124 research outputs found

    MoKCa database - mutations of kinases in cancer

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    Members of the protein kinase family are amongst the most commonly mutated genes in human cancer, and both mutated and activated protein kinases have proved to be tractable targets for the development of new anticancer therapies The MoKCa database (Mutations of Kinases in Cancer, http://strubiol.icr.ac.uk/extra/mokca) has been developed to structurally and functionally annotate, and where possible predict, the phenotypic consequences of mutations in protein kinases implicated in cancer. Somatic mutation data from tumours and tumour cell lines have been mapped onto the crystal structures of the affected protein domains. Positions of the mutated amino-acids are highlighted on a sequence-based domain pictogram, as well as a 3D-image of the protein structure, and in a molecular graphics package, integrated for interactive viewing. The data associated with each mutation is presented in the Web interface, along with expert annotation of the detailed molecular functional implications of the mutation. Proteins are linked to functional annotation resources and are annotated with structural and functional features such as domains and phosphorylation sites. MoKCa aims to provide assessments available from multiple sources and algorithms for each potential cancer-associated mutation, and present these together in a consistent and coherent fashion to facilitate authoritative annotation by cancer biologists and structural biologists, directly involved in the generation and analysis of new mutational data

    Re-Printing Architectural Heritage: Exploring Current 3D Printing and Scanning Technologies

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    Additive Manufacturing (commonly known as 3D printing) technology has become a global phenomenon. In the domain of heritage, 3D printing is seen as a time and cost efficient method for restoring vulnerable architectural structures. The technology can also provide an opportunity to reproduce missing or destroyed cultural heritage, in the cases of conflicts or environmental threats. This project takes the Hippolytuskerk in the Dutch village of Middelstum, as a case study to explore the limits of the existing technology, and the challenges of 3D printing of cultural heritage. Architectural historians, modelling experts, and industrial scientists from the universities of Delft and Eindhoven have engaged with diverse aspects of 3D printing, to reproduce a selected part of the 15th century church. This experimental project has tested available technologies to reproduce a mural on a section of one of the church’s vault with maximum possible fidelity to material, colors and local microstructures. The project shows challenges and opportunities of today’s technology for 3D printing in heritage, varying from the incapability of the scanning technology to capture the existing cracks in the required resolution, to the high costs of speciality printing, and the limited possibilities for combining both printing techniques for such a complex structure. &nbsp

    Re-Printing Architectural Heritage: Exploring Current 3D Printing and Scanning Technologies

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    Additive Manufacturing (commonly known as 3D printing) technology has become a global phenomenon. In the domain of heritage, 3D printing is seen as a time and cost efficient method for restoring vulnerable architectural structures. The technology can also provide an opportunity to reproduce missing or destroyed cultural heritage, in the cases of conflicts or environmental threats. This project takes the Hippolytuskerk in the Dutch village of Middelstum, as a case study to explore the limits of the existing technology, and the challenges of 3D printing of cultural heritage. Architectural historians, modelling experts, and industrial scientists from the universities of Delft and Eindhoven have engaged with diverse aspects of 3D printing, to reproduce a selected part of the 15th century church. This experimental project has tested available technologies to reproduce a mural on a section of one of the church’s vault with maximum possible fidelity to material, colors and local microstructures. The project shows challenges and opportunities of today’s technology for 3D printing in heritage, varying from the incapability of the scanning technology to capture the existing cracks in the required resolution, to the high costs of speciality printing, and the limited possibilities for combining both printing techniques for such a complex structure. &nbsp

    Activation of HER3 Interferes with Antitumor Effects of Axl Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors: Suggestion of Combination Therapy.

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    The Axl receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) has been established as a strong candidate for targeted therapy of cancer. However, the benefits of targeted therapies are limited due to acquired resistance and activation of alternative RTKs. Therefore, we asked if cancer cells are able to overcome targeted Axl therapies. Here, we demonstrate that inhibition of Axl by short interfering RNA or the tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) BMS777607 induces the expression of human epidermal growth factor receptor 3 (HER3) and the neuregulin 1(NRG1)-dependent phosphorylation of HER3 in MDA-MB231 and Ovcar8 cells. Moreover, analysis of 20 Axl-expressing cancer cell lines of different tissue origin indicates a low basal phosphorylation of RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase (AKT) as a general requirement for HER3 activation on Axl inhibition. Consequently, phosphorylation of AKT arises as an independent biomarker for Axl treatment. Additionally, we introduce phosphorylation of HER3 as an independent pharmacodynamic biomarker for monitoring of anti-Axl therapy response. Inhibition of cell viability by BMS777607 could be rescued by NRG1-dependent activation of HER3, suggesting an escape mechanism by tumor microenvironment. The Axl-TKI MPCD84111 simultaneously blocked Axl and HER2/3 signaling and thereby prohibited HER3 feedback activation. Furthermore, dual inhibition of Axl and HER2/3 using BMS777607 and lapatinib led to a significant inhibition of cell viability in Axl-expressing MDA-MB231 and Ovcar8 cells. Therefore, we conclude that, in patient cohorts with expression of Axl and low basal activity of AKT, a combined inhibition of Axl and HER2/3 kinase would be beneficial to overcome acquired resistance to Axl-targeted therapies

    Widespread Hypomethylation Occurs Early and Synergizes with Gene Amplification during Esophageal Carcinogenesis

