

    Experimental study of stress-strain state of adhesive joints steel/carbon fiber under tension with a bend by digital image correlation

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    This paper presents a study of characteristics of an evolution of deformation fields in surface layers of medium-carbon low-alloy specimens under compression. The experiments were performed on the "Universal Testing Machine 4500" using a digital stereoscopic image processing system Vic-3D. A transition between stages is reflected as deformation redistribution on the near-surface layers

    Пероксидне окиснення білків стінки тонкої кишки, міокарда та печінки щурів при експериментальному застосуванні карагінану

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    Introduction. In the last decades, the carrageenans have become one of the most popular hydrocolloids in the food industry. In addition to the positive properties of hydrocolloids, researchers have established the relationship between the incidence of ulcerative colitis and the level of carrageenan consumption, which makes it considered as a potential etiological factor in the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.The aim of the study – to determine the level of oxidative modification of proteins of the wall of the small intestine, tissues of the heart and liver of rats using 1% κ-carrageenan solution.Materials and Methods. The study was carried out on 24 white non-linear male rats. The animals of the experimental group were provided with free access to a 1.0% of carrageenan solution for 1 month. In the selected samples of the small intestine, heart and liver was evaluated the peroxidic oxidation of proteins according to the level of their oxidation modifications products using spectrophotometry at wavelengths of 370 and 430 nm.Research Results. A significant increasing of ketone dinitrophenylhydrazones levels in the small intestine wall (by 57.0%) and in the liver (by 23.0%) and, respectively, the aldehyde dinitrophenylhydrazones levels by 47.7% and 19.1%, compared with the control values (p<0.01). In this case, the peroxide oxidation, to a greater extent, was subjected to neutral proteins. It should be noted that the peroxidic oxidation of proteins in the myocardium of the rats with carrageenan consumption, recorded at a wavelength of 370 nm, exceeded the control data by 14.3% (p<0.05).Conclusions. Oral administration of a 1% carrageenan solution in experimental animals leads to statistically significant activation statistically significant activation of peroxidation of proteins in the wall of the small intestine and the liver, whereas only the growth of neutral ketone dinitrophenylhydrazones is registered in the myocardium (p<0.05).Вступление. В последние десятилетия каррагинаны стали одними из самых популярных гидроколоидов в пищевой промышленности. Кроме положительных свойств гидроколоидов, исследователи установили взаимосвязь между заболеваемостью язвенным колитом и уровнем потребления каррагинана. С учетом этого его рассматривют как потенциальный этиологический фактор патологии желудочно-кишечного тракта человека.Цель исследования – было установить уровень окислительной модификации белков стенки тонкой кишки, тканей сердца и печени крыс при применении 1% раствора κ-карагинана.Методы исследования. Исследование проведено на 24 белых нелинейных крысах-самцах. Животным опытной группы обеспечивали свободный доступ к 1,0% раствору каррагинана в воде в течение 1 месяца. В отобранных образцах тонкой кишки, сердца и печени оценивали перекисное окисление белков по количеству продуктов их окислительных модификаций с помощью спектрофотометрии при длинах волны 370 и 430 нм.Результаты исследований. Установлено достоверное увеличение кетонодинитрофенилгидразонов в стенке тонкой кишки (на 57,0%) и печени (на 23,0%) и, соответственно, альдегидодинитрофенилгидразонов (АФГ) на 47,7% и 19,1%, против контрольных значений (р<0,01). При этом перекисное окисление, в большей степени, испытывали белки нейтрального характера. Следует отметить, что перекисное окисление белков в миокарде при применении каррагинана, зарегистрированное при длине волны 370 нм, превышало на 14,3% данные контроля (р<0,05).Выводы. Пероральное применение 1% раствора каррагинана крысам ведет к статистически значимой активации перекисного окисления белков в стенке тонкой кишки и печени, тогда как в миокарде зарегистрировано только рост нейтральных кетонодинитрофенилгидразонив (р<0,05).Вступ. В останні десятиріччя карагінани стали одними з найпопулярніших гідроколоїдів у харчовій промисловості. Окрім позитивних властивостей гідроколоїдів, дослідники встановили взаємозв’язок між захворюваністю на виразковий коліт і рівнем споживання карагінану.З огляду на це,його розглядають як потенційний етіологічний чинник патології шлунково-кишкового тракту людини.Мета дослідження– було встановити рівень окиснювальної модифікації білків стінки тонкої кишки, тканин серця і печінки щурів при застосуванні 1% розчину κ-карагінану.Методи дослідження. Дослідження проведено на 24 білих нелінійних щурах-самцях. Тваринам дослідної групи забезпечували вільний доступ до 1,0 % розчину карагінану в питній воді протягом 1 місяця. У відібраних зразках тонкої кишки, серця та печінки оцінювали пероксидне окиснення білків за кількістю продуктів їх окиснювальних модифікацій за допомогою спектрофотометрії при довжині хвилі 370 і 430 нм.Результати й обговорення. Встановлено достовірне зростання кетонодинітрофенілгідразонів у стінці тонкої кишки (на 57,0 %) і печінці (на 23,0 %) та, відповідно, альдегідодинітрофенілгідразонів на 47,7 і 19, 1 % проти контрольних значень (р<0,01). При цьому пероксидного окиснення більшою мірою, зазнавали білки нейтрального характеру. Слід зазначити, що пероксидне окиснення білків у міокарді при застосуванні карагінану, зареєстроване при довжині хвилі 370 нм, перевищувало на 14,3 % дані контролю (р<0,05).Висновок.Пероральне застосування 1% розчину карагінану призводить до статистично значимої активації пероксидного окиснення білків у стінці тонкої кишки і печінці щурів, тоді як у міокарді зареєстровано тільки зростання нейтральних кетонодинітрофенілгідразонів (р<0,05)


