5,213 research outputs found

    Serological evidence of exposure to Rickettsia felis and Rickettsia typhi in Australian veterinarians

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    BACKGROUND: Rickettsia felis and Rickettsia typhi are emerging arthropod-borne zoonoses causing fever and flu-like symptoms. Seroprevalence and risk factors associated with exposure to these organisms was explored in Australian veterinarians. METHODS: One hundred and thirty-one veterinarians from across Australia were recruited to participate in a cross-sectional survey. Veterinarians provided a single blood sample and answered a questionnaire on potential risk factors influencing their exposure to R. felis and R. typhi. Indirect microimmunofluorescence antibody testing (IFAT) was used to identify evidence of serological exposure of the participants to R. felis and R. typhi. Results were analyzed and a logistical regression model performed to predict risk factors associated with seropositivity. RESULTS: In total, 16.0% of participants were seropositive to R. felis, 4.6% to R. typhi and 35.1% seropositive to both, where cross-reactivity of the IFAT between R. felis and R. typhi precluded a definitive diagnosis. Veterinarians residing within the south-eastern states of Victoria and Tasmania were at a higher risk of exposure to R. felis or generalised R. felis or R. typhi exposure. Older veterinarians and those that recommended flea treatment to their clients were found to be significantly protected from exposure. CONCLUSIONS: The high exposure to R. felis amongst veterinary professionals suggests that flea-borne spotted fever is an important cause of undifferentiated fever conditions that may not be adequately recognized in Australia

    Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies up to z~1 in the HST Ultra Deep Field: I. Small galaxies, or blue centers of massive disks?

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    We analyze 26 Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies (LCBGs) in the HST/ACS Ultra Deep Field (UDF) at z ~ 0.2-1.3, to determine whether these are truly small galaxies, or rather bright central starbursts within existing or forming large disk galaxies. Surface brightness profiles from UDF images reach fainter than rest-frame 26.5 B mag/arcsec^2 even for compact objects at z~1. Most LCBGs show a smaller, brighter component that is likely star-forming, and an extended, roughly exponential component with colors suggesting stellar ages >~ 100 Myr to few Gyr. Scale lengths of the extended components are mostly >~ 2 kpc, >1.5-2 times smaller than those of nearby large disk galaxies like the Milky Way. Larger, very low surface brightness disks can be excluded down to faint rest-frame surface brightnesses (>~ 26 B mag/arcsec^2). However, 1 or 2 of the LCBGs are large, disk-like galaxies that meet LCBG selection criteria due to a bright central nucleus, possibly a forming bulge. These results indicate that >~ 90% of high-z LCBGs are small galaxies that will evolve into small disk galaxies, and low mass spheroidal or irregular galaxies in the local Universe, assuming passive evolution and no significant disk growth. The data do not reveal signs of disk formation around small, HII-galaxy-like LCBGs, and do not suggest a simple inside-out growth scenario for larger LCBGs with a disk-like morphology. Irregular blue emission in distant LCBGs is relatively extended, suggesting that nebular emission lines from star-forming regions sample a major fraction of an LCBG's velocity field.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, AASTeX; accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Evidences of a consolute critical point in the Phase Separation regime of La(5/8-y)Pr(y)Ca(3/8)MnO(3) (y = 0.4) single crystals

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    We report on DC and pulsed electric field sensitivity of the resistance of mixed valent Mn oxide based La(5/8-y)Pr(y)Ca(3/8)MnO(3) (y = 0.4) single crystals as a function of temperature. The low temperature regime of the resistivity is highly current and voltage dependent. An irreversible transition from high (HR) to a low resistivity (LR) is obtained upon the increase of the electric field up to a temperature dependent critical value (V_c). The current-voltage characteristics in the LR regime as well as the lack of a variation in the magnetization response when V_c is reached indicate the formation of a non-single connected filamentary conducting path. The temperature dependence of V_c indicates the existence of a consolute point where the conducting and insulating phases produce a critical behavior as a consequence of their separation.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, corresponding author: C. Acha ([email protected]

