1,777 research outputs found

    The New Deal, Race, and Home Ownership in the 1920s and 1930s

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    Many federal government housing policies began during the New Deal of the 1930s. Many claim that minorities benefited less from these policies than whites. We estimate the relationships between policies in the 1920s and 1930s and black and white home ownership in farm and nonfarm settings using a pseudo-panel of repeated cross-sections of households in 1920, 1930, and 1940 matched with policy measures in 460 state economic areas. The policies examined include FHA mortgage insurance, HOLC loan refinancing, state mortgage moratoria, farm loan programs, public housing, public works and relief, and payments to farmers to take land out of production.

    Age-Related Gene Expression Differences in Monocytes from Human Neonates, Young Adults, and Older Adults.

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    A variety of age-related differences in the innate and adaptive immune systems have been proposed to contribute to the increased susceptibility to infection of human neonates and older adults. The emergence of RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) provides an opportunity to obtain an unbiased, comprehensive, and quantitative view of gene expression differences in defined cell types from different age groups. An examination of ex vivo human monocyte responses to lipopolysaccharide stimulation or Listeria monocytogenes infection by RNA-seq revealed extensive similarities between neonates, young adults, and older adults, with an unexpectedly small number of genes exhibiting statistically significant age-dependent differences. By examining the differentially induced genes in the context of transcription factor binding motifs and RNA-seq data sets from mutant mouse strains, a previously described deficiency in interferon response factor-3 activity could be implicated in most of the differences between newborns and young adults. Contrary to these observations, older adults exhibited elevated expression of inflammatory genes at baseline, yet the responses following stimulation correlated more closely with those observed in younger adults. Notably, major differences in the expression of constitutively expressed genes were not observed, suggesting that the age-related differences are driven by environmental influences rather than cell-autonomous differences in monocyte development

    LCA of PHA Production – Identifying the Ecological Potential of Bio-plastic

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    A major reason for the call to increasingly switch towards polymers based on renewable resources is their presumed advantage regarding ecological performance compared to fossil competitors. Usually, this argument is based on the assumption that products based on renewable sources hold an inherent ecological advantage over products derived from other sources, in particular fossil sources. This claim however must be substantiated by looking into the ecological impacts accrued by the production of a material along the whole life cycle, from the raw material generation to the provision of the final product. Only thorough life cycle assessments (LCA) can provide solid, comprehensive and quantifiable information about the ecological performance of products, and thus answer the question of any superiority of bio-polymers regarding their environmental impacts. The paper will review the ongoing discourse about environmental performance of PHA in literature. It will also analyse the most important factors that decide about the ecological performance of PHA derived from different raw materials as well as the potential for improvement that is still available for PHA production

    Fundusblutungen bei Malaria tropica

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    Ein 20jĂ€hriger Tourist mit Malaria tropica entwickelte bilaterale prĂ€- und intraretinale HĂ€mor-rhagien einschließlich einer Makulablutung mit reversiblem Visusverlust, der wĂ€hrend des RĂŒckfluges von Westafrika auftrat. Die Diagnose wurde durch die zunĂ€chst aufgesuchte UniversitĂ€tsaugenklinik eingeleitet. Mögliche Pathomechanismen, okulĂ€re Manifestationen bei Malaria und die zunehmenden Probleme mit importierter Malaria werden zusammenfassend dargestellt und besprochen.The case is presented of a 20-year-old tourist with mild falciparum malaria and bilateral preretinal and intraretinal hemorrhage, including a macular hemorrhage with reversible visual loss, which developed during his return flight from West Africa. The diagnosis was initiated by the university eye hospital originally consulted. Possible pathogenic mechanisms, ocular findings in malaria, and the increasing problems of imported malaria are summarized and reviewed

    Information integration and decision making in flowering time control

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    In order to successfully reproduce, plants must sense changes in their environment and flower at the correct time. Many plants utilize day length and vernalization, a mechanism for verifying that winter has occurred, to determine when to flower. Our study used available temperature and day length data from different climates to provide a general understanding how this information processing of environmental signals could have evolved in plants. For climates where temperature fluctuation correlations decayed exponentially, a simple stochastic model characterizing vernalization was able to reconstruct the switch-like behavior of the core flowering regulatory genes. For these and other climates, artificial neural networks were used to predict flowering gene expression patterns. For temperate plants, long-term cold temperature and short-term day length measurements were sufficient to produce robust flowering time decisions from the neural networks. Additionally, evolutionary simulations on neural networks confirmed that the combined signal of temperature and day length achieved the highest fitness relative to neural networks with access to only one of those inputs. We suggest that winter temperature memory is a well-adapted strategy for plants' detection of seasonal changes, and absolute day length is useful for the subsequent triggering of flowering

    Stable crystalline lattices in two-dimensional binary mixtures of dipolar particles

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    The phase diagram of binary mixtures of particles interacting via a pair potential of parallel dipoles is computed at zero temperature as a function of composition and the ratio of their magnetic susceptibilities. Using lattice sums, a rich variety of different stable crystalline structures is identified including AmBnA_mB_n structures. [AA (B)(B) particles correspond to large (small) dipolar moments.] Their elementary cells consist of triangular, square, rectangular or rhombic lattices of the AA particles with a basis comprising various structures of AA and BB particles. For small (dipolar) asymmetry there are intermediate AB2AB_2 and A2BA_2B crystals besides the pure AA and BB triangular crystals. These structures are detectable in experiments on granular and colloidal matter.Comment: 6 pages - 2 figs - phase diagram update

    Exogenous gonadotropins have little impact on follicular but considerable effect on serum cytokine concentrations – a comparison between Natural Cycle and stimulated IVF using a multiplexed assay platform

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    Introduction: Throughout follicular growth and subsequent corpus luteum formation the leukocyte number increases and follicular vascularisation changes. These processes are enhanced under exogenous stimulation with gonadotropins. Cytokines released by leukocytes contribute to further recruitment and vascularisation of the follicle, and they play an important role in regulating ovarian steroidogenesis by influencing theca and granulosa–lutein cell function. Changes in cytokine and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) concentrations in the ovary as a consequence of gonadotropin stimulation may negatively influence oocyte quality. In this project we have compared the intrafollicular production of inflammatory cytokines and growth factors between natural IVF cycles (NC) and classical, gonadotropin-stimulated IVF cycles (gsIVF). Material and Methods: Serum on the day of oocyte retrieval and follicular fluid (FF) were collected in 37 NC and 39 gsIVF cycles. Thirteen women within this population underwent one NC and one gsIVF cycle each. A total of 14 cytokines from Bio-Plex panels I and II were determined in matched serum and FF samples using Luminex xMAP technology on the Bio-Plex(R) platform, using the serum protocol. Results: Tumour necrosis factor-alpha, RANTES, eotaxin and interferon-gamma-induced protein-10 levels were lower in FF than in serum, and thus not further investigated. Interleukin (IL)-6, -8, -10, -15, -18, monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), VEGF and leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) showed higher median concentrations in FF than in serum, indicating possible ovarian production. Moreover, most of these showed higher evels in the gsIVF than in the NC groups in the serum, but not in the follicular fluid. IL-8 was reduced in gsIVF cycles. Conclusion: The fact that serum but not FF levels of the studied cytokines were higher in the stimulated than in the natural cycles can be attributed to the increased number of active follicles present after controlled ovarian stimulation
