222 research outputs found

    Probing SO(10) symmetry breaking patterns through sfermion mass relations

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    We consider supersymmetric SO(10) grand unification where the unified gauge group can break to the Standard Model gauge group through different chains. The breaking of SO(10) necessarily involves the reduction of the rank, and consequent generation of non-universal supersymmetry breaking scalar mass terms. We derive squark and slepton mass relations, taking into account these non-universal contributions to the sfermion masses, which can help distinguish between the different chains through which the SO(10) gauge group breaks to the Standard Model gauge group. We then study some implications of these non-universal supersymmetry breaking scalar masses for the low energy phenomenology.Comment: 13 pages, latex using revtex4, contains 2 figures, replaced with version accepted for publicatio

    Squark and slepton masses as probes of supersymmetric SO(10) unification

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    We carry out an analysis of the non-universal supersymmetry breaking scalar masses arising in SO(10) supersymmetric unification. By considering patterns of squark and slepton masses, we derive a set of sum rules for the sfermion masses which are independent of the manner in which SO(10) breaks to the Standard Model gauge group via its SU(5) subgroups. The phenomenology arising from such non-universality is unaffected by the symmetry breaking pattern, so long as the breaking occurs via any of the SU(5) subgroups of the SO(10) group.Comment: 15 pages using RevTe

    Report of the Supersymmetry Theory Working Group

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    We provide a mini-guide to some of the possible manifestations of weak scale supersymmetry. For each of six scenarios we provide a brief description of the theoretical underpinnings, the adjustable parameters, a qualitative description of the associated phenomenology at future colliders, comments on how to simulate each scenario with existing event generators.Comment: Report of Snowmass Supersymmetry Theory Working Group; 14 pages plus 3 figures using latex2e and snow2e.cls; this version has corrected a number of typos from the first versio

    The GUT Scale and Superpartner Masses from Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We consider models of anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking (AMSB) in which the grand unification (GUT) scale is determined by the vacuum expectation value of a chiral superfield. If the anomaly-mediated contributions to the potential are balanced by gravitational-strength interactions, we find a model-independent prediction for the GUT scale of order MPlanck/(16π2)M_{\rm Planck} / (16\pi^2). The GUT threshold also affects superpartner masses, and can easily give rise to realistic predictions if the GUT gauge group is asymptotically free. We give an explicit example of a model with these features, in which the doublet-triplet splitting problem is solved. The resulting superpartner spectrum is very different from that of previously considered AMSB models, with gaugino masses typically unifying at the GUT scale.Comment: 17 page

    Transient Observers and Variable Constants, or Repelling the Invasion of the Boltzmann's Brains

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    If the universe expands exponentially without end, ``ordinary observers'' like ourselves may be vastly outnumbered by ``Boltzmann's brains,'' transient observers who briefly flicker into existence as a result of quantum or thermal fluctuations. One might then wonder why we are so atypical. I show that tiny changes in physics--for instance, extremely slow variations of fundamental constants--can drastically change this result, and argue that one should be wary of conclusions that rely on exact knowledge of the laws of physics in the very distant future.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX; v2: added references; v3: more discussion of setting, alternative approaches, now 5 pages; v4: added discussion of the effect of quantum fluctuations on varying constants, appendix added, now 7 pages; v5: new reference, minor correctio

    Quintessential Kination and Cold Dark Matter Abundance

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    The generation of a kination-dominated phase by a quintessential exponential model is investigated and the parameters of the model are restricted so that a number of observational constraints (originating from nucleosynthesis, the present acceleration of the universe and the dark-energy-density parameter) are satisfied. The decoupling of a thermal cold dark matter particle during the period of kination is analyzed, the relic density is calculated both numerically and semi-analytically and the results are compared with each other. It is argued that the enhancement, with respect to the standard paradigm, of the cold dark matter abundance can be expressed as a function of the quintessential density parameter at the onset of nucleosynthesis. We find that values of the latter quantity close to its upper bound require the thermal-averaged cross section times the velocity of the cold relic to be almost three orders of magnitude larger than this needed in the standard scenario so as compatibility with the cold dark matter constraint is achieved.Comment: Published versio

    B(d) --> phi K(S) CP asymmetries as an important probe of supersymmetry

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    The decay BdϕKSB_d \to \phi K_S is a special probe of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM), since it has no SM tree level contribution. Motivated by recent data suggesting a deviation from the SM for its time-dependent CP asymmetry, we examine supersymmetric explanations. Chirality preserving contributions are generically small, unless gluino is relatively light. Higgs contributions are also too small to explain a large asymmetry. Chirality flipping LRLR and RLRL gluino contributions actually can provide sizable effects without conflict with all related results. We discuss how various insertions can be distinguished, and argue the needed sizes of mass insertions are reasonable.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. A few typos in the abstract are corrected. This is a shortened version of hep-ph/021209

    Grand-Unification Scale Generation through the Anomalous U(1) Breaking

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    We discuss the anomalous U(1) gauge symmetry as a mechanism of generating the grand-unification scale. We conclude that unification to a simple group cannot be realized unless some parameters are ``tuned'', and that models with product gauge groups are preferred. We consider the ``R-invariant natural unification'' model with gauge groups SU(5)_{GUT} \times U(3)_H. In this model the doublet-triplet splitting problem is solved and the unwanted GUT relation m_s = m_\mu is avoided maintaining m_b = m_\tau. Moreover, R-invariance suppresses the dangerous proton decays induced by dimension four and five operators.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, references adde

    Phenomenology of a realistic accelerating universe using only Planck-scale physics

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    Modern data is showing increasing evidence that the Universe is accelerating. So far, all attempts to account for the acceleration have required some fundamental dimensionless quantities to be extremely small. We show how a class of scalar field models (which may emerge naturally from superstring theory) can account for acceleration which starts in the present epoch with all the potential parameters O(1) in Planck units.Comment: 4 pages including 4 figures. Final version accepted for publication in PRL with expanded discussion of the relationship to other quintessence research. No changes to our own wor

    Dimensionless supersymmetry breaking couplings, flat directions, and the origin of intermediate mass scales

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    The effects of supersymmetry breaking are usually parameterized by soft couplings of positive mass dimensions. However, realistic models also predict the existence of suppressed, but non-vanishing, dimensionless supersymmetry-breaking couplings. These couplings are technically hard, but do not lead to disastrous quadratic divergences in scalar masses, and may be crucial for understanding low-energy physics. In particular, analytic scalar quartic couplings that break supersymmetry can lead to intermediate scale vacuum expectation values along nearly-flat directions. I study the one-loop effective potential for flat directions in the presence of dimensionless supersymmetry-breaking terms, and discuss the corresponding renormalization group equations. I discuss two applications: a minimal model of automatic R-parity conservation, and an extension of this minimal model which provides a solution to the \mu problem and an invisible axion.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX with epsf and axodraw.st