509 research outputs found

    Case study reducing pesticide residues on horticultural crops

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    "Production and export of horticultural products are increasing rapidly in many developing countries... Rapid growth in horticultural production has been accompanied by heavy use of pesticides and by heightened concern over health effects associated with pesticide use and abuse...The three examples [in this study] demonstrate how applied research to support IPM can reduce pesticide use, residues, and export barriers." from TextFood safety ,food security ,Public health ,

    Response to juglone toxic effect in various genotypes of banana (Musa AA, AAA, AAB, AAAA, AAAB)

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    In Côte d'Ivoire, Black Sigatoka, caused by Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet, is a major constraint in banana plantain production. The use of juglone, a purified toxin of this pathogen, could constitute an alternative in the early selection of new banana genotypes resistant to Black Leaf Streak Disease (BLSD). Local cultivars and hybrids to be vulgarized, were evaluated in order to elucidate the variability of banana varieties and to assess the possibility of using juglone to breed for resistance to BLSD. Necrosis induction bioassays, electrolyte leakage, combined with phenolic compound quantifications were performed on both diploid and triploid reference cultivars, as well as tetraploid hybrids following juglone infiltration. Results show, based on minimal concentrations and intensities of necrosis, that genotypes sensitivity to juglone was generally related to susceptibility to the disease in the field. The tetraploid genotypes exhibited the lowest necrosis intensities when juglone concentration was less than 100 ppm. Forty eight hours after treatment, phenols content of FHIA23 and PITA14 hybrids was at a basal level. These tetraploid banana probably produced antioxidants with high affinity for the active oxygen species (AOS) inducing their tolerance to the disease. This study confirms the use of juglone for simple and rapid screening of banana varieties with resistance to BLSD. Pathological and physiological parameters related to biochemical evaluation, constitute the best strategy for identifying genotype with the greatest resistance to Mycosphaerella fijiensis. However, this great resistance is not systematically related to a higher content in total phenols.Mycosphaerella fijiensis est un parasite nécrotique occasionnant la cercosporiose noire, qui constitue l'une des contraintes majeures à la production de bananes desserts et de plantains en Côte d'Ivoire. L'utilisation de la juglone, un métabolite toxique purifié du pathogène a été envisagée comme une voie de sélection précoce de nouveaux génotypes de bananiers résistants à la maladie des raies noires (MRN). Des cultivars locaux et des hybrides à vulgariser ont été évalués en vue d'élucider la variabilité de réaction entre génotypes et de confirmer la possibilité d'utiliser la juglone pour le criblage de la résistance contre la MRN. Les tests d'induction de nécroses et de perte d'électrolytes associés au dosage quantitatif des composés phénoliques ont été réalisés sur des cultivars diploïdes et triploïdes, ainsi que des hybrides tétraploïdes infiltrés avec la juglone. Les intensités et les concentrations minimales d'induction des nécroses évaluées ont montré que la sensibilité à la juglone des génotypes de bananiers a été globalement identique à leur niveau d'infestation au champ. Pour les génotypes tétraploïdes, les intensités de nécroses ont été plus faibles (< 40 %) lorsque la concentration de juglone a été inférieure à 100 ppm. En outre, 48 h après traitement, les hybrides FHIA23 et PITA14, ont présenté un retour à la teneur initiale en phénols. La forte tolérance de ces hybrides à la maladie serait due à une synthèse d'antioxydants, à forte affinité pour les formes actives d'oxygène (FAO). Ces résultats confirment l'utilisation de la juglone pour le criblage simple et rapide de génotypes de bananiers résistants à la MRN. Une combinaison des paramètres pathologique, physiologique et biochimique constitue une stratégie idéale pour le criblage fiable du génotype le plus résistant à Mycosphaerella fijiensis. Cependant, cette grande résistance n'est pas systématiquement liée à une teneur plus élevée en phénols totaux.Mots Clés: Réaction différentielle, juglone, maladie des raies noires, génotypes de bananiers, composés phénolique

    Agricultural Potential of Biosolids Generated from Dewatering of Faecal Sludge on Unplanted Filter Beds.

