55 research outputs found
Mobilní komunikační software
Cieľom práce je vytvorenie softvéru pre mobilné telefóny, ktorý bude vedieť urobiť sieť z okolitých mobilných telefónov využívajúci tento softvér cez protokol Bluetooth. Bude možné posielať po tejto sieti vlastné vytvorené média, a to text, audio, fotky a video. Média bude možné posielať aj cez protokol Jabber pomocou Uuencode/Uudecode, ktorý bude implementovaný v už existujúcom programu \"Mobber\". Program bude implementovaný v Java 2 Micro Edition a bude nadstavbou nad spomenutým programom "Mobber".The goal of this project is to write a program for mobile phones that will be able to create a network out of surrounding mobile phone by using the Bluetooth Protocol. It will be able to send media like text, audio, images and video (for those phones that support it). The program will also be capable of sending these media through the Jabber Protocol by using Uuencode/Uudecode. The program will be written in Java 2 Micro Edition a will be an add-on to an existing program "Mobber", in which the Jabber Protocol is already implemented.Ústav formální a aplikované lingvistikyInstitute of Formal and Applied LinguisticsFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult
Folding of Alzheimer's core PHF subunit revealed by monoclonal antibody 423
AbstractAt present, the conformation-dependent monoclonal antibodies (mAb) provide the only information on folding of tau in the core PHF. Monoclonal antibody MN423 recognizes all and only those Alzheimer's disease (AD) core paired helical filaments (PHFs) subunits, which terminate at Glu391. Using recombinant analogs of the core PHF subunit corresponding to tau residues τ297–391, we found that the C-terminal pentapeptide 387DHGAE391 represented only one component of the structure recognized by mAb 423. Therefore, deletion mutants of the core subunit were generated to identify assembled parts of this conformational structure. We localized two spatially close components in the region 306–325 (306VQIVYK311 and 321KCGSL325) contributing to formation of the structure identified by mAb 423. Thus, the spatial proximity of three subunit segments 306VQIVYK311, 321KCGSL325 and 387DHGAE391 represents constraints for intramolecular folding of the core PHF subunit. Since PHF represents a compelling drug target in AD, structural knowledge presented could contribute to structure-based drug design
Communication software for cellular phones
The goal of this project is to write a program for mobile phones that will be able to create a network out of surrounding mobile phone by using the Bluetooth Protocol. It will be able to send media like text, audio, images and video (for those phones that support it). The program will also be capable of sending these media through the Jabber Protocol by using Uuencode/Uudecode. The program will be written in Java 2 Micro Edition a will be an add-on to an existing program "Mobber", in which the Jabber Protocol is already implemented
Počítačem usnadněné bydlení - Inteligentní vytápění
The goal of this work is to utilize computer technology for improvement and comfort of our lives in households. The student will consider and compare various control methods with respect to long term heating of buildings. Chosen methods will be implemented and their activity confronted with contemporary reactive control systems in comparison to computation complexity, home user comfort or from a energy-wise perspective needed to attain similar results
Communication software for cellular phones
The goal of this project is to write a program for mobile phones that will be able to create a network out of surrounding mobile phone by using the Bluetooth Protocol. It will be able to send media like text, audio, images and video (for those phones that support it). The program will also be capable of sending these media through the Jabber Protocol by using Uuencode/Uudecode. The program will be written in Java 2 Micro Edition a will be an add-on to an existing program "Mobber", in which the Jabber Protocol is already implemented
The slovak-hungarian dispute over double nationality
Słowacja i Węgry mają głębokie więzi historyczne, które wpływają na obecną sytuację polityczną i na wzajemne stosunki między tymi państwami. Ważnym podmiotem, który wchodzi w grę przy rozważaniach kwestii spornych, jest mniejszość węgierska zamieszkująca terytorium Słowacji. Na podstawie nowelizacji ustawy o obywatelstwie Węgier z 2010 roku miała ona uzyskać preferencyjny i uproszczony dostęp do obywatelstwa węgierskiego, co zostało ze strony politycznych elit słowackich odebrane jako prowokacja i doprowadziło do przyjęcia nowelizacji ustawy o obywatelstwie Słowacji, na podstawie której jednostka dobrowolnie żądająca obywatelstwa innego państwa automatycznie traci obywatelstwo słowackie. Praca ma za cel analizować kwestie narodu i podstawowe kategorie obywatelstwa oraz najważniejsze podmioty, które przyczyniły się do powstania sporu o podwójne obywatelstwo, jak również konsekwencje polityczno-społeczne obu ustaw.Slovakia and Hungary have strong historical ties, which have an influence on the current political situation as well as the bilateral relations between these countries. An important element in the bilateral disputes is the hungarian minority residing on the Slovak territory. The new hungarian law on double nationality from 2010 granted them a preferential access to hungarian citizenship, which was considered by the Slovak political elites as a provocation and led to passing a similar law on the Slovak side, based on which any Slovak citizen vountarily acquiring a citizenship of another country automatically loses their original one. The goal of this thesis is to analyze issues related to nation and basic categories of citizenship along with the most important elements that led to the dispute over double nationality and its political and social consequences
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