113 research outputs found

    Empiric dependences of losses on a friction in classic and free-piston engines

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    Наведено результати досліджень втрат на тертя та газообмін в двох чотиритактних бензинових двигунах внутрішнього згоряння (ДВЗ) – класичному та безшатунному. Проведено аналіз досліджень механічних втрат поршневого та класичного ДВЗ. Виявлено що величина механічних втрат поршневого ДВЗ залежить від режиму роботи і для номінального режиму складає 20 – 30 % від енергії, внесеної з паливом. Показано, що паливна економічність ДВЗ залежить від великої кількості конструктивних і експлуатаційних факторів, тому при проектуванні двигуна для конкретних цілей бажано враховувати вплив його параметрів на показники ефективності. Одним із таких факторів є рівень механічних втрат ДВЗ. Приведено структура елементів тертя за видами в класичному та безшатунному двигунах. Надано дані експериментальних досліджень досліджуваних двигунів. Розглянуто втрати на тертя у парах тертя. Запропоновано емпіричні залежності складових механічних втрат в залежності від швидкісного й навантажувального режимів роботи двигунів при різному ступені стиску, різному зазорі між поршнем і циліндром і ін. Отримано емпіричні формули на підставі даних експериментів для одержання оцінки внесків складових механічних втрат на показники двигуна в цілому. Отримані емпіричні залежності можна в першому наближенні застосовувати для бензинових двигунів внутрішнього згоряння як класичних, так і однотипних двигунів нетрадиційної конструкції. Порівняльні випробування свідчать, що за інших рівних умов загальні втрати на тертя в безшатунному двигуні на 25…35 % менші, ніж в класичному. Втрати на тертя кривошипно-кулісного механізму більше на 30…40 % у порівнянні з втратами класичного двигуна внутрішнього згоряння. Показано, що особливістю безшатунного двигуна є те, що в ньому набагато менші втрати на тертя в парах: «поршень – циліндр» та «поршень – поршневе кільце – циліндр» внаслідок відсутності знакозмінної радіальної сили, що викликає динамічні навантаження поршня і кілець на стінку циліндра.The results of friction and gas exchange losses investigation in two four-stroke gasoline internal combustion engines (ICE) – classic and free-piston ones are presented. The analysis of friction and gas exchange losses investigation in classic and free-piston ones was carried out. It was found that the magnitude of mechanical losses in the internal combustion engine depends on the mode of operation for nominal mode is 20 – 30% of the energy introduced with fuel. It is shown that fuel efficiency of internal combustion engine depends on many structural and operational factors, that's why while the design engine process for the specific purposes it is desirable to take into account the impact of parameters on performance. One of these factors is the level of mechanical losses of the ICE. The structure of friction elements according to ones types in classical and free-piston engines is shown. The data of experimental research of studied engines is presented. An empirical dependence components mechanical losses on the speed and load operating modes of the engine at different degrees of compression, different gap between the piston and cylinder etc were proposed. The empirical formulas were derived on the basis of experiments for obtaining the estimations of mechanical losses components contributions to the engine performance in general. The obtained empirical dependences can be used as a first approximation for gasoline internal combustion engines both classic and alternative engines of similar design. The comparative tests show that ceteris paribus the total losses due to friction in the free-piston engine are 25 – 35% less than in classic one. Friction losses of Crank-rocker mechanism are 30 – 40 % greater being compared to the classic ICE losses. It is shown that the feature of free-piston engine is that it has less friction loss in pairs: «piston – cylinder» and «piston – piston ring – cylinder» due to lack of alternating-sign radial forces that cause dynamic loads of piston and rings on the cylinder wall