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    Although a combination of genomic and epigenetic alterations are implicated in the multistep transformation of normal squamous esophageal epithelium to Barrett esophagus, dysplasia, and adenocarcinoma, the combinatorial effect of these changes is unknown. By integrating genome-wide DNA methylation, copy number, and transcriptomic datasets obtained from endoscopic biopsies of neoplastic progression within the same individual, we are uniquely able to define the molecular events associated progression of Barrett esophagus. We find that the previously reported global hypomethylation phenomenon in cancer has its origins at the earliest stages of epithelial carcinogenesis. Promoter hypomethylation synergizes with gene amplification and leads to significant upregulation of a chr4q21 chemokine cluster and other transcripts during Barrett neoplasia. In contrast, gene-specific hypermethylation is observed at a restricted number of loci and, in combination with hemi-allelic deletions, leads to downregulatation of selected transcripts during multistep progression. We also observe that epigenetic regulation during epithelial carcinogenesis is not restricted to traditionally defined “CpG islands,” but may also occur through a mechanism of differential methylation outside of these regions. Finally, validation of novel upregulated targets (CXCL1 and 3, GATA6, and DMBT1) in a larger independent panel of samples confirms the utility of integrative analysis in cancer biomarker discovery

    Inactivation of TIF1Îł Cooperates with KrasG12D to Induce Cystic Tumors of the Pancreas

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    Inactivation of the Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGFÎČ) tumor suppressor pathway contributes to the progression of Pancreatic Ductal AdenoCarcinoma (PDAC) since it is inactivated in virtually all cases of this malignancy. Genetic lesions inactivating this pathway contribute to pancreatic tumor progression in mouse models. Transcriptional Intermediary Factor 1 gamma (TIF1Îł) has recently been proposed to be involved in TGFÎČ signaling, functioning as either a positive or negative regulator of the pathway. Here, we addressed the role of TIF1Îł in pancreatic carcinogenesis. Using conditional Tif1Îł knockout mice (Tif1Îłlox/lox), we selectively abrogated Tif1Îł expression in the pancreas of Pdx1-Cre;Tif1Îłlox/lox mice. We also generated Pdx1-Cre;LSL-KrasG12D;Tif1Îłlox/lox mice to address the effect of Tif1Îł loss-of-function in precancerous lesions induced by oncogenic KrasG12D. Finally, we analyzed TIF1Îł expression in human pancreatic tumors. In our mouse model, we showed that Tif1Îł was dispensable for normal pancreatic development but cooperated with Kras activation to induce pancreatic tumors reminiscent of human Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms (IPMNs). Interestingly, these cystic lesions resemble those observed in Pdx1-Cre;LSL-KrasG12D;Smad4lox/lox mice described by others. However, distinctive characteristics, such as the systematic presence of endocrine pseudo-islets within the papillary projections, suggest that SMAD4 and TIF1Îł don't have strictly redundant functions. Finally, we report that TIF1Îł expression is markedly down-regulated in human pancreatic tumors by quantitative RT–PCR and immunohistochemistry supporting the relevance of these findings to human malignancy. This study suggests that TIF1Îł is critical for tumor suppression in the pancreas, brings new insight into the genetics of pancreatic cancer, and constitutes a promising model to decipher the respective roles of SMAD4 and TIF1Îł in the multifaceted functions of TGFÎČ in carcinogenesis and development

    Slug enhances invasion ability of pancreatic cancer cells through upregulation of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and actin cytoskeleton remodeling

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    Slug, a member of the Snail family of transcription factors, has a crucial role in the regulation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) by suppressing several epithelial markers and adhesion molecules, including E-cadherin. A recent study demonstrated that no relationship exists between Slug and E-cadherin in pancreatic cancer. Another study showed that in malignant mesothelioma effusions Slug was associated with matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression, but that there was no association with E-cadherin. F-ascin is an actin-bundling protein involved in filopodia assembly and cancer invasion and metastasis of multiple epithelial cancer types. In this study, we investigated Slug, E-cadherin, and MMP-9 expression using immunohistochemistry in 60 patients with pancreatic cancer and their correlation with carcinoma invasion and metastasis. Additionally, we observed the effects of Slug on invasion and metastasis in the pancreatic cancer cell line PANC-1. Alterations in Slug, MMP-9, and E-cadherin were determined by RT-PCR, western blot, and immunohistochemistry. Alterations in MMP-9 and F-actin cytoskeleton were determined by immunofluorescence staining, flow cytometry (FCM), or gelatin zymography. Slug, E-cadherin, and MMP-9 expression in pancreatic cancer was significantly associated with lymph node metastases and we found a significant correlation between Slug and MMP-9 expression; however, no significant correlation was observed between Slug and E-cadherin expression. Slug transfection significantly increased invasion and metastasis in PANC-1 cells and orthotopic tumor of mouse in vivo, and significantly upregulated and activated MMP-9; however, there was no effect on E-cadherin expression. Slug promoted the formation of lamelliopodia or filopodia in PANC-1 cells. The intracellular F-actin and MMP-9 was increased and relocated to the front of the extending pseudopodia from the perinuclear pool in Slug-transfected PANC-1 cells. These results suggest that Slug promotes migration and invasion of PANC-1 cells, which may correlate with the reorganization of MMP-9 and remodeling of the F-actin cytoskeleton, but not with E-cadherin expression

    Increased expression of phosphorrylated NBS1, a key molecule of the DNA damage response machinery, is an adverse prognostic factor in patients with de novo myelodysplastic syndromes

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    The expression of activated forms of key proteins of the DNA damage response machinery (pNBS1, pATM and ÎłH2AX) was assessed by means of immunohistochemistry in bone marrow biopsies of 74 patients with de novo myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and compared with 15 cases of de novo acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and 20 with reactive bone marrow histology. Expression levels were significantly increased in both MDS and AML, compared to controls, being higher in high-risk than in low-risk MDS. Increased pNBS1 and ÎłH2AX expression possessed a significant negative prognostic impact for overall survival in MDS patients, whereas pNBS1 was an independent marker of poor prognosis
