197 research outputs found

    Conceptual design, evaluation and research identification for Remote Augmented Propulsive Lift Systems (RALS) with ejectors for VTOL aircraft

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    Ejector concepts for use with a remote augmented lift system (RALS) exhaust nozzle were studied. A number of concepts were considered and three were selected as having the greatest promise of providing the desired aircraft and exhaust gas cooling and lift enhancement. A scale model test program is recommended to explore the effects of the more important parameters on ejector performance


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    An extension of the Kratzer-Fues approach to analytical calculation of the rotation-vibration energy of diatomic molecules is proposed. The eigen -v a l u e s f r o m t h i s a p p r o a c h a r e a p p l i e d i n c a l c u l a t i o n o f t h e r o t a t i o n a l a n d rovibrational energies and in evaluation of molecular constants of selected diatomic molecules, resulting in satisfactory reproduction of experimental frequencies over a wide range of rotational states. In contrast to our previous proposition the rotational dependence of vibration energy is taken into account. An additional set of fitted parameters which include equilibrium distance and dissociation constant was also employed

    Selection of processing parameters for conversion coatings on high-strength aluminium alloys by cyclic voltammetry

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    A method of recording copper enrichment on AA2000 series alloys by means of cyclic voltammetry in borate buffer preceded by immersion of the samples in 0.6 M NaCl solution is extended to the assessment of various surface treatments like alkaline cleaning, desmutting, phosphating and also inorganic and organic corrosion inhibitors. Since the height of the peak determined from voltammograms results from Cu/Cu+ charge transfer taking place on Al–Cu surface a selection of adequate substances or technological parameters inhibiting this reaction may find an application in elaboration or modifying of surface technology. In this work the particular technological steps of the complex electrophosphating process of AA2017 were elaborated using results obtained from voltammetric transients. It was shown that a partial removal of Cu from the surface without affecting bulk content was the most effective de-smutting stage while inhibitors of Al/Cu corrosion were effective in the post-treatment stage.Розширено застосування методу дослідження збагачення міддю сплавів серії АА2000 за допомогою циклічної вольтамперометрії у боратному буфері після попереднього витримування зразків у 0,6 M розчині NaCl для оцінки різних поверхневих обробок, зокрема лужного очищення, освітлення, фосфатування, а також неорганічних та органічних інгібіторів корозії. Оскільки висота піка, визначена з вольтамперограм, є результатом перенесення заряду Cu/Cu+ на поверхні Al–Cu, вибір відповідних речовин чи технологічних параметрів, що інгібують цю реакцію, може знайти застосування у розробці або модифікації технологій поверхневої обробки. Розроблено конкретні технологічні кроки для комплексного електрофосфатування сплаву АА2017 з використанням результатів вивчення вольтамперометричних перехідних процесів. Показано, що часткове усунення Cu з поверхні, без впливу на її об’ємний вміст у сплаві, найефективніше на стадії освітлення, тоді як інгібітори корозії сплаву Al/Cu найкраще діють на стадії фінальної обробки.Расширено применение метода исследования обогащения медью сплавов серии АА2000 с помощью циклической вольтамперометрии в боратном буфере после предварительной выдержки образцов в 0,6 M растворе NaCl для оценки разных поверхностных обработок, в частности щелочной очистки, освещения, фосфатирования, а также неорганических и органических ингибиторов коррозии. Поскольку высота пика, определенная из вольтамперограмм, является результатом перенесения заряда Cu/Cu+ на поверхности Al–Cu, выбор соответствующих веществ или технологических параметров, ингибирующих эту реакцию, может найти применение в разработке или модификации технологий поверхностной обработки. Разработаны конкретные технологические шаги для комплексного электрофосфатирования сплава АА2017 с использованием результатов изучения вольтамперометрических переходных процессов. Показано, что частичное устранение Cu из поверхности, без влияния на ее объемное содержание в сплаве, наиболее эффективно на стадии освещения, тогда как ингибиторы коррозии сплава Al/Cu лучше всего действуют на стадии финальной обработки

    The Effect of Cranio-Cervical Position on Core Muscle Activation during the Prone Plank Exercise

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    This study aimed to investigate the influence of head position on the electromyographical activity of the core muscles during the prone plank exercise. Twenty healthy participants were enrolled in this study. Muscle activation was registered using surface electromyography in the rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, and the lumbar portion of erector spinae. Three plank conditions were randomly evaluated, varying the position of the cranio-cervical segment during the plank performance (neutral, flexion and extension). The activation of each individual examined muscle and the overall core muscle activity (Total Intensity), as well as the ratings of perceived exertion were analysed with statistical significance set at p 0.90). The rectus abdominis presented larger activation in flexion compared to the other variations (p 0.70). Flexion elicited a greater response for both sides of external oblique when compared to neutral and extension, and also for both sides of internal oblique compared to the other conditions (p 0.70). Both flexion and extension reported higher exertion rating values compared to neutral (p 0.90). Head position influenced the electromyographical activation of core musculature, showing highest values when performing the plank in a head flexion.This research was funded by Consellería de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte de la Generalitat Valenciana, and European Social Fund (European Union), Grant Project Number ACIF/2016/048

