553 research outputs found

    Ostéo-arthrites tuberculeuses inhabituelles multifocales chez une patiente immunocompétente

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    Les formes multifocales de la tuberculose, surviennent habituellement chez des sujets immunodéprimés. Dans les formes multifocales, certaines localisations osseuses sont rares. Les auteurs rapportent le cas d'une patiente de 58 ans, immunocompétente qui présentait une tuberculose multifocale associant une atteinte pulmonaire et des localisations osseuses et articulaires inhabituelles (l'épaule, la cheville et le pied homolatéral, la branche illio-pubienne). Le diagnostic a été histologique (biopsie ostéo-articulaire) et bactériologique (mise en évidence des BAAR dans les crachats). Le traitement a été médico-chirurgical

    A rare case of anatomical variation of the femoral artery and vein

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    During a dissection of the two femoral trigons in a female corpse, about 14 years old, we discovered on the right side, the deep artery of the thigh arising from the medial side of the femoral artery and passed in front of the femoral vein above the mouth of the great saphenous vein; on both sides, there was the presence of a collateral canal which communicated the external iliac vein with the femoral vein on the right, on the left, it communicated the external iliac vein with the quadricipital vein. The lower part of the femoral vein was duplicated on both sides, but on the right, there was an interconnecting channel between the two trunks of the duplication. Variations of the femoral vessels are very frequent and can be responsible for an incident during the practice of certain gestures at the level of the femoral trigon such as: catheterization of the femoral artery or vein, the treatment of femoral hernias. Key words: Deep thigh artery, collateral venous canal, external iliac vein, anatomic variations

    Aménagements hydro-agricoles et nuisance culicidienne : l'exemple de Banzon (Burkina Faso)

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    La nuisance culicidienne a été étudiée pendant 4 mois dans deux quartiers d'un village de riziculteurs de l'ouest du Burkina Faso. Il apparaît une très grande différence dans la densité de faune agressive entre un quartier situé dans la rizière (168 piqûres/homme/nuit) et un autre distant de seulement de quelques centaines de mètres (44 p/h/n). Le nombre de piqûres d'anophèles est constamment 6 fois plus élevé dans le premier quartier. Il est souhaitable que les aménagements d'agriculture irriguée, qui sont probablement une nécessité pour l'avenir de l'Afrique, soient conçus en tenant compte des nuisances culicidiennes. Des mesures aussi simples que l'éloignement de l'habitat les réduisent de manière marquée. (Résumé d'auteur

    Long-term effect of Mali phosphate rock on the grain yield of interspecifics and saltiva rice cultivars on acid soil in a humid forest zone of Côte d’Ivoire

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    To generate knowledge of upland rice intensification in West Africa, the grain yields of four interspecific cultivars (V2 = WAB450-1 B-P-38-HB; V3 = WAB450-11-1-P-40-HB; V4 = WAB450-11-1-P-40-1-H; and V5 = WAB450-24-3-2-P-18-HB) were compared with that of a soil acidity tolerant sativa (WAB 56-104 = V1) on acid soil at Man in the humid forest zone in Côte d’Ivoire during five cropping seasons (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002). Nitrogen and potassium were annually applied at 100 and 50 kg ha-1 respectively. Mali phosphate rock from Tilemsi was applied once in 1998 at 0, 150, 300 and 450 kg P ha-1 in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The results revealed a grain yield ranging from 0.5 t ha-1 to 2.6 t ha-1 with highest productivity of interspecific cultivars V3 and V4 even at 0 kg P ha-1 compared to acid tolerant saltiva (V1). Annual optimum rates of P application were determined at 31.5 and 45 kg P ha-1 respectively for V3 and V4. Applying Mali PR at 31.5 and 45 kg P ha-1 respectively for V3 and V4 was recommended for upland rice intensification in the humid forest zone of Côte d’Ivoire.Keywords: Mali phosphate rock, rice, Côte d’Ivoire, interspecific, acid soil

    Assessment of Serum Calcium, Serum Iron and Nutritional Status among Under-Five Children in Six Municipalities of Abidjan District, Côte d’Ivoire

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    Malnutrition occurs in various forms in the world, especially in African countries. It affects two-thirds of the children in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition to the protein-energy malnutrition (PEM), micronutrient deficiencies also affect many children. The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status, serum iron and serum calcium among under-five children. This study was conducted on a cohort from 480 children in six municipalities of Abidjan: Abobo, Cocody, Koumassi, Marcory, Treichville and Yopougon. A blood sample and anthropometric measurements (weight, height) were performed to determine the hematological profile and nutritional status of children. The results showed that stunting was the most widespread form of malnutrition among children surveyed. Depending on age, children from 0 to 6 months have a low prevalence of PEM than those from 7 to 59 months: wasting (1.2% vs 3.5%), stunting (8.6% vs 25.2%) and underweight (3.4% vs 10.7%). Also, the results reveal a lowest serum iron (µmol/l) among children from low households income (9.77 ± 2.4), illiterate mothers (8.92 ± 1.3) compared to those from mothers with a high level of education (21.75 ± 4.1) and high living standard (21.28 ± 2.1). There was no notable difference (p>0.05) between serum calcium whatever socio-demographic parameters considered. The parameters under study such as nutritional status, serum calcium and serum iron have shown a variation of malnutrition in Abidjan

