165 research outputs found

    Inhibition by CO of the corrosion of Fe, Ni, and their alloys in concentrated HCl solutions

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    We thank Prof. Mª Cruz Alonso and Dr. Francisco J. Recio for useful discussions, and Mr. Nicomedes Sanrromán for helping us to design our spectroelectrochemical cell.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Contact Effect Contribution to the High Efficiency of Lithium Chloride Against the Mite Parasite of the Honey Bee

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    Lithium chemicals have been proven to be very effective in eradicating Varroa destructor, the detrimental parasite of the honey bee; however, little is known about the side effects on brood and long term consequences on the colony. Earlier, it was proposed that the action mechanisms of lithium chloride do not include the contact mode. Here, we investigate this question using a paper strip test to demonstrate the concentration-dependent effectiveness of lithium in the contact mode of action, confirming that it is also a contact agent against the Varroa mite. According to our knowledge, this is the first report on the high varroicidal effect of lithium in the contact mode of action. Our findings may open up possibilities for novel ways of treatment (e.g., the use of lithiated strips) in the event that lithium salts become legal for use in apiculture

    A térségi oktatáspolitika az iskolatársulásban

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    Data on the Coleoptera, Heteroptera and Homoptera fauna of the common oak (Quercus robur)

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    Results of investigations in Somogy county on the insect fauna on common oak in 2005­2006 are presented. Three fields of collection were visited in 2 weeks periods. 13 new herbivorous species were found, potentially feeding on common oak. Amongst these rare species were found, especially in the family of Tenebrionidae

    Veštaško razmnožavanje i reproduktivne osobine čikova (Misgurnus Fossilis)

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    U našem istraživanju je dvanaest ženki i osam mužjaka čikova veštački reprodukovano pre sezone mresta. Riba je uneta u laboratorijske tankove u rano proleće i ženke su tretirane sa 10 mg/kg telesne težine sa CP (ekstrakt hipofize šarana), dok su mužjaci hipofizirani sa 5mg/kg telesne težine radi izazivanja ovulacije i spermijacije. Ženke su ovulirale u narednih 18 do 24 časa i posle istiskivanja jaja su bila oplođena. Vrednosti pseudogonadosomatskog indeksa PGSIkod 4 ženke veoma su varirale (3.6 – 22.2%), stopa oplođenja je varirala od 30.34 do 93.81 % posle 24 časa od oplođenja. Tri dana po oplođenju larve su se izvalile (14.84-91.8%) i započele sa prvom egzogenom hranom šestog dana. Čikov se može razmnožavati kao i šaranske vrste u mrestilištima, jedina poteškoća je mala količina gameta. Veštačko razmnožavanje i uzgoj larvi može da pomogne u značajnom jačanju populacija, tako da bi bila moguća repopulacija već redukovanih populacijaii stvaranje novih staništakoji odgovaraju ovoj vrsti. Vijabilne larve iz interspecijske hibridizacije su se izlegle i na osnovu njihove morfologije mlađ nije ličila na hibride, što bi moglo da ukaže na sposobnost aseksualnog razmnožavanja. Genetička analiza nije pokazala genom mužjaka kod mlađi. F1R1 potomci su bili 50% tetraploidi (4n=100)i 50 % heksaploidi (6n=150). Ovo je prvi rezultat stvaranja heksaploida (broj hromozoma 150) čikova u laboratorijskim uslovima

    Changes in Lithium Levels in Bees and Their Products Following Anti-Varroa Treatment