    Weight status, BMI and physical fitness in polish youth: relationships between 1986 and 2016

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    One of the components affecting the level of health is physical fitness and diets, which is also considered the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Methods: Samples by survey ranged from 871 to 1,417 (boys) and from 843 to 1,326 (girls). Speed (5 m run), agility (figure-8-run), explosive power (vertical jump), flexibility (stand and reach) and cardiovascular fitness (step test) were measured. The Body Mass Index (BMI) of each student was classified as Thin, Normal weight or Overweight/Obese (Owt/Ob) relative to International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) criteria. Fitness items were compared among weight status groups and across surveys with sex-specific analyses of covariance. Regressions of each fitness item on the BMI in the four surveys were done using linear and nonlinear quadratic models. Results: Performances on all fitness tests except flexibility were poorer among Owt/Ob compared to Normal and Thin youth, but performances on fitness tests within weight status groups did not differ consistently across surveys. Conclusions: Relationships between the BMI and fitness tests varied across surveys, but suggested reasonably consistent curvilinear relationships between fitness tests and the BMI among boys more so than girls.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characteristics of the competitive loads of Polish National Amputee Football Team. Pilot studies

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    Background: Information about competitive loads of amputee soccer players are very limited. This element should be one of the base to prepare appropriate training program according to individual needs of players, as well aims of season. The main aim of this pilot study was to describe the characteristics of selected elements of the internal competitive load of football players after unilateral amputations. Methods: The subject involved a group of 15 Polish National Amp Football (PNAF) players after unilateral amputations of t he upper or lower limbs. The age, height and weight were 27.1±8.4 years, 176.2±7.3 cm, 72.0±14.2 kg, respectively. The information were recorded during match between PNAF Team and representative of Polish Clubs, using Polar Team 2Pro System. The data base was analyzed using standard tools and differences among variables was checked by Wilcoxon test. Results: During whole games value of HRmean was 132.6±10.56 bpm with a range from 87.3±10.6 bpm to 182.3±10.69 bpm and energy expenditure was 612.7±164.86 kcal. General, Values of observed variables were higher in the 2nd part of the match but differences among them was not significance. Conclusion: Characterizing the competitive effort will allow to diagnose and determine the nature of the work to use it as specific requirements of the discipline. It can be expected that these information will contribute to the improvement the training process for AMP Footballers and optimize training of the disabled people

    Assessment of diving risks — based on selected haemostatic parameters

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    Безопасность ныряльщиков оценивали на основании проведения: - субъективного и объективного обследования; - оценки избранных гемостатических параметров фибринолиза; - радиологического обследования. При кратковременных погружения и погружениях в среде насыщении, а также при выполнении подводных работ, наблюдали изменения гемостатических показателей, что свидетельствует об образовании пузырьков газа в крови. Критерием оценки индивидуального риска развития декомпрессионной болезни может быть изменения гемостаза и фибринолиза кровяных пластинок, уменьшение количества тромбоцитов, увеличение процентного содержания микропластинок и экспрессии на частицах молекул ОЭ 62Р и ОЭ 61. Проведена оценка эффективности разработанных декомпрессионных режимов после моделированного погружения в насыщенной среде с использованием нитрокса, гелия и тройной смеси

    Assessment of diving risks — based on selected haemostatic parameters

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    Безопасность ныряльщиков оценивали на основании проведения: - субъективного и объективного обследования; - оценки избранных гемостатических параметров фибринолиза; - радиологического обследования. При кратковременных погружения и погружениях в среде насыщении, а также при выполнении подводных работ, наблюдали изменения гемостатических показателей, что свидетельствует об образовании пузырьков газа в крови. Критерием оценки индивидуального риска развития декомпрессионной болезни может быть изменения гемостаза и фибринолиза кровяных пластинок, уменьшение количества тромбоцитов, увеличение процентного содержания микропластинок и экспрессии на частицах молекул ОЭ 62Р и ОЭ 61. Проведена оценка эффективности разработанных декомпрессионных режимов после моделированного погружения в насыщенной среде с использованием нитрокса, гелия и тройной смеси

    Using coloured filters to reduce the symptoms of visual stress in children with reading delay

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    Background: Meares Irlen Syndrome (MIS), otherwise known as “visual stress”, is one condition that can cause difficulties with reading. Aim: This study aimed to compare the effect of two coloured-filter systems on the symptoms of visual stress in children with reading delay. Methods: The study design was a pre-test, post-test, randomized head-to-head comparison of two filter systems on the symptoms of visual stress in school children. A total of 68 UK mainstream schoolchildren with significant impairment in reading ability completed the study. Results: The filter systems appeared to have a large effect on the reported symptoms between pre and post three-month time points (d = 2.5, r = 0.78). Both filter types appeared to have large effects (Harris d = 1.79, r = 0.69 and DRT d = 3.22, r = 0.85). Importantly, 35% of participants’ reported that their symptoms had resolved completely; 72% of the 68 children appeared to gain improvements in three or more visual stress symptoms. Conclusion and significance: The reduction in symptoms, which appeared to be brought about by the use of coloured filters, eased the visual discomfort experienced by these children when reading. This type of intervention therefore has the potential to facilitate occupational engagement