6 research outputs found

    The Influence of Automation on Aviation Accident and Fatality Rates: 2000-2010

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    The purpose of this project is to evaluate if technological advances and implementation of automation have produced a decrease in the number and severity of accidents in commercial aviation over the last decade. To accomplish this evaluation historical commercial aviation accident data from 2000 to 2010 will be examined. Commercial fixed wing and rotary wing data will be evaluated. No aviation incident data will be collected; the project will be limited in scope to commercial aviation accidents. Accidents highlighting major deficiencies involving automation will be discussed in detail. To further support the projects purpose, emphasis will be given to evaluate the influence and role of pilot training in relation to automation, to pilot over-reliance on automation, to the merits of intuitive interface design, and to the role of crew coordination has played in either reducing or increasing the accident rate and severity during the specified time period

    Leukodystrophies: a proposed classification system based on pathological changes and pathogenetic mechanisms

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    Leukodystrophies are genetically determined disorders characterized by the selective involvement of the central nervous system white matter. Onset may be at any age, from prenatal life to senescence. Many leukodystrophies are degenerative in nature, but some only impair white matter function. The clinical course is mostly progressive, but may also be static or even improving with time. Progressive leukodystrophies are often fatal, and no curative treatment is known. The last decade has witnessed a tremendous increase in the number of defined leukodystrophies also owing to a diagnostic approach combining magnetic resonance imaging pattern recognition and next generation sequencing. Knowledge on white matter physiology and pathology has also dramatically built up. This led to the recognition that only few leukodystrophies are due to mutations in myelin- or oligodendrocyte-specific genes, and many are rather caused by defects in other white matter structural components, including astrocytes, microglia, axons and blood vessels. We here propose a novel classification of leukodystrophies that takes into account the primary involvement of any white matter component. Categories in this classification are the myelin disorders due to a primary defect in oligodendrocytes or myelin (hypomyelinating and demyelinating leukodystrophies, leukodystrophies with myelin vacuolization); astrocytopathies; leuko-axonopathies; microgliopathies; and leuko-vasculopathies. Following this classification, we illustrate the neuropathology and disease mechanisms of some leukodystrophies taken as example for each category. Some leukodystrophies fall into more than one category. Given the complex molecular and cellular interplay underlying white matter pathology, recognition of the cellular pathology behind a disease becomes crucial in addressing possible treatment strategies

    Strong genetic influence on a UK nationwide test of educational achievement at the end of compulsory education at age 16

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    We have previously shown that individual differences in educational achievement are highly heritable in the early and middle school years in the UK. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether similarly high heritability is found at the end of compulsory education (age 16) for the UK-wide examination, called the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). In a national twin sample of 11,117 16-year-olds, heritability was substantial for overall GCSE performance for compulsory core subjects (58%) as well as for each of them individually: English (52%), mathematics (55%) and science (58%). In contrast, the overall effects of shared environment, which includes all family and school influences shared by members of twin pairs growing up in the same family and attending the same school, accounts for about 36% of the variance of mean GCSE scores. The significance of these findings is that individual differences in educational achievement at the end of compulsory education are not primarily an index of the quality of teachers or schools: much more of the variance of GCSE scores can be attributed to genetics than to school or family environment. We suggest a model of education that recognizes the important role of genetics. Rather than a passive model of schooling as instruction (instruere, ‘to build in’), we propose an active model of education (educare, ‘to bring out’) in which children create their own educational experiences in part on the basis of their genetic propensities, which supports the trend towards personalized learning

    A possible smoking susceptibility locus on chromosome 11p12: Evidence from sex-limitation linkage analyses in a sample of Australian twin families

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    Many twin studies have identified sex differences in the influence of genetic and environmental factors on smoking behaviors. We explore the evidence for sex differences for smoking initiation and cigarette consumption in a sample of Australian twin families, and extend these models to incorporate sex differences in linkage analyses for these traits. We further examine the impact of including or excluding non-smokers in genetic analyses of tobacco consumption. Accounting for sex differences improved linkage results in some instances. We identified one region suggestive of linkage on chromosome 11p12. This locus, as well as another region identified on chromosome 6p12, replicates regions identified in previous studies

    A Twin Study of the Genetics of High Cognitive Ability Selected from 11,000 Twin Pairs in Six Studies from Four Countries

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    Abstract Although much genetic research has addressed normal variation in intelligence, little is known about the etiology of high cognitive abilities. Using data from 11,000 twin pairs (age range = 6–71 years) from the genetics of high cognitive abilities consortium, we investigated the genetic and environmental etiologies of high general cognitive ability (g). Age-appropriate psychometric cognitive tests were administered to the twins and used to create g scores standardized within each study. Liability-threshold model fitting was used to estimate genetic and environmental parameters for the top 15% of the distribution of g. Genetic influence for high g was substantial (0.50, with a 95% confidence interval of 0.41–0.60). Shared environmental influences were moderate (0.28, 0.19–0.37). We conclude that genetic variation contributes substantially to high g in Australia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States