35 research outputs found

    Development of 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers for Xylocarpus granatum (Meliaceae) using next-generation sequencing technology

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    Human impacts have seriously damaged mangroves, and conservation of mangroves will require information on local and regional population genetic structures. Here, we report the development and polymorphism of eleven novel microsatellite markers, developed using next- generation sequencing on 56 samples of widespread man- grove species Xylocarpus granatum (Meliaceae) from nine populations across the Indo-West Pacific region. All loci were found to be polymorphic, with the number of alleles per locus ranging from four to 19. In a population from Sabah (Malaysia), the mean observed and expected heterozygosity per locus was 0.59 and 0.58, respectively. No null allele, significant linkage disequilibrium or deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was detected among all loci. The eleven markers developed can be valuable tools to conservation genetics of this species across its distributional range

    Analysis of Elderly Drivers' Performance Using Large-Scale Test Data

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    ICT イノベーションの創造と展望

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    Flow Estimation Algorithm from Simulated Urination by Image Processing

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    Cuffless Blood Pressure Estimation Based on Data-Oriented Continuous Health Monitoring System

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    Measuring blood pressure continuously helps monitor health and also prevent lifestyle related diseases to extend the expectancy of healthy life. Blood pressure, which is nowadays used for monitoring patient, is one of the most useful indexes for prevention of lifestyle related diseases such as hypertension. However, continuously monitoring the blood pressure is unrealistic because of discomfort caused by the tightening of a cuff belt. We have earlier researched the data-oriented blood pressure estimation without using a cuff. Remarkably, our blood pressure estimation method only uses a photoplethysmograph sensor. Therefore, the application is flexible for sensor locations and measuring situations. In this paper, we describe the implementation of our estimation method, the launch of a cloud system which can collect and manage blood pressure data measured by a wristwatch-type photoplethysmograph sensor, and the construction of our applications to visualize life-log data including the time-series data of blood pressure