152 research outputs found

    Respiratory Rate Derived from Pulse Photoplethysmographic Signal by Pulse Decomposition Analysis

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    A novel technique to derive respiratory rate from pulse photoplethysmographic (PPG) signals is presented. It exploits some morphological features of the PPG pulse that are known to be modulated by respiration: amplitude, slope transit time, and width of the main wave, and time to the first reflected wave. A pulse decomposition analysis technique is proposed to measure these features. This technique allows to decompose the PPG pulse into its main wave and its subsequent reflected waves, improving the robustness against noise and morphological changes that usually occur in long-term recordings. Proposed methods were evaluated with a data base containing PPG and plethysmography-based respiratory signals simultaneously recorded during a paced-breathing experiment. Results suggest that normal ranges of spontaneous respiratory rate (0.1-0.5 Hz) can be accurately estimated (median and interquartile range of relative error less than 5%) from PPG signals by using the studied features

    Photoplethysmogram Signal Morphology-Based Stress Assessment

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    Stress is a healthy natural response to a perceived or actual threat. However, when stress is persistent, it may decrease work productivity, increase the risk of diseases, and affect the quality of life. Stress is reflected in physiological variables, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and pulse wave velocity among others. A photoplethys-mogram (PPG) contains information related to pulse rate and blood pressure. This study analyses parameters derived from PPG signal morphology for mental stress assessment.A low-complexity algorithm is designed using bandpass filtered higher-order derivatives of the PPG signal for estimation of six morphological parameters: the forward pulse wave amplitude A1, the systole and diastole durations T1 and Td, the time delays of reflected waves T12 and T13 from the renal and iliac sites in the central arteries, and the pulse duration Tp. The parameters were investigated on a set of 18 healthy subjects by using a modified Trier Social Stress Test.The results show that the most sensitive PPG morphology parameters to mental stress are the amplitude of forward wave A1, the duration of diastole Td, the time delay of the reflected wave T13, and the pulse-to-pulse interval Tp

    Heart Rate Variability Analysis Guided by Respiration in Major Depressive Disorder

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    In this study a Heart Rate Variability (HRV) analysis guided by respiration to evaluate different patterns of Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) in response to a cognitive stressor between Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and control (CT) subjects is presented. Cardiorespiratory Time Frequency Coherence (TFC) reveals the local coupling of HRV and respiration signal which is essential and usually not included in estimation of ANS measures derived by HRV. Parasympathetic activity of ANS is measured as the power at the frequencies where TFC between HRV and respiration is significant, whereas sympathetic dominance is measured as the normalized power in the low frequency band [0.04,0.15] Hz of HRV excluding the power of those frequencies related to respiration. Results showed significantly lower (p <; 0.05) sympathetic dominance in MDD with respect to CT subjects during stress, suggesting that ANS reactivity as response to stress stimuli is lower in MDD patients. The study of ANS reactivity to a stressor may serve as a biomarker useful for the early diagnosis and monitoring of MDD patients

    Autonomic response to walk tests is useful for assessing outcome measures in people with multiple sclerosis

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between changes in the autonomic control of cardiorespiratory system induced by walk tests and outcome measures in people with Multiple Sclerosis (pwMS). Methods: Electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings of 148 people with Relapsing-Remitting MS (RRMS) and 58 with Secondary Progressive MS (SPMS) were acquired using a wearable device before, during, and after walk test performance from a total of 386 periodical clinical visits. A subset of 90 participants repeated a walk test at home. Various MS-related symptoms, including fatigue, disability, and walking capacity were evaluated at each clinical visit, while heart rate variability (HRV) and ECG-derived respiration (EDR) were analyzed to assess autonomic nervous system (ANS) function. Statistical tests were conducted to assess differences in ANS control between pwMS grouped based on the phenotype or the severity of MS-related symptoms. Furthermore, correlation coefficients (r) were calculated to assess the association between the most significant ANS parameters and MS-outcome measures. Results: People with SPMS, compared to RRMS, reached higher mean heart rate (HRM) values during walk test, and larger sympathovagal balance after test performance. Furthermore, pwMS who were able to adjust their HRM and ventilatory values, such as respiratory rate and standard deviation of the ECG-derived respiration, were associated with better clinical outcomes. Correlation analyses showed weak associations between ANS parameters and clinical outcomes when the Multiple Sclerosis phenotype is not taken into account. Blunted autonomic response, in particular HRM reactivity, was related with worse walking capacity, yielding r = 0.36 r = 0.29 (RRMS) and r > 0.5 (SPMS). A positive strong correlation r > 0.7 r > 0.65 between cardiorespiratory parameters derived at hospital and at home was also found. Conclusion: Autonomic function, as measured by HRV, differs according to MS phenotype. Autonomic response to walk tests may be useful for assessing clinical outcomes, mainly in the progressive stage of MS. Participants with larger changes in HRM are able to walk longer distance, while reduced ventilatory function during and after walk test performance is associated with higher fatigue and disability severity scores. Monitoring of disorder severity could also be feasible using ECG-derived cardiac and respiratory parameters recorded with a wearable device at home

    Prosthetic overhang is the most effective way to prevent scapular conflict in a reverse total shoulder prosthesis

