769 research outputs found

    Remarks on Cosmic String Formation during Preheating on Lattice Simulations

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    We reconsider the formation of (global) cosmic strings during and after preheating by calculating the dynamics of a scalar field on both two- and three- dimensional lattices. We have found that there is little differences between the results in two and three dimensions about the dynamics of fluctuations, at least, during preheating. Practically, it is difficult to determine whether long cosmic strings which may affect the later evolution of the universe could ever be produced from the results of simulations on three-dimensional lattices with smaller box sizes than the horizon. Therefore, using two-dimensional lattices with large box size, we have found that cosmic strings with the breaking scale 0\eta \sim 10^{16} GeV are produced for broad range of parameter space in \eta, while for higher breaking scales (\eta \sim 3\times 10^{16} GeV), their production depends crucially on the value of the breaking scale \eta in our simulations.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex, 14 postscript figures included, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Non-equilibrium symmetry restoration beyond one loop

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    We calculate the strength of symmetry restoration effects in highly non-equilibrium states which can arise, for example, during preheating after inflation. We show that in certain parameter range the one-loop results are unstable, requiring summation of multiloop diagrams. We solve this problem for the O(N)O(N) model in the large NN-limit and show that the symmetry restoration may be less effective than what predicted by the one-loop estimate.Comment: Latex, 12 pages, 2 postscript figure

    First-order nonthermal phase transition after preheating

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    During preheating after inflation, parametric resonance rapidly generates very large fluctuations of scalar fields. In models where the inflaton field Ď•\phi oscillates in a double-well potential and interacts with another scalar field XX, fluctuations of X can keep the \phi to -\phi symmetry temporarily restored. If the coupling of \phi to X is much stronger than the inflaton self-coupling, the subsequent symmetry breaking is a first-order phase transition. We demonstrate the existence of this nonthermal phase transition with lattice simulations of the full nonlinear dynamics of the interacting fields. In particular, we observe nucleation of an expanding bubble.Comment: RevTeX, 4 page

    Evolution of the Order Parameter after Bubble Collisions

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    If a first-order phase transition is terminated by collisions of new-phase bubbles, there will exist a period of nonequilibrium between the time bubbles collide and the time thermal equilibrium is established. We study the behavior of the order parameter during this phase. We find that large nonthermal fluctuations at this stage tend to restore symmetry, i.e., the order parameter is smaller than its eventual thermal equilibrium value. We comment on possible consequences for electroweak baryogenesis.Comment: 11 page LaTeX file with two figures, fig1.ps and fig2.p

    Patterns from preheating

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    The formation of regular patterns is a well-known phenomenon in condensed matter physics. Systems that exhibit pattern formation are typically driven and dissipative with pattern formation occurring in the weakly non-linear regime and sometimes even in more strongly non-linear regions of parameter space. In the early universe, parametric resonance can drive explosive particle production called preheating. The fields that are populated then decay quantum mechanically if their particles are unstable. Thus, during preheating, a driven-dissipative system exists. In this paper, we show that a self-coupled inflaton oscillating in its potential at the end of inflation can exhibit pattern formation.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 6 figure

    Baryon number non-conservation and phase transitions at preheating

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    Certain inflation models undergo pre-heating, in which inflaton oscillations can drive parametric resonance instabilities. We discuss several phenomena stemming from such instabilities, especially in weak-scale models; generically, these involve energizing a resonant system so that it can evade tunneling by crossing barriers classically. One possibility is a spontaneous change of phase from a lower-energy vacuum state to one of higher energy, as exemplified by an asymmetric double-well potential with different masses in each well. If the lower well is in resonance with oscillations of the potential, a system can be driven resonantly to the upper well and stay there (except for tunneling) if the upper well is not resonant. Another example occurs in hybrid inflation models where the Higgs field is resonant; the Higgs oscillations can be transferred to electroweak (EW) gauge potentials, leading to rapid transitions over sphaleron barriers and consequent B+L violation. Given an appropriate CP-violating seed, we find that preheating can drive a time-varying condensate of Chern-Simons number over large spatial scales; this condensate evolves by oscillation as well as decay into modes with shorter spatial gradients, eventually ending up as a condensate of sphalerons. We study these examples numerically and to some extent analytically. The emphasis in the present paper is on the generic mechanisms, and not on specific preheating models; these will be discussed in a later paper.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures included, revtex, epsf, references adde

    Resonant decay of Bose condensates

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    We present results of fully non-linear calculations of decay of the inflaton interacting with another scalar field X. Combining numerical results for cosmologically interesting range of resonance parameter, q \leq 10^6, with analytical estimates, we extrapolate them to larger q. We find that scattering of X fluctuations off the Bose condensate is a very efficient mechanism limiting growth of X fluctuations. For a single-component X, the resulting variance, at large q, is much smaller than that obtained in the Hartree approximation.Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages including 4 figure

    Resonant Production of Topological Defects

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    We describe a novel phenomenon in which vortices are produced due to resonant oscillations of a scalar field which is driven by a periodically varying temperature T, with T remaining much below the critical temperature TcT_c. Also, in a rapid heating of a localized region to a temperature {\it below} TcT_c, far separated vortex and antivortex can form. We compare our results with recent models of defect production during reheating after inflation. We also discuss possible experimental tests of our predictions of topological defect production {\it without} ever going through a phase transition.Comment: Revtex, 13 pages including 5 postscript figure

    On the new string theory inspired mechanism of generation of cosmological perturbations

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    Recently a non-inflationary mechanism of generation of scale-free cosmological perturbations of metric was proposed by Brandenberger, Nayeri, and Vafa in the context of the string gas cosmology. We discuss various problems of their model and argue that the cosmological perturbations of metric produced in this model have blue spectrum with a spectral index n = 5, which strongly disagrees with observations. We conclude that this model in its present form is not a viable alternative to inflationary cosmology.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Warm tachyonic inflation in warped background

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    We analyze warm tachyonic inflation, proposed in the literature, but from the viewpoint of four dimensional effective action for tachyon field on a non-BPS D3-brane. We find that consistency with observational data on density perturbation and validity of effective action requires warped compactification. The number of background branes which source the flux is found to be of the order of 10 in contrast to the order of 101410^{14} in the standard cold inflationary scenario.Comment: 9 pages, RevTe
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