21 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (March 11-12, 2009, Pensacola Beach, Florida)

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    Contents Contributed papers (Jason Bond, moderator) Effects of Diseases on Soybean Yields in the United States, 1996 to 2006. Allen Wrather and Steve Koenning Evaluation of Soybean Cultivars for Resistance to Soybean Phomopsis Seed Decay in the Mississippi Delta. Shuxian Li, Debbie Boykin, Gabriel Sciumbato, Allen Wrather, Grover Shannon, and David Sleper The impact of timing and fungicides on soybean disease management. Boyd Padgett, Myra Purvis, Allen Hogan, and Clayton Hollier Foliar Fungicide Impact on Frogeye Leaf Spot, Yield and Net Returns in Mississippi Soybeans. Tom Allen, Ben Spinks, Billy Moore, Alan Blaine, and Dan Poston SCE 08: Standards for assessing resistance to SCN. TL Niblack, GL Tylka, and H Lopez-Nicora Frogeye Leaf Spot Control Update. Melvin Newman Graduate student papers (Clayton Hollier, moderator) Association of Specific Variables with Severity of Asian Soybean Rust as Assessed by GIS Analysis at the Field Level. EP Mumma, RW Schneider, and CL Robertson Presence and pathogenicity of Neocosmospora vasinfecta in Arkansas soybeans. Amanda Greer, Cliff Coker, and Sherrie Smith Charcoal Rot: Current Status. Alemu Mengistu Discussion sessions SSDW Region-wide Research Needs (Allen Wrather, moderator) SSDW Region-wide Extension Needs (Melvin Newman moderator) Soybean Rust Monitoring Needs (Tom Allen, moderator) Soybean Disease Atlas Slide Viewing (Boyd Padgett, moderator) Southern United States Soybean Disease Loss Estimator for 2008. Compiled by Stephen R. Koenning Southern Soybean Disease Workers 2008 treasury repor

    Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (March 20-22, 1999, Robinson, Mississippi)

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    Contents Soybean Disease Loss Estimates for the Southern United States during 1998. Phillip W Pratt Treasurer report. Peggy S King Contributed paper session Resistance Ratings for 288 soybean Cultivars to the Reniform Nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis. RT Robbins, L Rakes, and L Jackson Evaluation of Azoxystrobin on Two Foliar Soybean Diseases in Arkansas. CM Coker Early Soybean Production System in Missouri: Progress and Potential. JA Wrather, and DA Sleper A New Phomopsis Disease of Soybeans in Mississippi. GL Sciumbato and BL Keeling Reaction of Soybean Genotypes to Sudden Death Syndrome. JH Klein, ME Schmidt, RE Whelan, JS Russin, RJ Suttner, MA Shenaut, and PT Gibson Additional Studies on the Use of Soybean as a Rotation Crop for the Management of Root-knot Nematodes in Peanut. CF Weaver, R Rodriguez-Kabana and CR Taylor Comparison of Soybean Meal with Other Legume Meals as Amendments to Soil for Control of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. PS King, R Rodriguez-Kabana, and CR Taylor Tolerance of Selected Roundup Ready Soybean Cultivars to Columbia Lance Nematode. SR Koenning Proceedings of the Southern Disease Workers are published annually by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Text, references, figures, and tables are reproduced as they were submitted by the authors. The opinions expressed by the participants at this conference are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Mention of trademark or propriety products in this proceedings does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or endorsement of that product by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers

    Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (March 7-8, 2012, Pensacola Beach, Florida)

