457 research outputs found

    Drag reduction through higher wing loading

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    A reduction in wing area, thickness, and span increases wing loading and lowers parasitic drag for a typical light airplane by 10.5%

    Icing tunnel tests of a composite porous leading edge for use with a liquid anti-ice system

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    The efficacy of liquid ice protection systems which distribute a glycol-water solution onto leading edge surfaces through a porous skin was demonstrated in tests conducted in the NASA Lewis icing research tunnel using a composite porous leading edge panels. The data obtained were compared with the performance of previously tested stainless steel leading edge with the same geometry. Results show: (1) anti-ice protection of a composite leading edge is possible for all the simulated conditions tested; (2) the glycol flow rates required to achieve anti-ice protection were generally much higher than those required for a stainless steel panel; (3) the low reservoir pressures of the glycol during test runs indicates that more uniform distribution of glycol, and therefore lower glycol flow rates, can probably be achieved by decreasing the porosity of the panel; and (4) significant weight savings can be achieved in fluid ice protection systems with composite porous leading edges. The resistance of composite panels to abrasion and erosion must yet be determined before they can be incorporated in production systems

    A method of predicting flow rates required to achieve anti-icing performance with a porous leading edge ice protection system

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    An analytical method was developed for predicting minimum flow rates required to provide anti-ice protection with a porous leading edge fluid ice protection system. The predicted flow rates compare with an average error of less than 10 percent to six experimentally determined flow rates from tests in the NASA Icing Research Tunnel on a general aviation wing section

    Book Review: American Jezebel: The Uncommon Life of Anne Hutchinson, the Woman Who Defied the Puritans

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    Review of American Jezebel: The Uncommon Life of Anne Hutchinson, the Woman Who Defied the Puritans by Eve LaPlant

    Pollinator Diversity on a Shortleaf Pine-Oak-Hickory Restoration Site

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    Land use and cover are increasingly changing due to climate change and anthropogenic activities with many of these changes negatively impacting biodiversity. However, ecosystem restoration may help reverse these patterns. Northern Louisiana was historically dominated by shortleaf pine-oak-hickory forests but has been converted largely to loblolly pine forests with little-to-no herbaceous ground cover. The objective of this study is to determine how different practices on a shortleaf pine-oak-hickory forest restoration site affect pollinator diversity. I sampled pollinators from locations within areas under three different management regimes: 1) prescribed burning with active herbicide treatments for non-desirable plant species, 2) burning only, and 3) no active management. I predicted prescribed burning would increase pollinator species diversity and abundance and increases will be highest when combined with herbicide treatments. For data collection I set out pan traps containing ~200 ml of water with soap. Pan traps were placed 5m apart in an “X” shape and left out for 24 hrs. Three plots in each of the three management regimes (n=9) were sampled once a month for 6 months. I found greater diversity, evenness, and richness where burning occurred compared to no management. Specifically, Burn+Herbicide sites had ~1.5 times higher diversity than no management sites, and Burn+Herbicide sites were similar to burn only sites. These results are useful for future restoration efforts and management practices of shortleaf pine-hardwood forests because they show prescribed fire alone has positive impacts on pollinator diversity

    Baseline Assumptions and Future Research Areas for Urban Air Mobility Vehicles

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    NASA is developing Urban Air Mobility (UAM) concepts to (1) create first-generation reference vehicles that can be used for technology, system, and market studies, and (2) hypothesize second-generation UAM aircraft to determine high-payoff technology targets and future research areas that reach far beyond initial UAM vehicle capabilities. This report discusses the vehicle-level technology assumptions for NASAs UAM reference vehicles, and highlights future research areas for second-generation UAM aircraft that includes deflected slipstream concepts, low-noise rotors for edgewise flight, stacked rotors/propellers, ducted propellers, solid oxide fuel cells with liquefied natural gas, and improved turbo shaft and reciprocating engine technology. The report also highlights a transportation network-scale model that is being developed to understand the impact of these and other technologies on future UAM solutions

