851 research outputs found

    Particle-Based Fused Rendering

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    In this chapter, we propose a fused rendering technique that can integrally handle multiple irregular volumes. Although there is a strong requirement for understanding large-scale datasets generated from coupled simulation techniques such as computational structure mechanics (CSM) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD), there is no fused rendering technique to the best of our knowledge. For this purpose, we can employ the particle-based volume rendering (PBVR) technique for each irregular volume dataset. Since the current PBVR technique regards an irregular cell as a planar footprint during depth evaluation, the straightforward employment causes some artifacts especially at the cell boundaries. To solve the problem, we calculate the depth value based on the assumption that the opacity describes the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a probability variable, w, which shows a length from the entry point in the fragment interval in the cell. In our experiments, we applied our method to numerical simulation results in which two different irregular grid cells are defined in the same space and confirmed its effectiveness with respect to the image quality

    Evolution of global development cooperation: An analysis of aid flows with stochastic block models

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    Despite considerable scholarly attention on the institutional and normative aspects of development cooperation, its longitudinal dynamics unfolding at the global level have rarely been investigated. Focusing on aid, we examine the evolving global structure of development cooperation induced by aid flows in its entirety. Representing annual aid flows between donors and recipients from 1970 to 2013 as a series of networks, we apply hierarchical stochastic block models to extensive aid-flow data that cover not only the aid behavior of the major OECD donors but also that of other emerging donors, including China. Despite a considerable degree of external expansion and internal diversification of aid relations over the years, the analysis has uncovered a temporally persistent structure of aid networks. The latter comprises, on the one hand, a limited number of major donors with far-reaching resources and, on the other hand, a large number of mostly poor but globally well-connected recipients. The results cast doubt on the efficacy of recurrent efforts for "aid reform" in substantially changing the global aid flow pattern


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    研究期間:平成14-17年度 ; 研究種目: 基盤研究B ; 課題番号:14370006原著には既発表論文の別刷を含む


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    文化政策研究科長特別研究費政策としての文化・芸術研究の確立に向けて 国際分業の進展・拡大と開業の不足・廃業の増加により、地域産業の空洞化が危惧されている。地域の空洞化を阻止し、地域の活力を維持・強化していくためには、国際的比較優位の新産業の輩出と集積が不可欠である。 国際的比較優位の新産業の生成を活発化させ、集積を充実強化していく1つの方法は、歴史を紐解くことである。 というのは、今日よりはるか劣悪な過去、産地と呼ばれる地域においては、次々と新産業が誕生し、集積が形成されたからである。本研究においては、地域産業の集積のモデルといわれる4地域(浜松地域、静岡地域、福井地域、新潟地域)にスポットをあて、そのメカニズムを明らかにすることにある

    Studies on Silage-Making : IX. The Effect of Some Treatments at the Ensiling Time.

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    グラスサイレージ調製の際の添加物の効果ならびに排気,低水分処理などの効果を知るために,イタリアンライグラスを材料にしてサイレージを調製し,無添加対照区に対し,その品質・消化率・添加効率などを比較した結果は,つぎのように要約される.1)糖質添加区として,糖ミツ(4%),モレア(4%),脱脂コメヌカ(10%),グルコース・フスマ1:1混合(2%),グルコース(2%)の諸区はいずれも効果があり,良質サイレージの得られることが認められた.対照区の評点28点に対し,グルコース区100点,他の諸区はいずれも95点であった.2)モレア添加区ではアンモニア態窒素率が14%におよんだが,酪酸の生成がみられず,モレア中の糖ミツが,尿素によって生ずる欠点をおさえる特徴が見出された.3)AIV液(4%添加)区は,品質がよく.Spoilageを全く生じなかったが,サイレージの品質の評点は84点で,イタリアンライグラスの場合では,2N液4%量では十分でないように推察された.4)サイロからの排気は,100mm Hgでも品質改善に効があり,Spoilageを生じなかった.5)耐性乳酸菌,抗生物質(Streptomycin or Bacitracin),グルコース混合の添加は,品質改善に効があるように思われたが,多少問題が残っている.6)市販添加剤(バイタル)の添加は多少の効果が認められた.7)高度の日乾(Wilting)は,それだけで品質改善に効があるが,Spoilageが多くなるので実用的には,サイロの上層には普通水分(75~80%程度)の材料をつめこむのが望ましい.8)添加物の効果を添加効率A. E. =(A-C)/(B-C)×100をもって示すことを提案した.ここにAは考える試料の添加によってでき上ったサイレージの品質の評点,Bは基準の添加物の添加によってできたサイレージの品質評点,Cは無添加対照区のでき上りサイレージの評点である.9)グルコース(2%添加)区を基準(100)にすれば,その添加効率は.糖ミツ93,モレア93,コメヌカ93,グルコース・フスマ混合93,バイタル46,尿素-25,AIV液78であった.すなわち,糖質類の添加が,もっとも確実であることが認められた


