3,200 research outputs found

    High precision calculations of electroweak radiative corrections for polarized Moller scattering at one loop and beyond

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    Parity-violating Moller scattering measurements are a powerful probe of new physics effects, and the upcoming high-precision experiments will require a new level of accuracy for electroweak radiative corrections (EWC). First, we perform the updated calculations of one-loop EWC for Moller scattering asymmetry using two different approaches: semi-automatic, precise, with FeynArts and FormCalc as base languages, and "by hand", with reasonable approximations. In addition, we provide a tuned comparison between the one-loop results obtained in two different renormalization schemes: on-shell and constrained differential renormalization. As the last step, we discuss the two-loop EWC induced by squaring one-loop diagrams, and show that the significant size of this partial correction indicates a need for a complete study of the two-loop EWC in order to meet the precision goals of future experiments.Comment: PAVI11 Workshop Proceedings (September 5-9, 2011, Rome

    Beam Cooling with ionisation losses

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    A novel type of particle "cooling", called Ionization Cooling, is applicable to slow (v of the order of 0.1c) ions stored in a small ring. The many traversals through a thin foil enhance the nuclear reaction probability, in a steady configuration in which ionisation losses are recovered at each turn by a RF-cavity. For a uniform target "foil" the longitudinal momentum spread diverges exponentially since faster (slower) particles ionise less (more) than the average. In order to "cool" also longitudinally, a chromaticity has to be introduced with a wedge shaped "foil". Multiple scattering and straggling are then "cooled" in all three dimensions, with a method similar to the one of synchrotron cooling, but valid for low energy ions. Particles then stably circulate in the beam indefinitely, until they undergo for instance nuclear processes in the thin target foil. This new method is under consideration for the nuclear production of a few MeV/A ion beams. Simple reactions, for instance Li 7 + D Li 8 + p, are more favourably exploited with the heavier ion colliding against a gas-jet D2 target. Kinematics is generally very favourable, with emission angles in a narrow angular cone and a relatively concentrated outgoing energy spectrum which allows an efficient collection as a neutral gas in a tiny volume with a technology at high temperatures perfected at ISOLDE. It is however of a much more general applicability. The method appears capable of producing a "table top" storage ring with an accumulation rate in excess of 10**14 Li-8 radioactive ion/s for possible use for radioactive beams for physics studies (for example for beta-beams) or for therapy.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    White paper: CeLAND - Investigation of the reactor antineutrino anomaly with an intense 144Ce-144Pr antineutrino source in KamLAND

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    We propose to test for short baseline neutrino oscillations, implied by the recent reevaluation of the reactor antineutrino flux and by anomalous results from the gallium solar neutrino detectors. The test will consist of producing a 75 kCi 144Ce - 144Pr antineutrino source to be deployed in the Kamioka Liquid Scintillator Anti-Neutrino Detector (KamLAND). KamLAND's 13m diameter target volume provides a suitable environment to measure energy and position dependence of the detected neutrino flux. A characteristic oscillation pattern would be visible for a baseline of about 10 m or less, providing a very clean signal of neutrino disappearance into a yet-unknown, "sterile" state. Such a measurement will be free of any reactor-related uncertainties. After 1.5 years of data taking the Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly parameter space will be tested at > 95% C.L.Comment: White paper prepared for Snowmass-2013; slightly different author lis

    CeLAND: search for a 4th light neutrino state with a 3 PBq 144Ce-144Pr electron antineutrino generator in KamLAND

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    The reactor neutrino and gallium anomalies can be tested with a 3-4 PBq (75-100 kCi scale) 144Ce-144Pr antineutrino beta-source deployed at the center or next to a large low-background liquid scintillator detector. The antineutrino generator will be produced by the Russian reprocessing plant PA Mayak as early as 2014, transported to Japan, and deployed in the Kamioka Liquid Scintillator Anti-Neutrino Detector (KamLAND) as early as 2015. KamLAND's 13 m diameter target volume provides a suitable environment to measure the energy and position dependence of the detected neutrino flux. A characteristic oscillation pattern would be visible for a baseline of about 10 m or less, providing a very clean signal of neutrino disappearance into a yet-unknown, sterile neutrino state. This will provide a comprehensive test of the electron dissaperance neutrino anomalies and could lead to the discovery of a 4th neutrino state for Delta_m^2 > 0.1 eV^2 and sin^2(2theta) > 0.05.Comment: 67 pages, 50 figures. Th. Lasserre thanks the European Research Council for support under the Starting Grant StG-30718

    The Physics of Heavy Flavours at SuperB

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    This is a review of the SuperB project, covering the accelerator, detector, and highlights of the broad physics programme. SuperB is a flavour factory capable of performing precision measurements and searches for rare and forbidden decays of Bu,d,sB_{u,d,s}, DD, τ\tau and Υ(nS)\Upsilon({\mathrm{nS}}) particles. These results can be used to test fundamental symmetries and expectations of the Standard Model, and to constrain many different hypothesised types of new physics. In some cases these measurements can be used to place constraints on the existence of light dark matter and light Higgs particles with masses below 10GeV/c210GeV/c^2. The potential impact of the measurements that will be made by SuperB on the field of high energy physics is also discussed in the context of data taken at both high energy in the region around the \Upsilon({\mathrm{4S}})$, and near charm threshold.Comment: 49 pages, topical review submitted to J. Phys

    Validation of techniques to mitigate copper surface contamination in CUORE

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    In this article we describe the background challenges for the CUORE experiment posed by surface contamination of inert detector materials such as copper, and present three techniques explored to mitigate these backgrounds. Using data from a dedicated test apparatus constructed to validate and compare these techniques we demonstrate that copper surface contamination levels better than 10E-07 - 10E-08 Bq/cm2 are achieved for 238U and 232Th. If these levels are reproduced in the final CUORE apparatus the projected 90% C.L. upper limit on the number of background counts in the region of interest is 0.02-0.03 counts/keV/kg/y depending on the adopted mitigation technique.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 6 table

    Proposal for an Enhanced Optical Cooling System Test in an Electron Storage Ring

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    We are proposing to test experimentally the new idea of Enhanced Optical Cooling (EOC) in an electron storage ring. This experiment will confirm new fundamental processes in beam physics and will demonstrate new unique possibilities with this cooling technique. It will open important applications of EOC in nuclear physics, elementary particle physics and in Light Sources (LS) based on high brightness electron and ion beams.Comment: 21 pages, pdf. The number of electrons in the bunch in the example is decreased, the volume of the paper is increased, Misprints are correcte

    Conceptual design of a nonscaling fixed field alternating gradient accelerator for protons and carbon ions for charged particle therapy

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    Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.The conceptual design for a nonscaling fixed field alternating gradient accelerator suitable for charged particle therapy (the use of protons and other light ions to treat some forms of cancer) is described.EPSR