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    The relevance of the presented paper deals with the necessity of determining problems and effective solutions for medical organizations on the stage of medical documentation reports control purposely for forecasting the average of financial resources that can be obtained in the scope of compulsory health insurance program.The aim of the study – for the purpose of further issues definition present formal model of the analyzed process using a set of system analysis methods.Material and methods. System analysis methods, especially IDEF0 diagrams and activity diagrams, for estimation of medical expert’s agreement Cohen’s kappa was used.The results. Based on the specification documents and expert’s experience the spread description on the process the control of volume, duration, quality and conditions of medical service assignment by medical organizations conducted by medical insurance organization was presented. Inputs, outputs, elements of management and executives were determined. As a result of decomposition, subprocesess were presented within activity diagrams.Conclusions. The obtained results of research allows to conclude that there is a set of problems which appear when medical organizations send reports for getting financial resources for clinical service realization in the scope of compulsory health insurance program. On the grounds of determined problems, we can conclude that it is necessary to develop an intellectual information system for estimating clinical records concerning getting financial resources for clinical service. In respect that human factor influence on the main stages of the analyzed process, we propose to use fuzzy logic as an inference engine. The self-learning function of the system will provide case-based reasoning.Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью выявления проблем и выработки эффективных решений для медицинских организаций на этапе контроля отчетной медицинской документации с целью прогнозирования получения денежных средств по программе обязательного медицинского страхования.Цель работы – используя средства аппарата системного анализа, представить формальную модель исследуемого процесса для дальнейшего выявления проблем.Материал и методы. Применяются методы системного анализа, в частности диаграммы IDEF0, а также диаграммы деятельности (activitydiagram), для оценки согласованности медицинских экспертов используется каппа Коэна.Результаты. На основе нормативных документов, а также опыта экспертов представлено развернутое описание процесса контроля объемов, сроков, качества и условий предоставления медицинской помощи медицинскими организациями, проводимого страховой медицинской организацией. Определены входные и выходные параметры, а также элементы управления и исполнения процесса. Полученные в результате декомпозиции подпроцессы представлены с применением диаграмм последовательности.Выводы. Полученные результаты исследования позволяют сделать вывод о наличии ряда проблем, с которыми сталкиваются медицинские организации при подаче на проверку медицинской отчетности для последующего получения денежных средств за оказанные медицинские услуги по программе обязательного медицинского страхования. На основании выявленных проблем можно сделать вывод о необходимости разработки интеллектуальной информационной системы, способной проводить оценку историй болезни на предмет получения денежных средств за оказанные медицинские услуги. Принимая во внимание наличие человеческого фактора на наиболее важных итерациях иследуемого процесса, предлагается в качестве метода логического вывода будущей системы использовать нечеткую логику, а функцию самообучаемости системы обеспечит реализованный в перспективе анализ прецеденто

    Reciprocal Effects on Neurocognitive and Metabolic Phenotypes in Mouse Models of 16p11.2 Deletion and Duplication Syndromes.

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    The 16p11.2 600 kb BP4-BP5 deletion and duplication syndromes have been associated with developmental delay; autism spectrum disorders; and reciprocal effects on the body mass index, head circumference and brain volumes. Here, we explored these relationships using novel engineered mouse models carrying a deletion (Del/+) or a duplication (Dup/+) of the Sult1a1-Spn region homologous to the human 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 locus. On a C57BL/6N inbred genetic background, Del/+ mice exhibited reduced weight and impaired adipogenesis, hyperactivity, repetitive behaviors, and recognition memory deficits. In contrast, Dup/+ mice showed largely opposite phenotypes. On a F1 C57BL/6N × C3B hybrid genetic background, we also observed alterations in social interaction in the Del/+ and the Dup/+ animals, with other robust phenotypes affecting recognition memory and weight. To explore the dosage effect of the 16p11.2 genes on metabolism, Del/+ and Dup/+ models were challenged with high fat and high sugar diet, which revealed opposite energy imbalance. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that the majority of the genes located in the Sult1a1-Spn region were sensitive to dosage with a major effect on several pathways associated with neurocognitive and metabolic phenotypes. Whereas the behavioral consequence of the 16p11 region genetic dosage was similar in mice and humans with activity and memory alterations, the metabolic defects were opposite: adult Del/+ mice are lean in comparison to the human obese phenotype and the Dup/+ mice are overweight in comparison to the human underweight phenotype. Together, these data indicate that the dosage imbalance at the 16p11.2 locus perturbs the expression of modifiers outside the CNV that can modulate the penetrance, expressivity and direction of effects in both humans and mice