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Varroosis caused by the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor has been the biggest threat to managed bee colonies over recent decades. Chemicals available to treat the disease imply problems of resistance, inconsistent efficacy, and residues in bee products. Recently, alongside novel compounds to defeat the pest, lithium chloride has been found to be effective. In this study, we found that lithium treatments leave beeswax residue-free. The possibility of decontamination in adult bees, bee bread, and uncapped honey was revealed. On the other hand, ripe honey was found to be affected by lithium administered via feeding. Case studies are necessary to uncover the level of exposition in harvested honey to estimate its potential risk once it becomes a registered veterinary medicine. ABSTRACT: The biggest threat to beekeeping is varroosis caused by the mite Varroa destructor. Chemicals available to treat this fatal disease may present problems of resistance or inconsistent efficacy. Recently, lithium chloride has appeared as a potential alternative. To date, the amount of residue lithium treatments may leave in honeybee products is poorly understood. Honeybees were fed with 25 mM lithiated sugar syrup, which was used in earlier studies. The accumulation and elimination of the lithium were monitored in bees and their products for 22 days. Lithium concentration increased in the entire body of the bees to day 4 post-treatment and then recovered rapidly to the control level. Lithium exposure was found to affect uncapped honey in the short term (<16 days), but ripe (capped) honey measured at the end of the trial remained affected. On the other hand, lithium treatment left beeswax lithium-free. Based on these data, we propose that comprehensive research on harvested honey is needed to decide on the veterinary use of lithium

    Identification of reference markers for characterizing honey bee (Apis mellifera) hemocyte classes

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    Cell mediated immunity of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) involves the activity of several hemocyte populations, currently defined by morphological features and lectin binding characteristics. The objective of the present study was to identify molecular markers capable of characterizing subsets of honey bee hemocytes. We developed and employed monoclonal antibodies with restricted reactions to functionally distinct hemocyte subpopulations. Melanizing cells, known as oenocytoids, were defined by an antibody to prophenoloxidase, aggregating cells were identified by the expression of Hemolectin, and phagocytic cells were identified by a marker expressed on granulocytes. We anticipate that this combination of antibodies not only allows for the detection of functionally distinct hemocyte subtypes, but will help to further the exploration of hematopoietic compartments, as well as reveal details of the honey bee cellular immune defense against parasites and microbes

    Identification of reference markers for characterizing honey bee (Apis mellifera) hemocyte classes

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    Cell mediated immunity of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) involves the activity of several hemocyte populations, currently defined by morphological features and lectin binding characteristics. The objective of the present study was to identify molecular markers capable of characterizing subsets of honey bee hemocytes. We developed and employed monoclonal antibodies with restricted reactions to functionally distinct hemocyte subpopulations. Melanizing cells, known as oenocytoids, were defined by an antibody to prophenoloxidase, aggregating cells were identified by the expression of Hemolectin, and phagocytic cells were identified by a marker expressed on granulocytes. We anticipate that this combination of antibodies not only allows for the detection of functionally distinct hemocyte subtypes, but will help to further the exploration of hematopoietic compartments, as well as reveal details of the honey bee cellular immune defense against parasites and microbes

    Testing cryopreserved European eel sperm for hybridization (A. japonica × A. anguilla)

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    [EN] The objective of this study was to assess impact of cryopreserved European eel sperm and Japanese eel native sperm on early fertilization, hatch, survival, and malformation rates of larvae, as well as develop molecular techniques to distinguish different eel species. Eggs from Japanese eel females (Anguilla japonica) were artificially fertilized with sperm of Japanese eel males and cryopreserved sperm from European eel (A. anguilla, extender was modified Tanaka solution and methanol as cryoprotectant). There were no statistical differences (p¿>¿0.05) among the measured parameters such as fertilization, hatch and survival after 10 days post-hatch rates due to large individual differences. The malformation rate of larvae compared to the hatching rate was higher in cryopreserved groups than in the control indicating that the methodology needs further refinement. Genetic analyses (PCR-RFLP, PCR-HRM) proved a clear result in the detection of paternal contribution in hybridization between the Japanese and the European eel and applied PCR-HRM method is a quick and cost effective tool to identify illegally imported A. anguilla at the glass eel stage, which can be transported from Europe to Asia.The research was supported by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)/Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Kakenhi Grant No.15K07562 and Tokyo University of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (TUA-SRP), Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (grant number 12252178), GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00054 project of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary and EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00008 project. The project is co-financed by the European Union, the European Social Fund and KMR_12-1-2012-0435.Müller, T.; Matsubara, H.; Kubara, Y.; Horváth, Á.; Kolics, B.; Taller, J.; Stéger, V.... (2018). Testing cryopreserved European eel sperm for hybridization (A. japonica × A. anguilla). Theriogenology. 113:153-158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.theriogenology.2018.02.021S15315811