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    The study was conducted to determine the agricultural potential of biosolids produced from the dewatering of faecal sludge on drying beds in Ghana. It was conducted using bench scale filter beds at KNUST in Kumasi, Ghana. Different filter media were used to dewater FS while different loading rates of FS were dewatered on selected filter medium. Different percentages of sawdust mixed with FS were also dewatered and biolsolids produced were dried and analysed for nutrients and heavy metals. The results showed that the average percentage carbon in all the biosolid ranged between 27 and 42.7%, nitrogen was 1.82 – 3.54% and carbon – nitrogen ratio ranged between 8.7 - 23.9%. The level of phosphorus and potassium ranged between 1.73 – 3.69%and 0.81- 3.78% respectively. The average concentration of heavy metals analysed in the dried biosolids were very low where the range of Cu was 0.081- 0.157mg/kg, Fe 1.530- 4.562mg/kg, Pb 0.009- 0.032mg/kg. Cd, Mn, and Zn showed ranges of 0.036 – 0.092, 0.076-0.652 and 0.026-0254 mg/kg respectively. Key words: Biosolid, dewatering, faecal sludge, heavy metals, nutrients

    In vitro seeds germination and seedling growth of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.)

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    In Côte d’Ivoire, the yield of cashew nuts is low. This situation has led to the use of improved clonal-based material for the expansion or establishment of new plantations. To obtain a mass propagation of such elite materials, application of tissue culture becomes very important. However, it is difficult to obtain viable explants derived from mature plants developing in field because of high concentrations of disinfectants required for surface sterilization. Explants excised from in vitro seedlings are therefore the most suitable for the micropropagation of cashew. The objective of this study was to identify the type of seeds suitable for in vitro germination and plantlets development. Seeds without shell with entire cotyledons (SWSEC), seeds without shells with half cotyledons (SWSHC) and the embryonic axis (EA) were placed on the basal medium of Murashige and Skoog (MS) without any plant growth regulators. The final rate of germination ranged from 75 to 95 %, the time to have 50 % germination and the average germination time were statistically identical with the three types of seeds. Higher plants (7cm) with larger numbers of leaves, which are more vigorous were obtained with SWSHC. This type of seeds is therefore more suitable provide seedling used as explant sources for themicropropagation of the cashew tree.Key words : Anacardium occidentale ; germination ; micropropagatio

    Benchmark instance indicators and computational comparison of methods

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    chapter 7This chapter is devoted to extensive computational experiments on the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. Its objective is twofold. First, a selection of representative exact and heuristic methods among the ones presented in the previous chapters are tested and compared under a common experimental framework on four different instance sets. Second, classical and new instance difficulty indicators are evaluated through the experiments and their discriminating power is discussed

    Induction et prolifération de cals à partir de l’axe embryonnaire du Voandzou [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. Fabaceae] : effet de la segmentation de l’explant, des phytohormones, de la source de carbone et du génotype

