1,840 research outputs found

    Multisoliton hybrid generation of fiber lasers with anomalous dispersion

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    We have performed a numerical simulation study of a hybrid regime of anomalous-dispersion-fiber lasers inwhich passive mode locking occurs simultaneously with the regime of regular undamped spikes induced by anintracavity saturable absorber. Stabilization and reproducibility of the laser radiation is provided by a fiber opticaldelay line due to which each subsequent spike is formed from the seed radiation of the previous one. The transientevolution and steady-state generation are analyzed. It is found that the number of ultrashort pulses in the steady-state generation depends on the initial conditions of the transient process. In the investigated generation, thespatial-temporal concentration of radiation energy is due to both passive mode locking andQ-switch operation.The hybrid regime is of interest for obtaining reproducible high-energy light pulse

    Effects of non-resonant interaction in ensembles of phase oscillators

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    We consider general properties of groups of interacting oscillators, for which the natural frequencies are not in resonance. Such groups interact via non-oscillating collective variables like the amplitudes of the order parameters defined for each group. We treat the phase dynamics of the groups using the Ott-Antonsen ansatz and reduce it to a system of coupled equations for the order parameters. We describe different regimes of co-synchrony in the groups. For a large number of groups, heteroclinic cycles, corresponding to a sequental synchronous activity of groups, and chaotic states, where the order parameters oscillate irregularly, are possible.Comment: 21 pages, 7 fig

    Color domains in fiber lasers

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    We report on the experimental observation of a color domain (CD) phenomenon in a dissipative soliton fiber laser. The CDs are constituted by a wavelength-dependent condensed phase of pulses in motion. Single CD, dual CD, and tricolor domain that occupy all the cavity space are observed. The CDs have flexible tunability of duty cycle, amplitude, wavelength, and wavelength spacing. The CDs derive from the wavelength-dependent slow evolution of gain, and the formation mechanism of multiple CDs can be explained by cross gain saturation

    Theoretical and experimental analysis of staircase pulses in passive mode-locked fiber lasers

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    We report an experimental observation of staircase pulses generated from an Er:Yb co-doped fiber laser operat-ing in the anomalous dispersion regime. The staircase pulses consist of two distinct square pulses associated withdifferent wavelengths in a dual peak spectrum and they exhibit particular temporal characteristics. To establish atheory behind the experimental results, we simulate numerically the fiber oscillator by using a master equationand taking into consideration the gain inhomogeneities as well as other nonlinear variables

    Identification of corner separation modelling in axial compressor stage

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    The paper presents a study of corner separations in hub to blade region at various operation conditions towards compressor stall. It is known that for compressor flows with low or none separations computation fluid dynamics with RANS methods work quite well, however, for highly separated flows they are no longer entirely valid. Therefore, several criteria were applied for prediction and quantification of possible corner separation, and the main interest of this work is in predicting the separation just before it will actually happen by certain flow metrics, so these metrics can be further used as a 'pre-stall' criteria whilst the RANS CFD operating point still behave within its appropriate limits. Also the effect of shear lean is discussed in the presented context. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020

    Glass capillary X-ray lens: fabrication technique and ray tracing calculations

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    A new method for producing a compound refractive X-ray lens is described. The lens is designed as glass capillary "lled by a set of concave individual lenses. The method is appropriate for the preparation of 10}1000 spherical lenses in a glass capillary with a diameter of 0.1}1 mm. Lens aberrations are considered and simple formulas for spot size are derived. Ray-tracing simulations on the focusing experiments using 18 keV X-rays are reported. ( 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Target mass number dependence of subthreshold antiproton production in proton-, deuteron- and alpha-particle-induced reactions

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    Data from KEK on subthreshold \bar{\mrm{p}} as well as on π±\pi^\pm and \mrm{K}^\pm production in proton-, deuteron- and α\alpha-induced reactions at energies between 2.0 and 12.0 A GeV for C, Cu and Pb targets are described within a unified approach. We use a model which considers a nuclear reaction as an incoherent sum over collisions of varying numbers of projectile and target nucleons. It samples complete events and thus allows for the simultaneous consideration of all final particles including the decay products of the nuclear residues. The enormous enhancement of the \bar{\mrm{p}} cross section, as well as the moderate increase of meson production in deuteron and α\alpha induced compared to proton-induced reactions, is well reproduced for all target nuclei. In our approach, the observed enhancement near the production threshold is mainly due to the contributions from the interactions of few-nucleon clusters by simultaneously considering fragmentation processes of the nuclear residues. The ability of the model to reproduce the target mass dependence may be considered as a further proof of the validity of the cluster concept.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Redesign of an axial compressor with mass flow reduction of 30%

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    In this paper redesign process of an axial compressor of a Gas Turbine for mechanical drive is discussed together with computational results and experimental data. The goal of the project was to reduce compressor mass flow by 30% and at the same time to increase compressor specific work by about 10%. This could not be achieved by conventional methods such as re-staggering of Inlet Guide Vanes. Throughflow and CFD calculations were performed for redesigned versions. As a result an updated compressor was produced for the real engine and achieved design objectives. This paper shows how the swept area distribution along the compressor affects stage loading distribution and surge limits. © 2019 WIT Press

    Nonlinear Absorbing-Loop Mirror in a Holmium-Doped Fiber Laser

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    Estimating instantaneous sea-ice dynamics from space using the bi-static radar measurements of Earth Explorer 10 candidate Harmony

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    This article describes the observation techniques and suggests processing methods to estimate dynamical sea-ice parameters from data of the Earth Explorer 10 candidate Harmony. The two Harmony satellites will fly in a reconfigurable formation with Sentinel-1D. Both will be equipped with a multi-angle thermal infrared sensor and a passive radar receiver, which receives the reflected Sentinel-1D signals using two antennas. During the lifetime of the mission, two different formations will be flown. In the stereo formation, the Harmony satellites will fly approximately 300 km in front and behind Sentinel-1, which allows for the estimation of instantaneous sea-ice drift vectors. We demonstrate that the addition of instantaneous sea-ice drift estimates on top of the daily integrated values from feature tracking have benefits in terms of interpretation, sampling and resolution. The wide-swath instantaneous drift observations of Harmony also help to put high-temporal-resolution instantaneous buoy observations into a spatial context. Additionally, it allows for the extraction of deformation parameters, such as shear and divergence. As a result, Harmony's data will help to improve sea-ice statistics and parametrizations to constrain sea-ice models. In the cross-track interferometry (XTI) mode, Harmony's satellites will fly in close formation with an XTI baseline to be able to estimate surface elevations. This will allow for improved estimates of sea-ice volume and also enables the retrieval of full, two-dimensional swell-wave spectra in sea-ice-covered regions without any gaps. In stereo formation, the line-of-sight diversity allows the inference of swell properties in both directions using traditional velocity bunching approaches. In XTI mode, Harmony's phase differences are only sensitive to the ground-range direction swell. To fully recover two-dimensional swell-wave spectra, a synergy between XTI height spectra and intensity spectra is required. If selected, the Harmony mission will be launched in 2028