16,305 research outputs found

    Non-perturbative solutions of the SD equation for an Abelian gauge field theory

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    In this article we present a mechanism in which we find new non-perturbative solutions of quantum electrodynamics in four dimensions. Two non-perturbative solutions are found for approximate Schwinger-Dyson equations. The mass ratio of the three solutions (one is ordinary solution) is approximately 1:(8π/α)2/3:8π/α1:(8\pi/\alpha)^{2/3}:8\pi/\alpha.Comment: 6 pages, no figur

    Transverse Ward-Takahashi Identity, Anomaly and Schwinger-Dyson Equation

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    Based on the path integral formalism, we rederive and extend the transverse Ward-Takahashi identities (which were first derived by Yasushi Takahashi) for the vector and the axial vector currents and simultaneously discuss the possible anomaly for them. Subsequently, we propose a new scheme for writing down and solving the Schwinger-Dyson equation in which the the transverse Ward-Takahashi identity together with the usual (longitudinal) Ward-Takahashi identity are applied to specify the fermion-boson vertex function. Especially, in two dimensional Abelian gauge theory, we show that this scheme leads to the exact and closed Schwinger-Dyson equation for the fermion propagator in the chiral limit (when the bare fermion mass is zero) and that the Schwinger-Dyson equation can be exactly solved.Comment: 22 pages, latex, no figure

    OAO-2 observations of beta Lyrae and a provisional interpretation

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    Six-color ultraviolet photoelectric observations of beta Lyrae obtained with OAO-2 are presented. These observations, made at 1380, 1500, 1920, 2460, 2980 and 3330 A, represent the first truly continual coverage of the light changes of beta Lyrae during one orbital revolution and were obtained in November 1970. The photometric data are supplemented by spectral scans in the wavelength intervals 3800-1800 A and 2000-1050 A; the latter interval was scanned at 10 A resolution once during every OAO-2 orbit, i.e., about 100 minutes. Anomalous features, such as asymmetries and short and long term variations, are present in the light curves. A tentative discussion of solutions of the light curves is given

    Interacting with digital media at home via a second screen

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    In recent years Interactive Television (iTV) has become a household technology on a global scale. However, iTV is still a new technology in the early stages of its evolution. Our previous research looked at how everyday users of iTV feel about the interactive part of iTV. In a series of studies we investigated how people use iTV services; their likes, dislikes, preferences and opinions. We then developed a second screen-based prototype device in response to these findings and tested it with iTV users in their own homes. This is a work in progress paper that outlines the work carried previously in the area of controlling interactive Television via a second screen. The positive user responses led us to extend the scope of our previous research to look into other related areas such as barriers to digital interactive media and personalisation of digital interactive media at home

    Laser-molecule Interactions And The Effects Of Permanent Dipoles

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    The spectral and dynamic effects associated with a non-zero difference, d, between the permanent dipole moments of two molecular states involved in a transition, are investigated for a variety of electromagnetic field-molecule interactions. Both analytical and exact numerical techniques are used to solve the time-dependent Schrodinger equation and to obtain the temporal populations of the molecular states and the associated absorption spectra, for molecular interactions with a Gaussian pulsed, or one or two continuous wave (CW), laser(s).;Analytical rotating wave approximation results are derived for a single CW laser interacting with a two-level d {dollar}\ne{dollar} 0 molecule with an excited state lifetime, and for a two-level d {dollar}\ne{dollar} 0 molecule interacting with two CW lasers. A symmetry-adapted Riemann product integral method for exact calculations of pulsed laser-molecule interactions is developed and applied to specific problems. The Floquet technique for the treatment of periodic Hamiltonians is extended to accommodate the interaction of a molecule with two CW lasers.;The one-field RWA results are used to predict and interpret the effects of permanent dipoles on the temporal behaviour of the molecular states for a decaying two-level system interacting with a CW laser, and for a non-decaying two-level system interacting with a pulsed laser. It is shown that the excited state lifetime and the pulse duration can act as internal and external probes, respectively, of the temporal effects of permanent dipoles, relative to the often-studied d = 0 problem. The two-field analytical RWA solutions are used to help discuss and predict the effects of permanent dipole moments in two-laser multi-photon transitions. Several examples of multi-photon, two-colour, two-level resonance profiles, calculated in the RWA and by using exact Floquet techniques, are used to demonstrate how particular multi-photon transitions can be optimized, and to help quantify the conditions for the validity of the two-colour RWA. The effects of neighbouring energy levels on the transition of interest, for both probe and pump-probe laser-molecule interactions, are investigated using a series of three- to seven-level model molecular systems