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    Le Voandzou [Vigna subterranea, (L.) Verdc.], occupe une place importante dans les stratégies élaborées pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique subsaharienne. Le développement de systèmes de régénération in vitro de plantes, préalable au transfert de gènes nécessite l’établissement de conditions optimales de la callogenèse. Au cours du présent travail, l’étude des facteurs influençant l’induction et la prolifération des cals chez le Voandzou a été réalisée. L’axe embryonnaire issu de graines matures a été placé sur le milieu de base de Murashige et Skoog (1962) additionné avec les vitamines B5 et supplémenté avec différentes concentrations et combinaisons de phytohormones. Après quatre semaines de culture, les résultats ont montré que l’induction et la prolifération de cals ont été favorisées avec le 2,4-D (0,5 mg/l). La partie basale de l’axe embryonnaire a été la zone la plus favorable à la callogenèse. La meilleure source de carbone a été le saccharose à la concentration optimale de 84 mM. Les meilleurs taux d’induction (100 %) et de prolifération de cals (3) ont été exprimés avec les écotypes Ci2, Ci3, Ci4, Ci5, Ci6, Ci7, Ci10 et Ci21.Mots-clés : voandzou, axe embryonnaire, callogenèse, phytohormones.Callus induction and proliferation from embryonic axis in Bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. Fabaceae]: effect of explants section, plant growth regulators, carbon source and genotypeBambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. ] contributes to food security in sub-Saharan Africa. Development of efficient systems of in vitro plant regeneration a prerequisite to gene transfer requires establishment of optimal conditions for callus formation. In this work, factors influencing callus induction and proliferation in Bambara have been studied. Embryonic axis derived mature seeds were placed on Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium supplemented with vitamins B5 (MSB5), including different concentrations and combinations of plant growth regulators. After four weeks of culture, results showed that 2,4-D (0.5 mg/L) exhibited the best frequency and proliferation index of callus. Basal part of embryonic axis was the explants of choice for callus induction and proliferation. Sucrose at optimum concentration of 84 mM was favorable to the process of callus formation. Highest callus induction frequency (100 %) and proliferation index (3) were expressed by ecotypes Ci2, Ci3, Ci4, Ci5, Ci6, Ci7, Ci10 and Ci21.Keywords : bambara groundnut, embryonic axis, callogenesis, plant growth regulators

    Enquete Sur L’etat de Sante et des Conditions de Travail des Riziculteurs des Bas-fonds de la Region de Gagnoa en Côte D’Ivoire

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    Dans le souci d’atteindre l’autosuffisance alimentaire, les gouvernements ivoiriens successifs ont réalisé de nombreuses retenues d’eau à usage agricole dont les rizières irriguées. Ces retenues d’eau constituent des gîtes de reproduction des vecteurs de maladies. Malheureusement, la préservation de la santé des paysans est parfois négligée dans les projets de développement agricole et les paysans souffrent en silence. Aussi, est-il judicieux d’identifier les maux les plus fréquents en milieu paysan afin de les prévenir ou y apporter des remèdes. A cet effet, une enquête transversale a été menée sur la santé et les conditions de travail des riziculteurs d’une coopérative rizicole (CODERIZ) de Gagnoa regroupant 932 riziculteurs qui exploitent 818 ha. Elle a comporté la visite aux paysans dans leurs rizières, une enquête sur leur connaissance des causes du paludisme, les maladies dont ils souffrent, leurs conditions de travail et une éducation sanitaire auprès de 200 riziculteurs. Cette étude a montré que les riziculteurs manquent de logistiques agricoles (motoculteurs, batteuses, pulvérisateurs etc), d’intrants agricoles (engrais, pesticides), de tenues de protection (bottes, tenues d’épandage des pesticides, etc). Ils sont contraints de travailler torse nu, et par ignorance, ils utilisent leurs mains pour homogénéiser les solutions pesticides et réutilisent les boîtes usagées de produits phytosanitaires. En outre, ces paysans, ont évoqué dans leur milieu 24 maladies dont la plus fréquente est le paludisme. La majorité (95 %) des riziculteurs ignore la cause de cette maladie. Il a été entrepris à leur intention, une éducation sanitaire sur l’utilisation sans risque des pesticides et sur le paludisme. Il est impérieux d’associer aux projets de développements hydro-agricoles des mesures de protection de la santé des paysans.Mots-clefs : Riziculture, santé, conditions de travail, maladies, paludisme, Côte d’Ivoire

    Qualite et vitesse de decomposition des litieres des principaux arbustes natifs de la savane humide au centre de la Cote d’Ivoire

