14 research outputs found

    Three dimensional lithospheric structure of the western continental margin of India constrained from gravity modelling: implication for tectonic evolution

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    This paper describes a 3-D lithospheric density model of the Western Continental Margin of India (WCMI) based on forward modelling of gravity data derived from satellite altimetry over the ocean and surface measurements on the Indian peninsula. The model covers the north-eastern Arabian Sea and the western part of the Indian Peninsula and incorporates constraints from a wide variety of geophysical and geological information. Salient features of the density model include: (1) the Moho depth varying from 13 km below the oceanic crust to 46 km below the continental interior; (2) the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB) located at depths between 70 km in the southwestern corner (under oceanic crust) and about 165 km below the continental region; (3) thickening of the crust under the Chagos–Laccadive and Laxmi Ridges and (4) a revised definition of the continent–ocean boundary. The 3-D density structure of the region enables us to propose an evolutionary model of the WCMI that revisits earlier views of passive rifting. The first stage of continental-scale rifting of Madagascar from India at about 90 Ma is marked by relatively small amounts of magmatism. A second episode of rifting and large-scale magmatism was possibly initiated around 70 Ma with the opening of the Gop Rift. Subsequently at around 68 Ma, the drifting away of the Seychelles and formation of the Laxmi Ridge was a consequence of the down-faulting of the northern margin. During this second episode of rifting, the northern part of the WCMI witnessed massive volcanism attributed to interaction with the Reunion hotspot at around 65 Ma. Subsequent stretching of the transitional crust between about 65 and 62 Ma formed the Laxmi Basin, the southward extension of the failed Gop Rift. As the interaction between plume and lithosphere continued, the Chagos–Laccadive Ridge was emplaced on the edge of the nascent oceanic crust/rifted continental margin in the south as the Indian Plate was moving northwards

    Deep and Prolonged Response to Aurora A Kinase Inhibitor and Subsequently to Nivolumab in MYCL1-Driven Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Case Report and Literature Review

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    Small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) is one of the most aggressive solid tumors, and the prognosis has not improved significantly in 25 years. Despite a recent understanding of the genomic aberrations seen in SCLC, these insights have not led to any breakthroughs in treatment. We present a patient with SCLC harboring a novel MYCL1 fusion protein who experienced a prolonged disease course due to the use of Aurora A kinase inhibitor and subsequently nivolumab. MYC family genes are master regulators of several cellular pathways including proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis and recently have been shown to be involved in tumor immune evasion. Large studies have shown that a significant proportion of patients with SCLC have amplification or overexpression of MYC family genes. Preclinical data have exposed vulnerability of MYC-driven tumors to Aurora kinase inhibitors, bromodomain and extraterminal domain inhibitors, and recently to immune checkpoint blockers. Further studies using these agents with selective enrolling of patients with MYC-altered tumors are warranted to exploit these vulnerabilities

    Investigation on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Banana and Palmyra Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites

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    The present work addresses the physical and mechanical properties of banana and palmyra fiber reinforced epoxy composites with the aim of study on the effect of weight ratio and fiber percentage. The banana and palmyra fibers were arranged with different weight ratios (1:1, 1:3, and 3:1) and then mixed with the epoxy matrix by hand lay-up technique to prepare the hybrid composites with various fiber percentages (10%, 20%, 30% and 40%). The properties are measured by testing its density, water absorption, tensile strength, impact strength, hardness and flexural strength and compared. From the results, it was indicated that addition of banana and palmyra fiber in to the matrix material up to 30% by fiber percentage results in increasing the mechanical properties and slightly variation with weight ratios. Interfacial analysis of the hybrid composites were also observed by using scanning electron microscope (SEM) to study the internal failures and micro structure of the tested specimen


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    Early Relapse Identifies MCL patients with Inferior Survival after Intensive or Less Intensive Frontline Therapy

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    Although an expanding array of effective treatments has resulted in recent improvement in survival of patients with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), outcomes remain heterogeneous, and identification of prognostic factors remains a priority. We assessed the prognostic impact of time to progression of disease (POD) after first-line therapy among 455 patients with relapsed MCL. Patients were categorized by duration of first remission as PRF/POD6, defined as progressive disease during induction or POD within 6 months of diagnosis (n = 65; 14%); POD6-24, defined as POD between 6 and 24 months after diagnosis (n = 153; 34%); and POD>24, defined as POD >24 months after diagnosis (n = 237; 53%). The median overall survival from POD (OS2) was 1.3 years (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.9-2.4) for patients with PRF/POD6, 3 years (95% CI, 2-6.8) for those with POD6-24, and 8 years (95% CI, 6.2-NR) for those with POD>24. Median OS2 was inferior in patients with early POD (defined as PRF/POD6 or POD6-24) after both intensive and less intensive frontline treatment. The prognostic performance of time until POD was replicated in an independent cohort of 245 patients with relapsed MCL, with median OS2 of 0.3 years (95% CI, 0.1-0.5) for PRF/POD6, 0.8 years (95% CI, 0.6-0.9) for POD6-24, and 2.4 years (95% CI 2.1-2.7) for POD>24. Early POD is associated with inferior OS2 in patients with relapsed MCL, identifying a high-risk population for future prospective studies