    The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: Discovery of Luminous, Metal-poor, Sta r-forming Galaxies at Redshifts z~0.7

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    We have discovered a sample of 17 metal-poor, yet luminous, star-forming galaxies at redshifts z~0.7. They were selected from the initial phase of the DEEP2 survey of 3900 galaxies and the Team Keck Redshift Survey (TKRS) of 1536 galaxies as those showing the temperature-sensitive [OIII]l4363 auroral line. These rare galaxies have blue luminosities close to L*, high star formation rates of 5 to 12 solar masses per year, and oxygen abundances of 1/3 to 1/10 solar. They thus lie significantly off the luminosity-metallicity relation found previously for field galaxies with strong emission lines at redshifts z~0.7. The prior surveys relied on indirect, empirical calibrations of the R23 diagnostic and the assumption that luminous galaxies are not metal-poor. Our discovery suggests that this assumption is sometimes invalid. As a class, these newly-discovered galaxies are: (1) more metal-poor than common classes of bright emission-line galaxies at z~0.7 or at the present epoch; (2) comparable in metallicity to z~3 Lyman Break Galaxies but less luminous; and (3) comparable in metallicity to local metal-poor eXtreme Blue Compact Galaxies (XBCGs), but more luminous. Together, the three samples suggest that the most-luminous, metal-poor, compact galaxies become fainter over time.Comment: This is a .tgz file. It should create the following files: texto.tex, tab1.tex, f1.eps and f2.eps. The LaTeX style used is emulateapj.cls, version November 26, 2004. This submission is 5 pages long, one table and two figures. To appear in ApJ

    The Magnitude-Size Relation of Galaxies out to z ~ 1

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    As part of the Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe (DEEP) survey, a sample of 190 field galaxies (I_{814} <= 23.5) in the ``Groth Survey Strip'' has been used to analyze the magnitude-size relation over the range 0.1 < z < 1.1. The survey is statistically complete to this magnitude limit. All galaxies have photometric structural parameters, including bulge fractions (B/T), from Hubble Space Telescope images, and spectroscopic redshifts from the Keck Telescope. The analysis includes a determination of the survey selection function in the magnitude-size plane as a function of redshift, which mainly drops faint galaxies at large distances. Our results suggest that selection effects play a very important role. A first analysis treats disk-dominated galaxies with B/T < 0.5. If selection effects are ignored, the mean disk surface brightness (averaged over all galaxies) increases by ~1.3 mag from z = 0.1 to 0.9. However, most of this change is plausibly due to comparing low luminosity galaxies in nearby redshift bins to high luminosity galaxies in distant bins. If this effect is allowed for, no discernible evolution remains in the disk surface brightness of bright (M_B < -19) disk-dominated galaxies. A second analysis treats all galaxies by substituting half-light radius for disk scale length, with similar conclusions. Indeed, at all redshifts, the bulk of galaxies is consistent with the magnitude-size envelope of local galaxies, i.e., with little or no evolution in surface brightness. In the two highest redshift bins (z > 0.7), a handful of luminous, high surface brightness galaxies appears that occupies a region of the magnitude-size plane rarely populated by local galaxies. Their wide range of colors and bulge fractions points to a variety of possible origins.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Dynamics of axialized laser-cooled ions in a Penning trap

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    We report the experimental characterization of axialization - a method of reducing the magnetron motion of a small number of ions stored in a Penning trap. This is an important step in the investigation of the suitability of Penning traps for quantum information processing. The magnetron motion was coupled to the laser-cooled modified cyclotron motion by the application of a near-resonant oscillating quadrupole potential (the "axialization drive"). Measurement of cooling rates of the radial motions of the ions showed an order-of-magnitude increase in the damping rate of the magnetron motion with the axialization drive applied. The experimental results are in good qualitative agreement with a recent theoretical study. In particular, a classical avoided crossing was observed in the motional frequencies as the axialization drive frequency was swept through the optimum value, proving that axialization is indeed a resonant effect.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure
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