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    Cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© conduite en zone de savane humide de CĂ´te d’Ivoire pour Ă©valuer la qualitĂ© et la vitesse de dĂ©composition des litières de feuilles de trois espèces d’arbustes dominantes: Crossopteryx febrifuga, Terminalia schimperiana et Piliostigma thonningii et la contribution des termites dans ce processus. La vitesse de dĂ©composition a Ă©tĂ© suivie pendant six mois dans des sachets (Litterbags) puis le coefficient de dĂ©composition k a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©. La contribution des termites a Ă©tĂ© estimĂ©e Ă  travers la quantitĂ© de sol « termitique » dĂ©posĂ©e sur les sachets. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les teneurs des litières en C, N, K et Mg Ă©taient plus Ă©levĂ©s avec C. febrifuga qu’avec P. thonningii et T. schimperiana respectivement. Le rapport N/P suivait exactement la mĂŞme tendance. La teneur en P n’a pas variĂ© significativement avec les espèces. Les rapports C/N et C/P n’ont pas non plus variĂ© significativement. La concentration de Ca des litières Ă©tait plus Ă©levĂ©e avec P. thonningii. La densitĂ© surfacique des litières (caractĂ©ristique physique) Ă©tait plus Ă©levĂ©e avec P. thonningii qu’avec les autres espèces. La dĂ©composition des litières de T. schimperiana (0,64 mois-1) Ă©tait plus rapide que celles de C. febribuga (0,52 mois-1) et de P. thonningii (0,39 mois-1). L’activitĂ© des termites Ă©tait plus importante sous les litières les plus denses (P. thonningii). L’espèce C. febrifuga est apparue comme ayant le meilleur potentiel d’amĂ©lioration de la fertilitĂ© du sol.   English title: Quality and decomposition rate of native shrub species’ leaf litters in a wet savanna in central CĂ´te d’Ivoire This study was conducted in Central CĂ´te d’Ivoire, aimed to assess the quality and rate of decomposition of the dominant native shrub species’ leaf litters, namely Crossopteryx febrifuga, Terminalia schimperiana and Piliostigma thonningii and the termite’s contribution in this process. Investigations took place in the Lamto Natural Reserve, including five replicate trees per species. Leaf litters were left to decompose in litterbags for six months and then, the decomposition coefficient (k) was determined. The termites’ contribution to decomposition was estimated by the amount of soil they deposited on the litterbags. Results showed that higher leaf litter C, N, K and Mg concentrations were associated with C. febrifuga compared to P. thonningii and T. schimperiana, respectively. The N/P ratio followed the same order. Litter P, C/N and C/P ratios did not varied across species. Higher litter Ca was observed with P. thonningii. Litter surface area was higher with P. thonningii compared to the other two species while decomposition was faster with T. schimperiana (k = 0.64 month-1) followed by C. febribuga (k = 0.52 month-1) and P. thonningii (0.39 months-1). The contribution of the termites to decomposition were found to be greater on high surface area-leaf litters, supposedly more ligneous (P. thonningii). These results suggest that C. febrifuga holds a greater ability to improve soil fertility

    Comparison of bird community indices for riparian restoration planning and monitoring

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    The use of a bird community index that characterizes ecosystem integrity is very attractive to conservation planners and habitat managers, particularly in the absence of any single focal species. In riparian areas of the western USA, several attempts at arriving at a community index signifying a functioning riparian bird community have been made previously, mostly resorting to expert opinions or national conservation rankings for species weights. Because extensive local and regional bird monitoring data were available for Nevada, we were able to develop three different indices that were derived empirically, rather than from expert opinion. We formally examined the use of three species weighting schemes in comparison with simple species richness, using different definitions of riparian species assemblage size, for the purpose of predicting community response to changes in vegetation structure from riparian restoration. For the three indices, species were weighted according to the following criteria: (1) the degree of riparian habitat specialization based on regional data, (2) the relative conservation ranking of landbird species, and (3) the degree to which a species is under-represented compared to the regional species pool for riparian areas. To evaluate the usefulness of these indices for habitat restoration planning and monitoring, we modeled them using habitat variables that are expected to respond to riparian restoration efforts, using data from 64 sampling sites in the Walker River Basin in Nevada and California. We found that none of the species-weighting schemes performed any better as an index for evaluating overall habitat condition than using species richness alone as a community index. Based on our findings, the use of a fairly complete list of 30–35 riparian specialists appears to be the best indicator group for predicting the response of bird communities to the restoration of riparian vegetation
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