6 research outputs found

    Relationships between Almost Completely Decomposable Abelian Groups with Their Multiplication Groups

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    For an Abelian group GG, any homomorphism μ ⁣:GGG\mu\colon G\otimes G\rightarrow G is called a \textsf{multiplication} on GG. The set MultG\text{Mult}\,G of all multiplications on an Abelian group GG is an Abelian group with respect to addition. An Abelian group GG with multiplication, defined on it, is called a \textsf{ring on the group} GG. Let A0\mathcal{A}_0 be the class of Abelian block-rigid almost completely decomposable groups of ring type with cyclic regulator quotient. In the paper, we study relationships between the above groups and their multiplication groups. It is proved that groups from A0\mathcal{A}_0 are definable by their multiplication groups. For a rigid group GA0G\in\mathcal{A}_0, the isomorphism problem is solved: we describe multiplications from MultG\text{Mult}\,G that define isomorphic rings on GG. We describe Abelian groups that are realized as the multiplication group of some group in A0\mathcal{A}_0. We also describe groups in A0\mathcal{A}_0 that are isomorphic to their multiplication groups.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2205.1065

    Absolute Ideals of Almost Completely Decomposable Abelian Groups

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    We consider the class A0\mathcal{A}_0 of Abelian block-rigid CRQCRQ-groups of ring type. A subgroup AA of an Abelian group GG is called an \textsf{absolute ideal} of the group GG if AA is an ideal in any ring on GG. We describe principal absolute ideals of groups in A0\mathcal{A}_0. This allows to prove that any group in A0\mathcal{A}_0 is an afiafi-group, i.e., a group GG such that any absolute ideal of GG is a fully invariant subgroup

    Умножения на смешанных абелевых группах

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    A multiplication on an abelian group G is a homomorphism μ:GGG\mu: G\otimes G\rightarrow G. An mixed abelian group G is called an MT-group if every multiplication on the torsion part of the group G can be extended  uniquely to a multiplication on G. MT-groups have been studied in many articles on the theory of additive groups of rings, but their complete description has not yet been obtained. In this paper, a pure fully invariant subgroup GΛG^*_\Lambda is considered for an abelian MT-group G. One of the main properties of this subgroup is that pΛ(G)pGΛ\bigcap\limits_{p \in \Lambda (G)}pG^*_\Lambda is a nil-ideal in every ring with the additive group G (here Λ(G)\Lambda (G) is the set of all primes p, for which the p-primary component of G is non-zero). It is shown that for every MT-group G either G=GΛG=G^*_\Lambda or the quotient group G/GΛG/G^*_\Lambda is uncountable.Умножение на абелевой группе G - это гомоморфизм μ:GGG\mu: G\otimes G\rightarrow G. Абелева группа G называется MT-группой, если любое умноженеие на ее периодической части однозначно продолжается до умножения на G. MT-группы изучались во многих работах по теории аддитивных групп колец, но вопрос об их строении остается открытым. В настоящней работе для MT-группы G рассматривается сервантная вполне характеристическая подгруппа GΛG^*_\Lambda, одно из основных свойств которой заключается в том, что  подгруппа pΛ(G)pGΛ\bigcap\limits_{p \in \Lambda (G)}pG^*_\Lambda является ниль-идеалом в любом кольце с аддитивной группой G (здесь Λ(G)\Lambda(G) - множество всех простых чисел p, для которых p-примарная компонента группы G отлична от нуля). Показано, что для любой MT-группы G либо G=GΛG=G^*_\Lambda, либо факторгруппа G/GΛG/G^*_\Lambda несчетна

    Алгебраически компактные абелевы TI-группы

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    An abelian group G is called a TI-group if every associative ring with additive group G is filial. An abelian group G such that every (associative) ring with additive group G is an SI-ring (a hamiltonian ring) is called an SI-group (an SIHSI_H-group). In this paper, TI-groups, as well as SI-groups and SIHSI_H-groups are described in the class of reduced algebraically compact abelian groups.Абелева группа G называется TI-группой если любое ассоциативное кольцо с аддитивной группой G является филиальным. Абелева группа называется SI-группой (SIHSI_H-группой), если любое (ассоциативное) кольцо с аддитивной группой G является SI-кольцом (гамильтоновым кольцом). В работе в классе редуцированных алгебраически компактных абелевых групп описаны  TI-группы, а также SI-группы и SIHSI_H-группы

    Multiplication Groups of Abelian Torsion-Free Groups of Finite Rank

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    For an Abelian group GG, any homomorphism μ ⁣:GGG\mu\colon G\otimes G\rightarrow G is called a \textsf{multiplication} on GG. The set MultG\text{Mult}\,G of all multiplications on an Abelian group GG itself is an Abelian group with respect to addition; the group is called the \textsf{multiplication group} of GG. Let A0\mathcal{A}_0 be the class of all reduced block-rigid almost completely decomposable groups of ring type with cyclic regulator quotient. In this paper, for groups GA0G\in \mathcal{A}_0, we describe groups MultG\text{Mult}\,G. We prove that for GA0G\in \mathcal{A}_0, the group MultG\text{Mult}\,G also belongs to the class A0\mathcal{A}_0. For any group GA0G\in \mathcal{A}_0, we describe the rank, the regulator, the regulator index, invariants of near-isomorphism, a main decomposition, and a standard representation of the group MultG\text{Mult}\,G