33 research outputs found

    Freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from the rising sun (Far East Asia): phylogeny, systematics, and distribution

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    Freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) is a diverse family with around 700 species being widespread in the Northern Hemisphere and Africa. These animals fulfill key ecological functions and provide important services to humans. Unfortunately, populations have declined dramatically over the last century, rendering Unionidae one of the world’s most imperiled taxonomic groups. In Far East Asia (comprising Japan, Korea, and Eastern Russia), conservation actions have been hindered by a lack of basic information on the number, identity, distribution and phylogenetic relationships of species. Available knowledge is restricted to studies on national and sub-national levels. The present study aims to resolve the diversity, biogeography and evolutionary relationships of the Far East Asian Unionidae in a globally comprehensive phylogenetic and systematic context.We reassessed the systematics of all Unionidae species in the region, including newly collected specimens from across Japan, South Korea, and Russia, based on molecular (including molecular species delineation and a COI + 28S phylogeny) and comparative morphological analyses. Biogeographical patterns were then assessed based on available species distribution data from the authors and previous reference works.We revealed that Unionidae species richness in Far East Asia is 30% higher than previously assumed, counting 43 species (41 native + 2 alien) within two Unionidae subfamilies, the Unioninae (32 + 1) and Gonideinae (9 + 1). Four of these species are new to science, i.e. Beringiana gosannensis sp. nov., Beringiana fukuharai sp. nov., Buldowskia kamiyai sp. nov., and Koreosolenaia sitgyensis gen. & sp. nov. We also propose a replacement name for Nodularia sinulata, i.e. Nodularia breviconcha nom. nov. and describe a new tribe (Middendorffinaiini tribe nov.) within the Unioninae subfamily. Biogeographical patterns indicate that this fauna is related to that from China south to Vietnam until the Mekong River basin. The Japanese islands of Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Hokkaido, and the Korean Peninsula were identified as areas of particularly high conservation value, owing to high rates of endemism, diversity and habitat loss. The genetically unique species within the genera Amuranodonta, Obovalis, Koreosolenaia gen. nov., and Middendorffinaia are of high conservation concern

    Data from: Environmental niche modelling of the Chinese pond mussel invasion in Europe under climate change scenarios

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    Supplementary Table S1 from: VIKHREV, I.V., BOLOTOV, I.N., GOFAROV, M.Y., KONDAKOV, A.V., KONOPLEVA, E.S. & KRUK, D.V. (2024). Environmental niche modelling of the Chinese pond mussel invasion in Europe under climate change scenarios. Ecologica Montenegrina, 72, 210-226. https://dx.doi.org/10.37828/em.2024.72.20Table S1. List of Sinanodonta woodiana records in Europe, obtained from GBIF database (GBIF.Org (01.05.2020)) and published sources, and used for species distribution modelling (two files: PDF and DOCX)</p

    Diversity and Phylogenetics of Freshwater Mussels (Unionidae) from Southern Thailand with the Description of One New Genus and Five New Species-Group Taxa

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    Southern Thailand represents a region of unique freshwater biodiversity with many endemic taxa, including a number of freshwater mussel species (Bivalvia: Unionidae). In this study, we recognize 13 taxa in the tribes Contradentini, Rectidentini, Pseudodontini (subfamily Gonideinae), and Indochinellini (subfamily Parreysiinae) that inhabit different localities in the Songkhla Lake, Tapi River, and Tha Taphao River basins. Based on the results of morphological and phylogenetic analyses, we discovered among these mussels six taxa new to science, including one genus, three species, and two subspecies. New taxonomic names are introduced here as follows: Songkhlanaiagen. nov.; S. tamodienicagen. & sp. nov.; Sundadontina plugpomenicasp. nov.; Monodontina vondembuschiana tapienicassp. nov.; M. vondembuschiana thasaenicassp. nov. (Pseudodontini); and Trapezoideus thachiadensissp. nov. (Contradentini). These new taxa confirm the high conservation priority of the Southern Thai freshwater mussel fauna

    DNA analysis of a non-native lineage of Sinanodonta woodiana species complex (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from Middle Asia supports the Chinese origin of the European invaders

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    Kondakov, Alexander V., Palatov, Dmitry M., Rajabov, Zakir P., Gofarov, Mikhail Yu., Konopleva, Ekaterina S., Tomilova, Alena A., Vikhrev, Ilya V., Bolotov, Ivan N. (2018): DNA analysis of a non-native lineage of Sinanodonta woodiana species complex (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from Middle Asia supports the Chinese origin of the European invaders. Zootaxa 4462 (4): 511-522, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4462.4.