    Empiric dependences of losses on a friction in classic and free-piston engines

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    Наведено результати досліджень втрат на тертя та газообмін в двох чотиритактних бензинових двигунах внутрішнього згоряння (ДВЗ) – класичному та безшатунному. Проведено аналіз досліджень механічних втрат поршневого та класичного ДВЗ. Виявлено що величина механічних втрат поршневого ДВЗ залежить від режиму роботи і для номінального режиму складає 20 – 30 % від енергії, внесеної з паливом. Показано, що паливна економічність ДВЗ залежить від великої кількості конструктивних і експлуатаційних факторів, тому при проектуванні двигуна для конкретних цілей бажано враховувати вплив його параметрів на показники ефективності. Одним із таких факторів є рівень механічних втрат ДВЗ. Приведено структура елементів тертя за видами в класичному та безшатунному двигунах. Надано дані експериментальних досліджень досліджуваних двигунів. Розглянуто втрати на тертя у парах тертя. Запропоновано емпіричні залежності складових механічних втрат в залежності від швидкісного й навантажувального режимів роботи двигунів при різному ступені стиску, різному зазорі між поршнем і циліндром і ін. Отримано емпіричні формули на підставі даних експериментів для одержання оцінки внесків складових механічних втрат на показники двигуна в цілому. Отримані емпіричні залежності можна в першому наближенні застосовувати для бензинових двигунів внутрішнього згоряння як класичних, так і однотипних двигунів нетрадиційної конструкції. Порівняльні випробування свідчать, що за інших рівних умов загальні втрати на тертя в безшатунному двигуні на 25…35 % менші, ніж в класичному. Втрати на тертя кривошипно-кулісного механізму більше на 30…40 % у порівнянні з втратами класичного двигуна внутрішнього згоряння. Показано, що особливістю безшатунного двигуна є те, що в ньому набагато менші втрати на тертя в парах: «поршень – циліндр» та «поршень – поршневе кільце – циліндр» внаслідок відсутності знакозмінної радіальної сили, що викликає динамічні навантаження поршня і кілець на стінку циліндра.The results of friction and gas exchange losses investigation in two four-stroke gasoline internal combustion engines (ICE) – classic and free-piston ones are presented. The analysis of friction and gas exchange losses investigation in classic and free-piston ones was carried out. It was found that the magnitude of mechanical losses in the internal combustion engine depends on the mode of operation for nominal mode is 20 – 30% of the energy introduced with fuel. It is shown that fuel efficiency of internal combustion engine depends on many structural and operational factors, that's why while the design engine process for the specific purposes it is desirable to take into account the impact of parameters on performance. One of these factors is the level of mechanical losses of the ICE. The structure of friction elements according to ones types in classical and free-piston engines is shown. The data of experimental research of studied engines is presented. An empirical dependence components mechanical losses on the speed and load operating modes of the engine at different degrees of compression, different gap between the piston and cylinder etc were proposed. The empirical formulas were derived on the basis of experiments for obtaining the estimations of mechanical losses components contributions to the engine performance in general. The obtained empirical dependences can be used as a first approximation for gasoline internal combustion engines both classic and alternative engines of similar design. The comparative tests show that ceteris paribus the total losses due to friction in the free-piston engine are 25 – 35% less than in classic one. Friction losses of Crank-rocker mechanism are 30 – 40 % greater being compared to the classic ICE losses. It is shown that the feature of free-piston engine is that it has less friction loss in pairs: «piston – cylinder» and «piston – piston ring – cylinder» due to lack of alternating-sign radial forces that cause dynamic loads of piston and rings on the cylinder wall

    The Principles of Differentiation of Temporary Forms of Kazakh Verb (In Comparison with English Past)

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    AbstractThe work is based on a comparative study of the traditional and functional Grammar of the Kazakh language. The previous scientific materials devoted to the category of tense had a variety of classifications in the “form” and “meaning” that can be divided into three macro groups – past, present and future in all academic manuals and textbooks. In reviewing the category of tense from the theoretical and practical side it is impossible to treat the “form” and “meaning” separately. The analyses of the scientific literature on differentiation of tenses as well as the selection of the temporary categories of different semantic groups were the main problematic questions to the students who had different linguistic backgrounds

    Effect of Irradiation with DC Plasma Jet on the Structure Phase Compositions and Properties of Powder Ni and Co – based Coatings