    Susceptibility to tuberculosis is associated with variants in the ASAP1 gene encoding a regulator of dendritic cell migration

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    Human genetic factors predispose to tuberculosis (TB). We studied 7.6 million genetic variants in 5,530 people with pulmonary TB and in 5,607 healthy controls. In the combined analysis of these subjects and the follow-up cohort (15,087 TB patients and controls altogether), we found an association between TB and variants located in introns of the ASAP1 gene on chromosome 8q24 (P = 2.6 × 10−11 for rs4733781; P = 1.0 × 10−10 for rs10956514). Dendritic cells (DCs) showed high ASAP1 expression that was reduced after Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, and rs10956514 was associated with the level of reduction of ASAP1 expression. The ASAP1 protein is involved in actin and membrane remodeling and has been associated with podosomes. The ASAP1-depleted DCs showed impaired matrix degradation and migration. Therefore, genetically determined excessive reduction of ASAP1 expression in M. tuberculosis–infected DCs may lead to their impaired migration, suggesting a potential mechanism of predisposition to TB

    Integrated biorefinery approach to valorise Saccharina latissima biomass : Combined sustainable processing to produce biologically active fucoxanthin, mannitol, fucoidans and alginates

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    The feasibility of European seaweed farming depends on the valorisation of algal biomass harvested. In the present work we have combined sequential extraction processes from Saccharina latissima to produce a range of products, focusing on the extraction of fucoxanthin using supercritical CO2 followed by different valorisation routes. We optimised the conditions the for extraction of fucoxanthin (40 MPa, temperature has little impact on extraction) and the extracts obtained were tested on cancer cell cultures to determine the antiproliferative effects of this pigment. We established that the supercritical CO2 extracts have an antiproliferative effect similar to that of commercial fucoxanthin (concentrations 0.1–0.4 mg/mL) and showed that the active compound in the extracts is fucoxanthin. In order to integrate this process with a holistic valorisation of the algal biomass, we explored the extraction of mannitol using a microwave-assisted protocol (4.15 wt % yield). We also evaluated the potential extraction of fucoidans and alginates from the solids remaining after supercritical CO2 extraction (67.27 to 69.38 % of alginates). A life cycle analysis of the supercritical CO2 extraction proposed shows that the drying process of algal biomass and the energy used to compress the CO2 are the elements with the highest environmental impact (over 90% of CO2 eq/g of extract) in this the process, indicating routes for reducing the environmental footprint. Combining supercritical CO2 extraction and microwave-assisted extraction methods would enable European seaweed producers to obtain multiple marketable products from algal biomass

    Arc requires PSD95 for assembly into postsynaptic complexes involved with neural dysfunction and intelligence

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    Arc is an activity-regulated neuronal protein, but little is known about its interactions, assembly into multiprotein complexes, and role in human disease and cognition. We applied an integrated proteomic and genetic strategy by targeting a tandem affinity purification (TAP) tag and Venus fluorescent protein into the endogenous Arc gene in mice. This allowed biochemical and proteomic characterization of native complexes in wild-type and knockout mice. We identified many Arc-interacting proteins, of which PSD95 was the most abundant. PSD95 was essential for Arc assembly into 1.5-MDa complexes and activity-dependent recruitment to excitatory synapses. Integrating human genetic data with proteomic data showed that Arc-PSD95 complexes are enriched in schizophrenia, intellectual disability, autism, and epilepsy mutations and normal variants in intelligence. We propose that Arc-PSD95 postsynaptic complexes potentially affect human cognitive function

    Evolution of GluN2A/B cytoplasmic domains diversified vertebrate synaptic plasticity and behavior

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    Two genome duplications early in the vertebrate lineage expanded gene families, including GluN2 subunits of the NMDA receptor. Diversification between the four mammalian GluN2 proteins occurred primarily at their intracellular C−terminal domains (CTDs). To identify shared ancestral functions and diversified subunit−specific functions, we exchanged the exons encoding the GluN2A (also known as Grin2a) and GluN2B (also known as Grin2b) CTDs in two knock−in mice and analyzed the mice's biochemistry, synaptic physiology, and multiple learned and innate behaviors. The eight behaviors were genetically separated into four groups, including one group comprising three types of learning linked to conserved GluN2A/B regions. In contrast, the remaining five behaviors exhibited subunit−specific regulation. GluN2A/B CTD diversification conferred differential binding to cytoplasmic MAGUK proteins and differential forms of long−term potentiation. These data indicate that vertebrate behavior and synaptic signaling acquired increased complexity from the duplication and diversification of ancestral GluN2 gene