773 research outputs found

    Languages of Freedom in a Coca-Cola Communist Country

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    The essay explores how, from the early fifties, the United States public diplomacy and soft power practices, namely through the USIS Yugoslav periodical Pregled [Horizons] and the Yugoslav Voice of America broadcasts, conceptualized the African American struggle for freedom and civil rights for the Yugoslav public. On the heels of recent historiographical inquiries, the article traces the trajectories, common places and justifications of the African American iniquitous treatment and civil rights struggles as inspired by American nationhood moral ideals and liberal traditions. These “languages of freedom” point finally to two evident contradictions: the Yugoslav intermediate position between East and West and its selective acceptance/rejection/reuse of American public diplomacy propaganda

    Final Chapter

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    The acquisition of gender and the development of derivational morphology in child L2 Greek

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    We investigate the relationship between the acquisition of gender and derivational morphology in 124 Turkish L1 child acquirers of Greek (mean age: 13.6). Three oral elicitation tasks are used: a gender assignment task, a gender agreement task and a derivational morphology task. Results reveal that the nonnative speakers (NNS) lag behind their monolingual peers on all tasks, but have extremely low scores on the derivational morphology task. Interestingly, the correlation between their performance on the gender agreement and the derivational morphology task is higher than on the other two cases, suggesting that the NNS might be relying more on their explicit knowledge on the gender assignment task

    Chapter 4 Challenge to Develop a Social Security for All the People

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    The treatment of Parkinson's disease with dopamine agonists

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    Parkinson’s disease is a chronic degenerative organic disease with unknown causes. A disappearance of cells with melanin in the substantia nigra is considered as biological artefact of the disease, which causes a degenerative loss of neurons in the corpus striatum of mesencephalon. This structure produces also the transmitter substance dopamine. Due to this disappearance of cells dopamine is not produced in a sufficient quantity which is needed for movement of the body

    Hypertension guidelines and their effects on the health system

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    Introduction: Hypertension guidelines, which have existed for many years and primarily used in the USA, Canada and Great Britain, are now becoming an issue in Germany. Strong efforts are presently underway for a German version comparable to the guidelines developed for the mentioned countries. The development of guidelines is a part of the implementation system of guidelines in Germany. It covers the mode of operation of the AWMF (work community of the scientific medical subject companies) with the clearinghouse for guidelines (CLA) and the cooperation with the centre for medical quality (ÄZQ). In the HTA report the real use of the hypertension guidelines shall be investigated for Germany from the development trends and further possibilities of use according to a medical applicability. Economic issues and an optimisation of use are also discussed. Question: The following questions shall be answered in particular: 1. How much are the guidelines used concerning hypertension? 2. Can effects (or their influence) be established on the medical procedures? 3. Are there statements available about costs and cost effectiveness? 4. Are there recommendations for further use? Methodology: To answer these questions, a comprehensive literature search was done. No empirical investigation was carried out. From this enquiry 206 articles were checked in detail but not all of them were available in full text. Only those publications which directly dealt with high blood pressure guidelines or articles with a direct reference to the topic have been considered in the HTA report. Publications concerning screening or methods of prevention, medical studies of the hypertension syndrome without a direct reference to guidelines and publications concerned with putting guidelines into action were excluded. Results: After an analysis of the selected literature addressing the topic of hypertension guidelines, it was evident that the use of these guidelines cannot be gathered from existing literature at the present time. One can assume from international studies with analogical reasoning that these are confessed and have a high level of acceptance in the medical community. Unfortunately the actual usage is not represented satisfactorily in the scientific literature. The effects of the guidelines on the medical procedures seem to be very strongly individual and the analyses to the compliance show at least an observable effect within the last few years. No publications could be found for the cost effectiveness of the guidelines. The actual compliance with guidelines seems to be in relation with the duration of the professional practice. It seems the shorter the professional practice takes place, the stronger the guidelines are adhered. Discussion: At present, there are only a few notes for the German health service regarding the actual effect of the hypertonus guidelines. However, the reason is not that the effect would not be possibly strong but at the methodical challenge to evaluate the sustaining effects of the application of the hypertonus guidelines. For this reason the literature is very rare regarding this topic. For Germany it can be derived by analogical reasoning from foreign studies that guidelines will facilitate a more and more essential contribution to the design of the health system. Considering that primarily younger physicians accepted guidelines mode, the further construction, update and implementation of guidelines are essential, particularly with regard to the quality assurance. Straight guidelines can express a standard of the quality of a health system as a benchmark. The existence of guidelines or the lack thereof is considered also as a quality indicator of a health system at the organisation for economic cooperation and development (OECD). Conclusion: Guidelines should be evaluated - especially the hypertonus guideline. Also further development and implementation should be emphasised. Methodically oriented work to the approach is pretty recent. It is undeniable that guidelines represent a very essential and important contribution for the successful dealing with significant morbidity problems in a health system. The fact that primarily younger doctors more frequently adopt, employ and adhere to guidelines leads to the assumption that expected sustainability for practical use will increase. Furthermore intensified use of guidelines can be considered in the "mainstream" of the development of the public health system also in an international perspective. Not one single publication contradicts that a further acquirement, update and distribution of guidelines for the use of practices is necessary. The importance of the guideline is also not questioned in any article

    Cognitive training for dementia

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    The aim of the HTA report is to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive training methods to treat cognitive disorders of dementia and other diseases with cognitive deficits. For this purpose, a systematic literature search was carried out first based on the DIMDI superbase retrieval. The identified publications were judged and selected by two independent, methodically competent experts. 33 publications were included in the report