    Effects of Different Solid Loading Rates of Faecal Sludge on the Dewatering Performance of Unplanted Filter Bed.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate which Solid Loading Rate (SLR) of faecal sludge will best improve the dewatering performance of selected sand with particle sizes range of (? 0.1 ? 0.5) mm raised on bench scale filter beds. Public toilet sludge  and septage collected from suction trucks discharging at Dompoase stabilisation  ponds in Kumasi , Ghana, mixed in the ratio of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 by volume representing SLR1, SLR2 and SLR3 respectively, were used for the dewatering. Percolate volume was measured every 24 hour. The faecal sludge of SLR1, SLR2 and SLR3 dewatered at average dewatering times of 7, 5 and 4 days respectively. Removal efficiencies of the different solid loading rates though very high for TS, SS, TVS, COD, DCOD, NH3-N, did not show any significant difference. Organic matter build up in the top 10cm of the filter bed was least in SLR3. Again SLR3 showed the highest potential for annual generation of biosolids at 438, 421 and 379 (kg/m2 year) for SL3, SLR2 and SLR1 respectively. Therefore SLR3 of faecal sludge is recommended for dewatering on the selected filter bed. Key words: Faecal sludge, solid loading rate, dewatering time, filter bed, percolate

    Basal fertilizer effects on weed occurrence and rice yield in acid upland soil of West Africa at BĂ©nin

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    Fertilizers application is required in order to improve rice production in low fertile soils of West Africa. This practice can also increase weed pressure in rice field, thereby reducing yield significantly. Chemotropism of weed was hypothesized to identify nutrient effects on weed abundance and biomass production as well as rice yield for suitable recommendation of basal fertilizer in terre de barre soil agro-ecology. Two years (2005 and 2006) fertilizer omission trial including nitrogen (N), potassium (K), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and zinc (Zn) was conducted in a randomized completed block design, with 4 replications at the Africa Rice Center experiment station, in Benin. The New Rice for Africa named NERICA 4 was sown. Weed dominance-abundance indices and biomass, as well as, rice grain yield were assessed. Results show that Digitaria horizontalis Wild and Mariscus cylindristachyus Steudel were the most dominant weed species in rainfed rice fields on terre de barre soils and the omission of Zn has ability to discriminate among weeds. Base on weed biomass (60.11 – 129.26 g m-2) reduction by 36 – 53% in treatments with Ca, Mg and P omission, the application of N, K and Zn was recommendable for basal fertilizer as integrated weed management practice for boosting rice production on terre de barre soils in West Africa

    Évaluation de la sensibilité de sept clones de palmier à huile (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) à Coelaenomenodera lameensis Berti et Mariau (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) Konan J.

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    Objectifs : Évaluer la sensibilité de 7 clones d’Elaeis guineensis à Coelaenomenodera lameensis (Coleoptera : Hispinae) et estimer les dégâts occasionnés par l’insecte au terme d’un cycle de développement complet sur chaque type de matériel clonal.Méthodologies et Résultats : des insectes adultes de C. lameensis ont été transposés sur des folioles de clones d’Elaeis guineensis isolés dans des manchons. L’évolution des insectes a été ensuite observée à chaque étape du cycle normal de développement de C. lameensis. Les dégâts provoqués par l’insecte ont été estimés par le rapport entre la surface de foliole attaquée et la surface totale de foliole. Les résultats ont montré que certains clones étaient moins favorables au développement de l’insecte que d’autres. Le clone LMC247, avec 53,80 % ± 2,56 de surface foliaire attaquée, a été plus sensible à l’insecte que les autres clones LMC159, LMC161, LMC022, LMC010, LMC270 et LMC291 où les dégâts observés ont été en dessous de 25%..Conclusion et Application : au regard des résultats, il ressort que le développement de C. lameensis est influencé par le type de matériel clonal. Les dégâts sur les clones testés ont été généralement de faible intensité. Cette approche expérimentale, laisse présager de bonnes perspectives pour la lutte génétique contre C. lameensis.. En effet, plus de 300 clones de palmier ont déjà été crées en Côte d’Ivoire. Un criblage élargi à l’ensemble de ce matériel va permettre d’identifier à terme des clones performants pour contrôler le ravageur, au regard de l’homogénéité de ce type de matériel végétal.Mots clés : clone, palmier à huile, lutte génétique, Coelænomenodera lameensisEvaluation of seven oil palm clones (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) sensibility to Coelaenomenodera lameensis Berti and Mariau (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae)Objective: this study aims to evaluate seven oil palm clones sensibility to Coelaenomenodera lameensis (Coleoptera: Hispinae) and to estimate the damage caused by this insect on each type of clonal material.Methods and results: adult insects of C. lameensis were transposed on Elaeis guineensis clones leaflets isolated in canvas bags. Insect evolution was observed at each stage of normal development cycle of C. lameensis. The damage caused by the insect was estimated using the ratio of the surface of leaflet attacked and the total surface of leaflet. The results showed that some clones were less favorable to the development of C. lameensis than others. The clone LMC247, with 53.80 ± 2.56% of leaf surface attacked was more susceptible to C. lameensis than the other clones LMC159, LMC161, LMC022, LMC010, LMC270 and LMC291. For these clones, the damages noted were below 25% of leaf area attacked.Conclusion and application: the results showed that C. lameensis development depended of the clones. Overall, a low intensity of damage was observed on the leaflet of the clones. This experimental approach suggests good projection for genetic control of C. lameensis with oil palm clone material. Indeed, more than 300 oil palm clones have already been established in Côte d'Ivoire. The screening of this material can help selecting performing material to control the pest due to the homogeneity of this type of plant material. Key words: clone, oil palm, genetic control, Coelænomenodera lameensi
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