    On ghost condensation, mass generation and Abelian dominance in the Maximal Abelian Gauge

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    Recent work claimed that the off-diagonal gluons (and ghosts) in pure Yang-Mills theories, with Maximal Abelian gauge fixing (MAG), attain a dynamical mass through an off-diagonal ghost condensate. This condensation takes place due to a quartic ghost interaction, unavoidably present in MAG for renormalizability purposes. The off-diagonal mass can be seen as evidence for Abelian dominance. We discuss why ghost condensation of the type discussed in those works cannot be the reason for the off-diagonal mass and Abelian dominance, since it results in a tachyonic mass. We also point out what the full mechanism behind the generation of a real mass might look like.Comment: 7 pages; uses revtex

    Scattered light in the IUE spectra of Epsilon Aurigae

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    As a result of this work it was found that light scattered from the longer wavelengths constitutes a small but non-negligible, wavelength and time dependent fraction of the measured flux in the far UV. The reality of the UV excess has not been unambigiously ruled out. However, it is noted that there are still uncertainties in the assumed scattering profile. New measurements of the scattering properties of the cross disperser grating are planned in order to verify the results of Mount and Fastie and extend the wavelength coverage into the far wings of the profile. The results of these measurements will no doubt reduce some of these uncertainties. For the present, it is felt that the BCH approach is a significant improvement over the methods heretofore available for the treatment of scattered light in IUE spectra

    Mass flow in the interacting binary TX Ursae Majoris

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    Twenty-two far-ultraviolet and 23 near-ultraviolet high resolution IUE spectra of the interactive Algol-type binary TX Ursae Majoris (B8 V + F-K III-IV) were analyzed in order to determine the nature of the mass flow occurring in this system. Absorption features due to high-temperature ions of Si IV, C IV, and N V are always present. The resonance lines of Al III, Fe II, Mg II and Si IV show strong phase and secular variations indicative of gas streaming and circumstellar/circumbinary material. Radial velocities as high as 500 to 600 km/sec are present. The gas flow is particularly prominent in 1985 between phases 0.7 and 0.0. The system is more active than U Sagittae and as active as U Cephei

    A Faddeev-Niemi Solution that Does Not Satisfy Gauss' Law

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    Faddeev and Niemi have proposed a reformulation of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in terms of a U(1) gauge theory with 8 off-shell degrees of freedom. We present a solution to Faddeev and Niemi's formulation which does not solve the SU(2) Yang-Mills Gauss constraints. This demonstrates that the proposed reformulation is inequivalent to Yang-Mills, but instead describes Yang-Mills coupled to a particular choice of external charge.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Spontaneous Chiral-Symmetry Breaking in Three-Dimensional QED with a Chern--Simons Term

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    In three-dimensional QED with a Chern--Simons term we study the phase structure associated with chiral-symmetry breaking in the framework of the Schwinger--Dyson equation. We give detailed analyses on the analytical and numerical solutions for the Schwinger--Dyson equation of the fermion propagator, where the nonlocal gauge-fixing procedure is adopted to avoid wave-function renormalization for the fermion. In the absence of the Chern--Simons term, there exists a finite critical number of four-component fermion flavors, at which a continuous (infinite-order) chiral phase transition takes place and below which the chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken. In the presence of the Chern--Simons term, we find that the spontaneous chiral-symmetry-breaking transition continues to exist, but the type of phase transition turns into a discontinuous first-order transition. A simple stability argument is given based on the effective potential, whose stationary point gives the solution of the Schwinger-Dyson equation.Comment: 34 pages, revtex, with 9 postscriptfigures appended (uuencoded