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    Contents Symposium: Soybean Nematodes: Their Status, Impact and Management The Current Status of Nematodes of Soybean in Louisiana and Arkansas. Charles Overstreet, Edward C McGawley, Melea Martin, and Terry Kirkpatrick A Molecular Analysis of Resistance of Soybean to the Soybean Cyst Nematode. Vincent Klink Racism in Nematology. Terry Niblack SCN-resistant Soybeans, HG types, Yield, and SCN Reproduction: How It All Comes Together in the Field in Iowa. Gregory Tylka Soybean Lines Evaluated for Resistance to Reniform Nematode. Sally Stetina Graduate student presentations (Boyd Padgett, moderator) Fungicide Resistance in Cercospora kikuchii, a Major Pathogen of Louisiana Soybean. Trey Price Variation in the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) Region within Phakopsora pachyrhizi and Implications for the Currently Used Molecular Diagnostic Assays. Tomas Rush Theoretical Disease and Decision Model for Fungicide Applications for Soybean Rust. Heather Marie Young Relationship Between Stink Bug Damaged Soybean Seed and Incidence of Phomopsis longicolla in the Mississippi Soybean Production System. Joshua Jones, Angus Catchot, Fred Musser, Tom Allen, Maria Tomaso-Peterson, and Jeff Gore, lV Spatial Assessment of Rhizoctonia solani In Fields Undergoing Rice/Soybean Rotations. TN Spurlock, CS Rothrock, and WS Monfort Thursday, March 8th session (Danise Beadle, moderator) Sustaining the Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education with Support from Industry (I-PIPE). Scott Isard Screening Germplasm for Resistance to Phomopsis Seed Decay: Joint Effort from USDA and University Scientists. Shuxian Li, Gabe Sciumbato, Pengyin Chen, John Rupe, Allen Wrather, James R Smith and Randall L Nelson Effect of Storage on Soybean Seed Quality and Emergence. John Rupe Foliar Fungicides to Prevent Yield Loss Attributed to Aerial Web Blight in Mississippi, 2010 and 2011. Tom Allen, Alan Blaine, Bernie White, and Billy Moore Mycovirus-induced Hypovirulence as an Alternative Means to Control Fungal Diseases of Soybean. Said A Ghabrial and Jiatao Xie Managing Cercospora Blight in Louisiana: Facing New Challenges. Boyd Padgett, Trey Price, Brooks Blanche, Ray Schneider, Clayton Hollier, and Myra Purvis Seasonal Progress of Charcoal Rot and Its Impact on Soybean Productivity. Alemu Mengistu Discussion session: Soybean Disease Resistance (Clayton Hollier, moderator) Fungicide Resistance in Cercospora sojina: Chapter 2. Carl A Bradley and Guirong R Zhang Fungicide Efficacy on Strobilurin Resistant Cercospora sojina (Frogeye Leaf Spot) in Soybean. Melvin Newman Strobilurin Resistance in Rhizoctonia solani in Soybeans in Louisiana. Clayton A. Hollier Southern United States Soybean Disease Loss Estimate for 2011. Compiled by Stephen R. Koennin

    Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (March 2-3, 2005, Scottsdale, Arizona)

