3 research outputs found

    Lichenicolous fungi from Kodar Range, Trans-Baikal Territory of Russia

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    Sixty three species of lichenicolous and allied fungi are reported, 47 of which are new to Trans-Baikal Territory of Russia. A presumably undescribed Llimoniella-like discomycete on Protoblastenia terricola is illustrated and discussed. Plectocarpon melanohaleae is first recorded in the northern hemisphere. Diplolaeviopsis ranula, Endococcus alectoriae, E. verrucisporus, Epigloea filifera, Sagediopsis fissurisedens and Talpapellis peltigerae var. peltigerae are new to Russia and Asia. Endococcus macrosporus is new to Russia. Lichenostigma rupicolae, Opegrapha geographicola and Unguiculariopsis lettaui are new to Siberia. Arthonia molendoi, Dactylospora glaucomarioides, Didymocyrtis consimilis, Epibryon conductrix, Muellerella lichenicola, Phaeospora cf. rimosicola, Sagediopsis aspiciliae, S. pertusariicola, Sphaerellothecium contextum, Stigmidium conspurcans, S. mitchellii, S. solorinarium and Talpapellis peltigerae are new to South Siberia. Cercidospora thamnoliae and Sagediopsis pertusariicola are first reported outside the Arctic. Athallia is a new host genus for Didymocyrtis consimilis and Bryoria for Endococcus alectoriae. The following new host species are registered: Pertusaria geminipara for Dactylospora deminuta, Calvitimela talayana for Endococcus propinquus s. l., Bryoria simplicior for Lichenostigma maureri and Melanohalea olivacea for Plectocarpon melanohaleae

    Konevets Island (Leningrad Region, Russia) – a historical refuge of lichen diversity in Lake Ladoga

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    We present an updated checklist for Konevets Island (Leningrad Region, Russia). The revealed lichen biota comprises 435 species, including 378 lichens, 46 lichenicolous fungi and 11 non-lichenized saprobic fungi, of which 31 species (27 lichens and 4 lichenicolous fungi) are known only from collections made by Veli Räsänen (1917, 1938). Acremonium hypholomatis is reported for the first time for Russia; Caloplaca soralifera, Trapelia corticola, and Muellerella lichenicola for Northwestern European Russia; and Bacidia vermifera, Lecanora mughicola, Micarea contexta, Pyrenochaeta xanthoriae, Rhizocarpon disporum, Stigmidium squamariae and Xylographa difformis for Leningrad Region. From lichenological point of view, the most valuable habitats of Konevets Island are old-growth spruce forests. The studied lichen biota is rich and diverse and exceptionally well-preserved in comparison to the mainland part of Karelian Isthmus. It definitely deserves protection

    Ninety-one species of lichens and allied fungi new to Latvia with a list of additional records from Kurzeme

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    The results of lichenological excursions of the 19th Symposium of Baltic Mycologists and Lichenologists (BMLS) in Latvia, Kurzeme region, 22–26 September 2014, are reported. A list of 290 species is presented, of which 238 are lichenized, 43 lichen-inhabiting, and nine saprotrophic fungi: ninety-one species are new to Latvia, twelve of which (Caloplaca duplicata, Cresporhaphis wienkampii, Ellisembia lichenicola, Gallowayella weberi, Gregorella humida, Lichenochora weillii, Parmelia serrana, Polycauliona phlogina, Reconditella physconiarum, Stictis brunnescens, Thelocarpon superellum, and Verrucaria tectorum) are also new for the Baltic States. Athallia alnetorum is reported here for the first time in northern Europe. The presence of Ochrolechia androgyna s. str., Athallia holocarpa and A. pyracea is confirmed for Latvia, and Parmelia submontana is reported as a new host for Homostegia piggotii