    The Malpractice of Health Care Bankruptcy Reform

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    Evangelizing Eugenics: A Brief Historiography of Popular and Formal American Eugenics Education (1908-1948)

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    This article examines the history of the American Eugenics movement’s penetration into the formal and popular educational milieu during the first half of the 20th Century, and includes a review of some recent scholarly research on eugenic themes in education and popular culture. Apologists have dismissed the American Eugenics movement as a shortlived, racist, reactionary, and pseudoscientific aberration that was already dying long before the collapse of the Third Reich. Many official histories of biology and various social science disciplines including education were sanitized to expunge or trivialize the involvement of a host of important prophets, disciples, and evangelists in the eugenics movement. It was also common to divorce the research and statistical methods developed in the service of eugenics from their inspiration and original application to Galton’s secular religion of human betterment. In the last few decades, however, a new generation of scholars began to re-examine and illuminate the breadth and depth of the eugenics movement: its devotees and devotees’ actions and influence on their professions or academic disciplines and on society. These scholars also looked into how eugenics penetrated educational thought, curriculum, courses, and texts; thereby, revealing a panoply of overlapping interests, academic programs, organizations, and influential individuals that fatefully intersected and synergistically recombined into a powerful social movement throughout the first half of the 1900s. Cet article examine l’histoire de l’invasion des milieux formels et informels de l’éducation par l’eugénisme américain au cours de la première moitié du 20e siècle. On y présente également une brève étude de la recherche récente sur des thèmes portant sur l’eugénisme dans l’éducation et la culture populaire. Des apologistes ont écarté l’eugénisme américain en l’interprétant comme une aberration de courte durée, raciste, réactionnaire, pseudo-scientifique et qui était déjà moribonde bien avant l’écroulement du Troisième Reich. Plusieurs versions historiques officielles dans les domaines de la biologie et des sciences sociales, y compris l’éducation, ont été épurées de sorte à supprimer ou à banaliser l’implication d’une foule de prophètes, disciples et évangélistes importants dans le mouvement eugénique. Il était également courant de complètement séparer la recherche et les méthodes statistiques développées au service de l’eugénisme de leur inspiration et application originales puisées dans la religion séculaire de Galton visant l’amélioration de la condition humaine. Au cours des dernières décennies toutefois, une nouvelle génération de chercheurs ont commencé à examiner et à éclaircir la profondeur et l’ampleur de l’eugénisme en étudiant ses dévots, leurs actions et l’influence de ceux-ci sur leurs professions, leurs domaines académiques et la société. Ces chercheurs ont également étudié la pénétration par l’eugénisme de la pensée pédagogique, des programmes d’étude, des cours et des manuels, révélant ainsi une panoplie d’intérêts chevauchants, de programmes académiques, d’organismes et de personnages influents qui se sont recoupés de façon décisive et se sont recombinés par synergie en un puissant mouvement social pendant toute la première moitié du 20e siècle

    When the Trees Are White With Blossoms I\u27ll Return

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    VERSE 1A lover and his maiden fair were seated one bright day,Upon a rustic bench beneath a tree,The little birds were singing for it was the month of May,All nature seemed to join the minstrelsy.He whispered words endearing as he pressed her to his heart,And while upon her cheek fell a tearHe told her though he loved her that time had come to part,But promised to return within a year. CHORUSWhen the trees are white with blossoms I’ll return,And I will claim you as my happy brideTill then, dear, I’ll be true,And will only dream of you,When the trees are white with blossoms, I’ll return. VERSE 2A year has passed and now the maid is waiting all alone,She wears a locket with a golden chain,Within it is the face that dearer than her life has grown,The one who told her he’d return again.They said he did not love her or he could not leave her so,Her heart was not disturbed by vain alarmsShe turns, her love is by her side and echo seems to say,As tenderly he clasps her in his arms. CHORU
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