2,185 research outputs found

    Tunable subpicosecond electron bunch train generation using a transverse-to-longitudinal phase space exchange technique

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    We report on the experimental generation of a train of subpicosecond electron bunches. The bunch train generation is accomplished using a beamline capable of exchanging the coordinates between the horizontal and longitudinal degrees of freedom. An initial beam consisting of a set of horizontally-separated beamlets is converted into a train of bunches temporally separated with tunable bunch duration and separation. The experiment reported in this Letter unambiguously demonstrates the conversion process and its versatility.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in PR

    Evaluation of 2.1µm DFB lasers for space applications

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    This paper presents the results obtained in the frame of an ESA-funded project called “Screening and Preevaluation of Shortwave Infrared Laser Diode for Space Application” with the objective of verifying the maturity of state of the art SWIR DFB lasers at 2.1µm to be used for space applications (mainly based on the occultation measurement principle and spectroscopy). The paper focus on the functional and environmental evaluation test plan. It includes high precision characterization, mechanical test (vibration and SRS shocks), thermal cycling, gamma and proton radiation tests, life test and some details of the Destructive Physical Analysis performed. The electro-optical characterization includes measurements of the tuning capabilities of the laser both by current and by temperature, the wavelength stability and the optical power versus laser current

    Upgrades of beam diagnostics in support of emittance-exchange experiments at the Fermilab A0 photoinjector

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    The possibility of using electron beam phase space manipulations to support a free-electron laser accelerator design optimization has motivated our research. An on-going program demonstrating the exchange of transverse horizontal and longitudinal emittances at the Fermilab A0 photoinjector has benefited recently from the upgrade of several of the key diagnostics stations. Accurate measurements of these properties upstream and downstream of the exchanger beamline are needed. Improvements in the screen resolution term and reduced impact of the optical system's depth-of-focus by using YAG:Ce single crystals normal to the beam direction will be described. The requirement to measure small energy spreads (<10 keV) in the spectrometer and the exchange process which resulted in bunch lengths less than 500 fs led to other diagnostics performance adjustments and upgrades as well. A longitudinal to transverse exchange example is also reported.Comment: 16 p

    Monolithic single mode interband cascade lasers with wide wavelength tunability

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    Financial support by the European Union in terms of the WideLase project (grant agreement no: 318798) within the Seventh Framework Programme is gratefully acknowledged.Monolithic two-section interband cascade lasers offering a wide wavelength tunability in the wavelength range around 3.7 μm are presented. Stable single mode emission in several wavelength channels was realized using the concept of binary superimposed gratings and two-segment Vernier-tuning. The wavelength selective elements in the two segments were based on specially designed lateral metal grating structures defined by electron beam lithography. A dual-step dry etch process provided electrical separation between the segments. Individual current control of the segments allowed wavelength channel selection as well as continuous wavelength tuning within channels. A discontinuous tuning range extending over 158 nm in up to six discrete wavelength channels was achieved. Mode hop free wavelength tuning up to 14 nm was observed within one channel. The devices can be operated in continuous wave mode up to 30 °C with output powers of 3.5 mW around room temperature.PostprintPeer reviewe

    High efficiency mid-infrared interband cascade LEDs grown on low absorbing substrates emitting > 5 mW of output power

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    We present interband cascade light-emitting devices with incoherent and broadband light emission peaked at a wavelength of around 3.7  μm. The substrate-side-emitting devices display higher wall plug efficiencies and maximum output powers than any earlier mid-infrared LEDs operating in continuous wave at room temperature. To reduce absorption losses, the epitaxial structures were grown on low doped (low absorbing) GaSb substrates. The nine active stages were positioned in different configurations to investigate the impact of constructive or destructive interference when reflected from the epitaxial-side metallization of the flip-chip mounted devices. A comparison shows improved electrical properties and outcoupling efficiencies when all active stages are centered within a single antinode of the optical field. The optimized voltage efficiency combined with low optical losses lead to a maximum wall plug efficiency of 0.7%. Flip-chip mounted devices with a 640-μm squared mesa reached output powers of up to 5.1 mW at ambient temperatures with driving current (voltage) of 0.6 A (5.1 V).Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    First observation of the exchange of transverse and longitudinal emittances

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    An experimental program to demonstrate a novel phase space manipulation in which the horizontal and longitudinal emittances of a particle beam are exchanged has been completed at the Fermilab A0 Photoinjector. A new beamline, consisting of a TM110 deflecting mode cavity flanked by two horizontally dispersive doglegs has been installed. We report on the first direct observation of transverse and longitudinal emittance exchange

    Tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy after administration of ergometrine following elective caesarean delivery: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy (stress-induced cardiomyopathy or transient left ventricular ballooning) is characterized by clinical suspicion of an acute myocardial infarction with transient apical or midventricular dyskinesia of the left ventricle without significant coronary stenosis on angiography. The etiology of this disease remains obscure. One of the possible causes is myocardial ischemia induced by coronary vasospasm due to sympathetic activation. It has been hypothesized that the application of ergometrine could induce tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 28-year-old Turkish woman who developed tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy after administration of ergometrine for release of placenta and prevention of bleeding during the post-partum phase in the course of an elective caesarean delivery. Tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy was diagnosed by echocardiography and urgent cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. A coronary angiography was not performed because of the absence of myocardial necrosis or ischemia and signs of myocarditis on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This life-threatening disease should be excluded in the differential diagnosis by comparing the symptoms with those of typical heart failure, particularly after use of ergometrine.</p

    Mid-infrared GaSb-based resonant tunneling diode photodetectors for gas sensing applications

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    The authors are grateful for financial support by the BMBF via the national project HIRT (FKZ:13XP5003A).We present resonant tunneling diode-photodetectors (RTD-PDs) with GaAs0.15Sb0.85/AlAs0.1Sb0.9 double barrier structures combined with an additional quaternary Ga0.64In0.36As0.33Sb0.67 absorption layer covering the fingerprint absorption lines of various gases in the mid-infrared wavelength spectral region. The absorption layer cut-off wavelength is determined to be 3.5 µm and the RTD-PDs show peak-to-valley current ratios up to 4.3 with peak current densities of 12 A/cm-2.The incorporation of the quaternary absorption layer enables the RTD-PD to be sensitive to illumination with light up to the absorption lines of HCl at 3395 nm. At this wavelength, the detector shows a responsivity of 6.3 mA/W. At the absorption lines of CO2 and CO at 2004 nm and 2330 nm respectively, the RTD-PD reaches responsivities up to 0.97 A/W. Thus RTD-PDs pave the way towards high sensitive mid-infrared detectors that can be utilized in tunable laser absorption spectroscopy.PostprintPeer reviewe