14 research outputs found

    MC-128: current commutator for silicon strip detector tests

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    The MC-128 is a CAMAC module designed to simplify routine tests of multichannel semiconductor detectors. It was developed at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP) Novosibirsk in collaboration with RD2 as part of the ATLAS SCT development program. The module provides 128 channels, offering sequential measurements of the currents flowing grom detector strips to a grounded Common Bus. Each input stays virtually connected to the Common Bus independently on whether its current is measured or not. Eight inputs are permanently connected to the Common Bus, allowing the connection of additional elements like guard ring structures. The total detector current can be measured as the current flowing through the Common Bus. Measurements are accessible via a CAMAC bus and in analog form via a front panel detector. Optionally, the MC 128 allows the measurement of the capacitance between each strip and the common (high voltage) electrode of the detector at 10 kHz frequency

    ATLAS detector and physics performance: Technical Design Report, 1

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    ATLAS detector and physics performance: Technical Design Report, 2

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    ATLAS computing technical proposal

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    ATLAS computing technical proposal

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    ATLAS calorimeter performance

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    ATLAS calorimeter performance

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    ATLAS computing technical proposal

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