    Host Range and Phylogenetic Position of Acipenserobdella volgensis (Zykoff, 1904) (Hirudinea: Piscicolidae) with a Global Checklist of Bivalve-Associated Fish Leeches

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    The fish leech Acipenserobdella volgensis (Hirudinea: Piscicolidae) is a rare and poorly known freshwater species, which is thought to be an obligate parasite of sturgeons. This leech has a disjunctive range in Europe and Eastern Siberia. Here, we estimate the phylogenetic affinities and host range of A. volgensis using a set of DNA sequences (COI and 18S rRNA gene fragments), field observation data, and a review of the body of literature. Based on a time-calibrated Bayesian phylogeny, we show that the European and Siberian lineages of A. volgensis have been separated since the latest Pliocene (mean age = 2.7 Ma). The analysis of available host records indicates that this leech is characterized by a broader host range as it was collected from fish belonging to four families (Acipenseridae, Cyprinidae, Salmonidae, and Esocidae). Conversely, only a few suitable primary hosts (six sturgeons, one cyprinid, and one salmonid fish) were confirmed by earlier research. Moreover, this leech could be considered a facultative mussel-associated species that uses bivalves (duck mussel Anodonta anatina; Unionidae) as shelter. Globally, three other piscicolid leeches have been recorded from the mantle cavity of bivalve molluscs, that is, the freshwater taxa Caspiobdella fadejewi and Alexandrobdella makhrovi, and the marine species Austrobdella coliumicus

    Taxonomic Reassessment of Freshwater Mussels from the Western Balkans Reveals an Overlooked but Critical Refugium and Defines Conservation Priorities

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    Freshwater mussels are an endangered group of animals, especially in the water bodies of Central and Western Europe. Conservation priorities were established for many endangered freshwater mussel species in the last decade. Here, we present new data on a cryptic refugium of freshwater mussels in the Western Balkans. Two species, Anodonta exulcerata Porro, 1838 and Unio elongatulus Pfeiffer, 1825, were discovered in Montenegro for the first time. The phylogenetic position and taxonomic status of freshwater mussel species from Montenegro were studied by means of an integrative approach, combining morphological data and COI gene sequences. Unio carneus Küster, 1854 stat. rev. represents a species with a restricted range, which is endemic to the Western Balkans. A viable population of Microcondylaea bonellii (Férussac, 1827) was discovered in the Zeta River. This species was not mentioned in Montenegro since the 1900s. A significant level of genetic diversity was revealed for the studied species. In the Skadar Lake basin, freshwater mussels from diverse ecological groups were discovered. Rheophilic species of freshwater mussels may represent ancient lineages, which need special conservation planning. Conservation priorities should be aimed at the protection of freshwater mussel habitats on the Balkan Peninsula

    Taxonomic Reassessment of Freshwater Mussels from the Western Balkans Reveals an Overlooked but Critical Refugium and Defines Conservation Priorities

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    Freshwater mussels are an endangered group of animals, especially in the water bodies of Central and Western Europe. Conservation priorities were established for many endangered freshwater mussel species in the last decade. Here, we present new data on a cryptic refugium of freshwater mussels in the Western Balkans. Two species, Anodonta exulcerata Porro, 1838 and Unio elongatulus Pfeiffer, 1825, were discovered in Montenegro for the first time. The phylogenetic position and taxonomic status of freshwater mussel species from Montenegro were studied by means of an integrative approach, combining morphological data and COI gene sequences. Unio carneus K&uuml;ster, 1854 stat. rev. represents a species with a restricted range, which is endemic to the Western Balkans. A viable population of Microcondylaea&nbsp;bonellii (F&eacute;russac, 1827) was discovered in the Zeta River. This species was not mentioned in Montenegro since the 1900s. A significant level of genetic diversity was revealed for the studied species. In the Skadar Lake basin, freshwater mussels from diverse ecological groups were discovered. Rheophilic species of freshwater mussels may represent ancient lineages, which need special conservation planning. Conservation priorities should be aimed at the protection of freshwater mussel habitats on the Balkan Peninsula