2,627 research outputs found

    Quark Mass Matrix with a Structure of a Rank One Matrix Plus a Unit Matrix

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    A quark mass matrix model Mq=Me1/2OqMe1/2M_q=M_e^{1/2} O_q M_e^{1/2} is proposed where Me1/2=diag(me,mμ,mτ)M_e^{1/2}={\rm diag}(\sqrt{m_e},\sqrt{m_\mu},\sqrt{m_\tau}) and OqO_q is a unit matrix plus a rank one matrix. Up- and down-quark mass matrices MuM_u and MdM_d are described in terms of charged lepton masses and additional three parameters (one in MuM_u and two in MdM_d). The model can predict reasonable quark mass ratios (not only mu/mcm_u/m_c, mc/mtm_c/m_t, md/msm_d/m_s and ms/mbm_s/m_b, but also mu/mdm_u/m_d) and Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, no figure

    Top Quark Mass Enhancement in a Seesaw-Type Quark Mass Matrix

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    We investigate the implications of a seesaw type mass matrix, i.e., MfmLMF1mRM_f\simeq m_L M_F^{-1} m_R, for quarks and leptons ff under the assumption that the matrices mLm_L and mRm_R are common to all flavors (up-/down- and quark-/lepton- sectors) and the matrices MFM_F characterizing the heavy fermion sectors have the form [(unit matrix) + bfb_f (a democratic matrix)] where bfb_f is a flavor parameter. We find that by adjusting the complex parameter bfb_f, the model can provide that mtmbm_t\gg m_b while at the same time keeping mumdm_u\sim m_d without assuming any parameter with hierarchically different values between MUM_U and MDM_D. The model with three adjustable parameters under the ``maximal" top quark mass enhancement can give reasonable values of five quark mass ratios and four KM matrix parameters.Comment: 22 pages, Latex, 5 postscript figures available upon reques

    Seesaw Mass Matrix Model of Quarks and Leptons with Flavor-Triplet Higgs Scalars

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    In a seesaw mass matrix model M_f = m_L M_F^{-1} m_R^\dagger with a universal structure of m_L \propto m_R, as the origin of m_L (m_R) for quarks and eptons, flavor-triplet Higgs scalars whose vacuum expectation values v_i are proportional to the square roots of the charged lepton masses m_{ei}, i.e. v_i \propto \sqrt{m_{ei}}, are assumed. Then, it is investigated whether such a model can explain the observed neutrino masses and mixings (and also quark masses and mixings) or not.Comment: version accepted by EPJ

    A_4 Symmetry and Lepton Masses and Mixing

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    Stimulated by Ma's idea which explains the tribimaximal neutrino mixing by assuming an A_4 flavor symmetry, a lepton mass matrix model is investigated. A Frogatt-Nielsen type model is assumed, and the flavor structures of the masses and mixing are caused by the VEVs of SU(2)_L-singlet scalars \phi_i^u and \phi_i^d (i=1,2,3), which are assigned to {\bf 3} and ({\bf 1}, {\bf 1}',{\bf 1}'') of A_4, respectively.Comment: 13 pages including 1 table, errors in Sec.7 correcte

    A Unified Description of Quark and Lepton Mass Matrices in a Universal Seesaw Model

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    In the democratic universal seesaw model, the mass matrices are given by \bar{f}_L m_L F_R + \bar{F}_L m_R f_R + \bar{F}_L M_F F_R (f: quarks and leptons; F: hypothetical heavy fermions), m_L and m_R are universal for up- and down-fermions, and M_F has a structure ({\bf 1}+ b_f X) (b_f is a flavour-dependent parameter, and X is a democratic matrix). The model can successfully explain the quark masses and CKM mixing parameters in terms of the charged lepton masses by adjusting only one parameter, b_f. However, so far, the model has not been able to give the observed bimaximal mixing for the neutrino sector. In the present paper, we consider that M_F in the quark sectors are still "fully" democratic, while M_F in the lepton sectors are partially democratic. Then, the revised model can reasonably give a nearly bimaximal mixing without spoiling the previous success in the quark sectors.Comment: 7 pages, no figur

    Phenomenological approach to the critical dynamics of the QCD phase transition revisited

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    The phenomenological dynamics of the QCD critical phenomena is revisited. Recently, Son and Stephanov claimed that the dynamical universality class of the QCD phase transition belongs to model H. In their discussion, they employed a time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation for the net baryon number density, which is a conserved quantity. We derive the Langevin equation for the net baryon number density, i.e., the Cahn-Hilliard equation. Furthermore, they discussed the mode coupling induced through the {\it irreversible} current. Here, we show the {\it reversible} coupling can play a dominant role for describing the QCD critical dynamics and that the dynamical universality class does not necessarily belong to model H.Comment: 13 pages, the Curie principle is discussed in S.2, to appear in J.Phys.

    Large θ13ν\theta_{13}^\nu and Unified Description of Quark and Lepton Mixing Matrices

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    We present a revised version of the so-called "yukawaon model", which was proposed for the purpose of a unified description of the lepton mixing matrix UPMNSU_{PMNS} and the quark mixing matrix VCKMV_{CKM}. It is assumed from a phenomenological point of view that the neutrino Dirac mass matrix MDM_D is given with a somewhat different structure from the charged lepton mass matrix MeM_e, although MD=MeM_D=M_e was assumed in the previous model. As a result, the revised model predicts a reasonable value sin22θ130.07\sin^2 2\theta_{13} \sim 0.07 with keeping successful results for other parameters in UPMNSU_{PMNS} as well as VCKMV_{CKM} and quark and lepton mass ratios.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, version accepted by EPJ

    Universal Seesaw Mass Matrix Model with an S_3 Symmetry

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    Stimulated by the phenomenological success of the universal seesaw mass matrix model, where the mass terms for quarks and leptons f_i (i=1,2,3) and hypothetical super-heavy fermions F_i are given by \bar{f}_L m_L F_R +\bar{F}_L m_R f_R + \bar{F}_L M_F F_R + h.c. and the form of M_F is democratic on the bases on which m_L and m_R are diagonal, the following model is discussed: The mass terms M_F are invariant under the permutation symmetry S_3, and the mass terms m_L and m_R are generated by breaking the S_3 symmetry spontaneously. The model leads to an interesting relation for the charged lepton masses.Comment: 8 pages + 1 table, latex, no figures, references adde