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    This paper presents new results of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) investigation of the structure-phase compositions of coatings on the base of Ni and Co deposited by plasma-detonation on steel substrates after their modification by DC plasma jet irradiation. The phase structures and morphology of precipitation of strengthening phases from solid solution are defined. The irradiation of the coatings leads to the evolution of the structural-phase state of coatings: an increase in the size of the diffusion zone between the coating and the substrate, an increase in the volume fraction of hardening intermetallic phases, the formation of sufficiently homogeneous fine-grained structure in the irradiated coatings and, consequently, a significant increase of hardness, corrosion and wear resistance of modified coatings. There is a mutual penetration of the substrate main element Fe in the coating and base coating elements (Ni and Co correspondingly) into the substrate as a result of the coating treatment by a pulse DC plasma jet

    Zebrafish Models in NeuroPsychopharmacology and CNS Drug Discovery

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    Despite the high prevalence of neuropsychiatric disorders, their aetiology and molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is increasingly utilized as a powerful animal model in neuropharmacology research and in vivo drug screening. Collectively, this makes zebrafish a useful tool for drug discovery and the identification of disordered molecular pathways. Here, we discuss zebrafish models of selected human neuropsychiatric disorders and drug-induced phenotypes. As well as covering a broad range of brain disorders (from anxiety and psychoses to neurodegeneration), we also summarize recent developments in zebrafish genetics and small molecule screening, which markedly enhance the disease modelling and the discovery of novel drug targets

    Effect of MC4R gene polymorphism on food intake in adolescents with overweight and obesity

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    BACKGROUND: The melanocortin 4 receptor gene (MC4R) codes the receptor expressed in the hypothalamus and involved in the regulation of body mass and height. Data on the association of polymorphism MC4R rs17782313 with anthropometric parameters are contradictory. AIMS: to study the influence of the carrier of polymorphism MC4R rs17782313 on the anthropometric parameters in adolescents of different ethnic groups: caucasians and mongoloids living in the Siberia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 179 caucasian adolescents (by the example of russians, average age is 15.07 ± 1.25 years) and 182 mongoloid adolescents (by the example of the buryats, the average age is 14.71 ± 1.28 years), 89 and 92 adolescents were included in groups with overweight and obesity (standard deviation (SDS) BMI> 1), in the control groups (SDS BMI from -1 to + 1) also 90 and 90 adolescents were included in the control groups (SDS BMI from -1 to + 1) (russian and buryat, respectively). Anthropometric measurements included height, weight with the calculation of BMI and SDS BMI, WC (waist circumference), HC (hip circumference ). Genotyping was performed by real-time PCR. Statistical analysis of the results of the study was carried out using the software «STATISTICA 8.0». RESULTS: We showed no association of the risky C-allele of polymorphism rs17782313 with overweight and obesity in russian adolescents (22.5% vs 17.9% OR = 1.34 (p> 0.05)) and in the buryat (29.8% vs 24.1%, OR = 1.43 (p> 0.05)). It was revealed that adolescent carriers of the C-allele in buryat showed higher growth in both groups (control: 162.19 cm vs 157.26 cm (p = 0.019)), the main group: 165.24 cm vs 164.91 cm (p = 0.041)), as well as weight gain in the control group (52.29 kg vs 48.05 kg (p = 0.028)). CONCLUSIONS: Thus, the study revealed the relationship of MC4R rs17782313 polymorphism with height and weight in adolescents of buryat ethnic group

    Late Replication Domains in Polytene and Non-Polytene Cells of Drosophila melanogaster

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    In D. melanogaster polytene chromosomes, intercalary heterochromatin (IH) appears as large dense bands scattered in euchromatin and comprises clusters of repressed genes. IH displays distinctly low gene density, indicative of their particular regulation. Genes embedded in IH replicate late in the S phase and become underreplicated. We asked whether localization and organization of these late-replicating domains is conserved in a distinct cell type. Using published comprehensive genome-wide chromatin annotation datasets (modENCODE and others), we compared IH organization in salivary gland cells and in a Kc cell line. We first established the borders of 60 IH regions on a molecular map, these regions containing underreplicated material and encompassing ∼12% of Drosophila genome. We showed that in Kc cells repressed chromatin constituted 97% of the sequences that corresponded to IH bands. This chromatin is depleted for ORC-2 binding and largely replicates late. Differences in replication timing between the cell types analyzed are local and affect only sub-regions but never whole IH bands. As a rule such differentially replicating sub-regions display open chromatin organization, which apparently results from cell-type specific gene expression of underlying genes. We conclude that repressed chromatin organization of IH is generally conserved in polytene and non-polytene cells. Yet, IH domains do not function as transcription- and replication-regulatory units, because differences in transcription and replication between cell types are not domain-wide, rather they are restricted to small “islands” embedded in these domains. IH regions can thus be defined as a special class of domains with low gene density, which have narrow temporal expression patterns, and so displaying relatively conserved organization