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    Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) cause diabetes mellitus (DM) complications and accumulate more highly in periodontal tissues of patients with periodontitis and DM. AGEs aggravate periodontitis with DM by increasing the expression of inflammation-related factors in periodontal tissues. 6-Shogaol, a major compound in ginger, has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative activities. However, the influence of shogaol on DM-associated periodontitis is not well known. In this study, the effects of 6-shogaol on AGEs-induced oxidative and anti-oxidative responses, and IL-6 and ICAM-1 expression in human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs) were investigated. When HGFs were cultured with 6-shogaol and AGEs, the activities of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant enzymes (heme oxygenase-1 [HO-1] and NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1 [NQO1]), and IL-6 and ICAM-1 expressions were investigated. RAGE expression and phosphorylation of MAPKs and NF-κB were examined by western blotting. 6-Shogaol significantly inhibited AGEs-induced ROS activity, and increased HO-1 and NQO1 levels compared with the AGEs-treated cells. The AGEs-stimulated expression levels of receptor of AGE (RAGE), IL-6 and ICAM-1 and the phosphorylation of p38, ERK and p65 were attenuated by 6-shogaol. These results suggested that 6-shogaol inhibits AGEs-induced inflammatory responses by regulating oxidative and anti-oxidative activities and may have protective effects on periodontitis with DM


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    Objective: Calprotectin is hetero-complex of S100A8 and S100A9 and mainly secreted from neutrophils, monocytes and chondrocytes in inflammatory condition. Calprotectin binds to RAGE and TLR4, and induces the expression of pro-inflammatory chemokines and cytokines in various cells. Periodontitis is chronic inflammatory disease to lead gingival inflammation and alveolar bone resorption. Calprotectin levels in gingival crevicular fluid of periodontitis patients are higher than healthy patients. In the present study, the effects of S100A8 and S100A9 on the expressions of pro-inflammatory cytokines and bone metabolism related factor in mouse osteocyte like cells (MLO-Y4-A2) were investigated. Design: MLO-Y4-A2 cells were treated with S100A8 and S100A9, and the expressions of RAGE, TLR4, RANKL and several inflammatory cytokines were analyzed by PCR and Western blotting or ELISA methods. To investigate the intracellular signaling pathways, phosphorylation of MAPK and STAT3 was determined by Western blotting, and chemical specific inhibitors and siRNAs were used. Results: Expressions of IL-6 and RANKL were increased by treatment with S100A9 but not S100A8. However, both S100A8 and S100A9 did not changed expression of IL-1β, IL-8 and TNF-α. Although RAGE and TLR4 expressions were not up-regulated by S100A9 treatment, transfection of siRNA for RAGE and TLR4 significantly decreased IL-6 and RANKL expressions. In addition, S100A9 activated p38, ERK and STAT3 signaling pathways, and inhibitors for these factors significantly decreased S100A9 induced IL-6 and RANKL expressions. Conclusions: These results indicated that S100A9 induces IL-6 and RANKL production via engagement with RAGE and TLR4 signalings in osteocytes and suggested that S100A9 may play important roles in the periodontal alveolar bone destruction