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    Methods An average and a "worst case scenario" shape in A-P view in a 2-D computer model of a scapula was created, using data from 200 "normal" scapulae, so that the position of the glenoid and humeral component could be changed as well as design features such as depth of the polyethylene insert, the size of glenosphere, the position of the center of rotation, and downward glenoid inclination. The model calculated the maximum adduction (notch angle) in the scapular plane when the cup of the humeral component was in conflict with the scapula. Results A change in humeral neck shaft inclination from 155 degrees to 145 degrees gave a 10 degrees gain in notch angle. A change in cup depth from 8 mm to 5 mm gave a gain of 12 degrees. With no inferior prosthetic overhang, a lateralization of the center of rotation from 0 mm to 5 mm gained 16 degrees. With an inferior overhang of only 1 mm, no effect of lateralizing the center of rotation was noted. Downward glenoid inclination of 0 boolean OR to 10 boolean OR gained 10 degrees. A change in glenosphere radius from 18 mm to 21 mm gained 31 degrees due to the inferior overhang created by the increase in glenosphere. A prosthetic overhang to the bone from 0 mm to 5 mm gained 39 degrees. Interpretation Of all 6 solutions tested, the prosthetic overhang created the biggest gain in notch angle and this should be considered when designing the reverse arthroplasty and defining optimal surgical technique

    Fully automated high-quality NMR structure determination of small 2H-enriched proteins

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    Determination of high-quality small protein structures by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods generally requires acquisition and analysis of an extensive set of structural constraints. The process generally demands extensive backbone and sidechain resonance assignments, and weeks or even months of data collection and interpretation. Here we demonstrate rapid and high-quality protein NMR structure generation using CS-Rosetta with a perdeuterated protein sample made at a significantly reduced cost using new bacterial culture condensation methods. Our strategy provides the basis for a high-throughput approach for routine, rapid, high-quality structure determination of small proteins. As an example, we demonstrate the determination of a high-quality 3D structure of a small 8Ā kDa protein, E. coli cold shock protein A (CspA), using <4Ā days of data collection and fully automated data analysis methods together with CS-Rosetta. The resulting CspA structure is highly converged and in excellent agreement with the published crystal structure, with a backbone RMSD value of 0.5Ā Ć…, an all atom RMSD value of 1.2Ā Ć… to the crystal structure for well-defined regions, and RMSD value of 1.1Ā Ć… to crystal structure for core, non-solvent exposed sidechain atoms. Cross validation of the structure with 15N- and 13C-edited NOESY data obtained with a perdeuterated 15N, 13C-enriched 13CH3 methyl protonated CspA sample confirms that essentially all of these independently-interpreted NOE-based constraints are already satisfied in each of the 10 CS-Rosetta structures. By these criteria, the CS-Rosetta structure generated by fully automated analysis of data for a perdeuterated sample provides an accurate structure of CspA. This represents a general approach for rapid, automated structure determination of small proteins by NMR

    Underground Phased Arrays and Beamforming Applications

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    This chapter presents a framework for adaptive beamforming in underground communication. The wireless propagation is thoroughly analyzed to develop a model using the soil moisture as an input parameter to provide feedback mechanism while enhancing the system performance. The working of array element in the soil is analyzed. Moreover, the effect of soil texture and soil moisture on the resonant frequency and return loss is studied in detail. The wave refraction from the soilā€“air interface highly degrades the performance of the system. Furthermore, to beam steering is done to achieve high gain for lateral component improving the UG communication. The angle enhancing the lateral wave depends upon dielectric properties and usually ranges from 0āˆ˜ to 16āˆ˜. These dielectric properties change with the change in soil moisture and soil texture. It is shown from the experiments that optimal UG lateral angle is high at lower soil moisture readings and decreases with decrease in soil moisture. A planar structure of antenna array and different techniques for optimization are proposed for enhanced soil moisture adaptive beamforming. UG channel impulse response is studied from the beamforming aspect to identify the components of EM waves propagating through the soil. An optimum steering method for beamforming is presented which adapts to the changing values of soil moisture. Finally, the limitations of UG beamforming are presented along with the motivation to use it

    Preparation of selective and segmentally labeled single-stranded DNA for NMR by self-primed PCR and asymmetrical endonuclease double digestion

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    We demonstrate a new, efficient and easy-to-use method for enzymatic synthesis of (stereo-)specific and segmental 13C/15N/2H isotope-labeled single-stranded DNA in amounts sufficient for NMR, based on the highly efficient self-primed PCR. To achieve this, new approaches are introduced and combined. (i) Asymmetric endonuclease double digestion of tandem-repeated PCR product. (ii) T4 DNA ligase mediated ligation of two ssDNA segments. (iii) In vitro dNTP synthesis, consisting of in vitro rNTP synthesis followed by enzymatic stereo-selective reduction of the C2ā€² of the rNTP, and a one-pot add-up synthesis of dTTP from dUTP. The method is demonstrated on two ssDNAs: (i) a 36-nt three-way junction, selectively 13C9/15N3/2H(1ā€²,2ā€³,3ā€²,4ā€²,5ā€²,5ā€³)-dC labeled and (ii) a 39-nt triple-repeat three-way junction, selectively 13C9/15N3/2H(1ā€²,2ā€³,3ā€²,4ā€²,5ā€²,5ā€³)-dC and 13C9/15N2/2H(1ā€²,2ā€³,3ā€²,4ā€²,5ā€²,5ā€³)-dT labeled in segment C20-C39. Their NMR spectra show the spectral simplification, while the stereo-selective 2H-labeling in the deoxyribose of the dC-residues, straightforwardly provided assignment of their C1ā€²ā€“H2ā€² and C2ā€²ā€“H2ā€² resonances. The labeling protocols can be extended to larger ssDNA molecules and to more than two segments
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