    Дослідження рольової диференціації як методу формування команди проекту

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    According to the basic principle of self-developing systems, the interaction parameters of two opposing tendencies of the system operation can be distinguished – the conservative tendency and the changing tendency. It explains the balance of the two activity tendencies of team members – the ability to conserve and the ability to change.On the basis of the Belbin’s model, each participant’s role structure is determined by means of which the participants’ activity tendencies are determined with use of Lotka, Volterra and Gause’s self-developing systems. This system is considered according to the types of interactions such as “cooperation” and “competition”.The equilibrium point of role activity trends is determinedto have the most minimal impact that determines the subsequent state of the system maximally. It is shown that the role differentiation of the effective team does not always depend on the number of participants. Each participant may combine the multiple roles that can lead to the balance of conservative and changing tendencies. It defines the conditions of effective work in operational and development in management of project operation and development.Выявлены особенности командно-ролевой структуры проекта. Рассмотрено применение саморазвивающихся систем Лотки–Вольтерры– Гаузе с учётом типов взаимодействия «сотрудничество» и «конкуренция» при формировании команды проекта. Показаны возможности математического моделирования тенденций ролевой активности участников команды проекта. Определена точка равновесия тенденций ролевой активности, в которой минимальное воздействие максимально определяет последующее состояние системы.Виявлено особливості командно-рольової структури проекту. Розглянуто застосування саморозвиваючих систем Лотки–Вольтерри–Гаузе з урахуванням типів взаємодії «співпраця» і «конкуренція» при формуванні команди проекту. Показано можливості математичного моделювання тенденцій рольової активності учасників команди проекту. Визначена точка рівноваги тенденцій рольової активності, в якій мінімальний вплив максимально визначає подальший стан системи

    Laser radiation scattering in low-temperature plasma with-dispersed particles in solid phase

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    Low-temperature plasma with particles of solid phase is considered in the paper aiming at the investigation of the influence of dust-laden plasma medium parameters on parameters of the low-powered laser radiation scattering and the establishment of connections between parameters of the such system and scattering characteristics. As a result models of homogeneous and heterogeneous scattering centers of the spherical and ellipsoidal form in plasma have been constructed for the first time. The methodology of the calculation on them of scattering characteristics has been developed. Connections between scattering characteristics and plasma parameters have been established. The determining influence of the orientation of non-spherical dispersed particles in gas-discharge plasma on scattering characteristics, on which the main parameters of dust laden plasma are determined, has been proved for the first time. Programs of calculations of scattering characteristics on the methodologies developed have been introduced into operation on the Omsk production amalgamation with the aim of the control and optimization of plasma technological processesAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Transformation of municipal Finance in the context of globalization

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    Research background: In the context of globalization, a steady trend towards the formation of “open” economies in the context of the international division of labor, the idea of states defending their national economic interests as the basis for their economic and political independence becomes particularly important. The basis for strengthening the economic base seems to be the formation of sustainable finances at all levels of government, especially at the municipal level, which is directly close to the needs of the population, as well as the active involvement of civil society in ensuring the independent and comprehensive development of territories. Purpose of the article: To study the transformation of municipal finances, turning them into the economic basis of “state-population” political exchange Methods: The research is based on J. Buchanan’s theory of constitutional economics about the “state-population” political exchange as a condition of social development. Findings & Value added: The research conducted by the authors allows them to conclude that due to the constitutional and legal status of the municipality, local government is the level where the real and most effective “state-population” political exchange takes place, acting as a driver of socio-economic transformations. Because of this, municipal finance becomes the economic basis for such an exchange and an indispensable condition for the harmonious sustainable development of territories, which gives special importance to the issues of their formation and evaluation of the effectiveness of public participation in the organization of their functioning