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    Contents Southern Soybean Disease Workers 2004 treasury report Southern United States Soybean Disease Loss Estimates for 2004. Compiled by SR Koenning Initial Discovery of Asian Soybean Rust in Louisiana in 2004 and Lessons for 2005. RW Schneider, CA Hollier, and HK Wbitam Efficacy of myclobutanil for control of Asian soybean rust in Brazil (2004). MT Iarnauti, NA Alvarenga, JA Rosseto, GR Tofoli, BD Olson, DG Ouimette, and DC Ruen. Flutriafol - a triazole fungicide giving strong curative action and persistence of effect against Asian soybean rust. T Baker and R Noon Cherninova Experience in Use of Syngenta Fungicides for Controlling Soybean Rust in Brazil and Expectations for the US. A Tally, E Guicherit, and S Paiva The Role of Forecasting Long Distance Spore Movement in Managing the Potential 2005 Soybean Rust Epidemic. CE Main, T Keever, SR Koenning, G Holmes, and R Magarey The Role of the National Plant Diagnostic Network Laboratories in Asian Soybean Rust Diagnosis. CL Harmon Impact ofQuadris® Plus Warrior®Tank Mix on Soybean Yield in Kentucky. DE Hershman, DW Johnson, and JH Herbek Evaluation of Soybean Varieties and Germplasm Lines to Soil Water-logging. JG Shannon, G Stevens, and WJ Wiebold Replacing Races: Adaptation of the Soybean Cyst Nematode HG Type Test for Practical Applications. TL Niblack, GR Noel, and JP Bond Fungicide Efficacy and Application Timing for Control of Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean caused by Cercospora sojina. MA Newman, W Percell, and W Crowder Characterization of Cercospora sojina Isolates and Germplasm Evaluation. AK Gregor, CM Vick, JP Bond, ME Schmidt, JA Wrather, and JG Shannon Integration of Soybean. Rust Control into a Late Season Foliar Fungicide Program. GL Sciumbato, DH Poston, WF Moore, BL Spinks, and MA Blaine Simulation of Spore Trajectories to Identify Potential Pathways of Soybean Rust in the Continental US. KS Kim, Z Pan, and XB Yang Periods from initial infection to detectable levels of soybean rust in early stages of disease development. X Li, AP Dias, XB Yang Analysis of Regional Onset of Asian Soybean Rust Outbreaks In South America. ED Ponte and XB Yang A Critical Monthly Rainfall Model for Prediction of Asian Soybean Rust Outbreaks. ED Ponte, X Li, and XB Yang A 2-Year Study of Foliar Fungicides in Mississippi Soybeans. BL Spinks, DH Poston, GL Sciumbato, and MA Blaine Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers are published annually by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Text, references, figures, and tables are reproduced as they were submitted by authors. The opinions expressed by the participants at this conference are their own and do not necessarily represent those of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Mention of a trademark or proprietary products in this publication does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or endorsement of that product by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers

    Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (March 9-10, 2011, Pensacola Beach, Florida)

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    Contents Southern United States Soybean Disease Loss Estimates for 2010. Compiled by SR Koenning Poster presentation Soybean Varieties and Breeding Lines Shown With Resistance to Reniform Nematode in Greenhouse Tests, 1998-2010 R. T. Robbins, and L. E. Jackson Oral presentations Frogeye Leaf Spot (Cercorosa sojina) symposium (Boyd Padgett, moderator) Development of Baseline Cercospora sojina Sensitivity Levels to Quinone Outside Inhibitor Fungicides and Monitoring for Resistance. GR Zhang and CA Bradley Soybean Pathogen Found to be Resistant to Fungicides MA Newman and CA Bradley Strobilurin-resistant Cercospora sojina in Kentucky: Field History. D Hershman Graduate student paper competition (Tom Allen, moderator) Mycoparasitism of Phakopsora pachyrhizi by Simplicillium lanosoniveum and Its Effects on Soybean Rust: A Microscopy Study. NA Ward, K Maruthachalam, KV Subbarao, M Brown, Y Xiao, CL Robertson, CG Giles, and RW Schneider Relationship Between Stink Bugs and Phomopsis Seed Decay in Mississippi Soybean Production. JL Jones, A Catchot, and F Musser Survey of Multiple Seed Isolates of Cercospora kikuchii from Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri for Resistance to Thiophanate-methyl, Azoxystrobin, and Pyraclostrobin in vitro. PP Price, MA Purvis, GB Padgett, and RW Schneider Assessing the Validity of Diagnostic Quantitative PCR Assays for Phakopsora pachyrhizi and P. meibomiae. TA Rush, RW Schneider, MC Aime, and GL Hartman Southern Soybean Disease Workers paper session (Jason Bond and Tom Allen, moderators) Review of the 2010 Sudden Death Syndrome Outbreak in Iowa. L Leandro Managing Frogeye Leaf Spot in Illinois. C Vick, A Vick, B Hoene, M Butera, H Sabo, A Ward, and JP Bond The Fusarium Root Rot Complex on Soybean in Minnesota. D Malvick The Influence of Fungicide Seed Treatments on Plant Establishment and Grain Quality and Yield. GB Padgett, M Purvis, and P Price, III Yield Loss Relationships for Several Soybean Diseases and Development of a Cost:Benefit Calculator. RW Schneider, GB Padgett, KM Guidry, and PK Bollich NCSRP Update. D Wright Monitoring for Soybean Rust at Guantanamo Bay. EJ Sikora Fungicide Efficacy Against the 2010 Aerial Blight Epidemic in Louisiana. CA Hollier Foliar Fungicides Impact on Arkansas’ Endemic Soybean Diseases. CM Coker and AM Greer USB Funding update. R Joost Pythium spp., Phytophthora sojae, Macrophomina, and SCN: Just a Few Challenges While Waiting for Soybean Rust in Ohio. A Dorrance, M Ellis, and K Gearhart Fluxapyroxad: New Fungicide for Soybean Disease Control. G Fellows and N Fassler Maturity Group IV Soybean Seed Quality: Mississippi Perspectives from 2009 and 2010. TW Allen, CH Koger, A Catchot, D Cook, J Gore, N Buehring, HR Smith, and F Musser S05-11482: a high yielding soybean with resistance to multiple diseases and nematode species. JG Shannon, JA Wrather, MA Woolard, SL Smothers, SM Pathan, HT Nguyen, and RT Robbins Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers are published annually by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Text, references, figures, and tables are reproduced as they were submitted by authors. The opinions expressed by the participants at this conference are their own and do not necessarily represent those of the Southern Soybean Workers. Mention of a trademark or proprietary products in this publication does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or endorsement of that product by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers

    Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (February 15-16, 2004, St. Louis, Missouri)

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    Contents Southern United States Soybean Disease Loss Estimate for 2003. Compiled by Stephen R. Koenning Shifts in Soybean Disease Incidence and Severity Following Adaptation of the ESPS (Early Soybean Productions system) in Mississippi. GL Sciumbato and DH Poston Impact of Foliar Fungicides on Soybean Yield and Net Returns. BL Spinks, DH Poston, GL Sciumbato, and MA Blaine Inheritance of Resistance to Phompsis Seed Decay in Soybean PI 80837. EW Jackson, P Fenn, P Chen, and PK Miller Inheritance of Resistance to Purple Seed Stain in Soybean PI 80837. EW Jackson, P Fenn, P Chen, PK Miller Population Structure of Cercospora kikuchii as Assessed with Vegetative Compatibility Groups and DNA Fingerprints. Guohong Cai and Raymond W Schneider Reniform Nematode Reproduction on Soybean in 2003 Tests. RT Robbins, L Rakes, LE Jackson, EE Gbur, and DG Dombek Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers are published annually by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Text, references, figures, and tables are reproduced as they were submitted by authors. The opinions expressed by the participants at this conference are their own and do not necessarily represent those of the Southern Soybean Workers. Mention of a trademark or proprietary products in this publication does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or endorsement of that product by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers

    Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (April 6-8, 2000, Fort Walton Beach Florida)

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    Contents Southern United States Soybean Disease Loss Estimate for 1999. Compiled by SR Koenning Treasury report. Peggy S King Invited presentation Bean Pod Mottle: A Soybean Disease on the Rise in the New Millennium. SA Ghabrial Contributed papers Response of Selected Mid-South Soybean Varieties to the Reniform Nematode. GW Lawrence, KS McLean, and SM Baird Field Response of Soybean Cultivars to the Reniform Nematode Rotylenchulus reniformis. PS King, DB Weaver, and R Rodriguez-Kabana Approaches to Race Determination in Soybean Cyst Nematode. AJ Palmateer, ME Schmidt, SR Stetina, and JS Russin Nematological Survey of Selected Soybean and Cotton Fields in Alabama. DG Robertson and R Rodriguez-Kabana Soybean Meal-Based Compositions as Organic Amendments for Control of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. CF Weaver and R Rodriguez-Kabana Cell Selection Approach for Generating Soybean with Resistance to Macrophomina phaseolina. NA Reichert, GL Sciumbato, S-H Lin, L Chen, BL Keeling, and AL Woods Identification of Molecular Markers Linked to a New Gene Conferring Resistance to Frogeye Leaf Spot in \u27Peking\u27 Soybean. W Yang, DB Weaver, J Qiu, and B Nielsen Soil Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties Associated with Sudden Death Syndrome in Southern Illinois. JP Bond, AJ Hoskins, CM Vick, SK Chong, and JS Russin Response of Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome to Amelioration of the Soil Physical Environment. CM Vick, SK Chong, JP Bond, and JS Russin Differential Enzyme Activity in Two Soybean Cultivars Resistant and Susceptible to Sudden Death Syndrome. SA Bates, DA Lightfoot, O Myers, Y Luo, and JS Russin Evaluation Of Azoxystrobin On Soybean Disease, Yield, and Seed Quality. KS McLean, GW Lawrence, L Carter, and L Campbell Soybean Disease Loss Estimates for the United States from 1996-1998. JA Wrather and WC Stienstra Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers are published annually by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Text, references, figures, and tables are reproduced as they were submitted by authors. The opinions expressed by the participants at this conference are their own and do not necessarily represent those of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Mention of a trademark or proprietary products in this proceedings does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or endorsement of that product by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers

    Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (March 10-11, 2010, Pensacola Beach, Florida)

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    Contents SSDW treasury report Southern United States Soybean Disease Loss Estimates for 2009. Compiled by SR Koenning Green Bean symposium (Jason Bond, moderator) Factors Contributing to Green Plants at Maturity. DJ Boquet, RL Leonard, GB Padgett, RW Schneider, J Griffin, J Davis, and R Vaverde The Green Stem Disorder Enigma in Illinois. C Hill and G. Hartman The Influence of Fungicides, Herbicides, and Their Interactions on Green Bean Syndrome. GB Padgett, DJ Boquet, RW Schneider, and MA Purvis Association of Stink Bug Injury with A Green Plant Malady in Soybean. JH Temple, BR Leonard, J Davis, P Price, and J Hardke Managing Green Stem: Desiccant Application Timing in Indeterminate and Determinate Soybean. JM Boudreaux, JL Griffin, RW Schneider, and GB Padgett Graduate student paper competition (Boyd Padgett, moderator) Disinfection of Soybean Seed by Sterilization of C. kikuchii and Other Seedborne Fungi with Gaseous Chlorine Compounds. P Price, DJ Stephens, RW Schneider, and GB Padgett Field Evaluations of Simplicillium lanosoniveum as a Biological Control Agent for Phakopsora pachyrhizi. NA Ward, RW Schneider, and CL Robertson Effects of Environment and Cultivar on Charcoal Rot Development in Soybeans. M Doubledee, J Rupe, C Rothrock, S Bajwa, A Steger, and R Holland Field Evaluation and Molecular Screening of Soybean Lines for Resistance to Sudden Death Syndrome. DW Clark and S Kantartzi Southern Soybean Disease Workers paper session (Clayton Hollier and Boyd Padgett, moderators) Effect of a Fungicide and Insecticide Application on Soybean Seed Quality in Mississippi. TW Allen, CH Koger, AL Catchot, J Gore, D Cook, RE Baird, S Martin, and C Daves USB Funding of Soybean Disease Research. R. Joost Can Headline Fungicide Reduce Yield Loss in Soybean Caused by Soybean Cyst Nematode? DE Hershman and BS Kennedy Efficacy, Yield and Economics of Ballad Plus Biofungicide for Soybean. S Atwell, D Warkentin, and D Manker Management of Soybean Nematodes Through the use of Resistance and Nematicides. M Emerson, S Monfort, A Carroll, J Fortner, T Kirkpatrick, and J Barham Asian Soybean Rust in Louisiana: Evidence of a Dynamic Pathogen. CA Hollier, PA Bollich, GB Padgett, and MA Purvis Alabama Disease Survey. E Sikora, JF Murphy, K Lawrence, and D Delaney Black Root Rot of Soybean: An Emerging Problem in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. C Coker, T Allen, and GB Padgett Soybean Resistance to SCN in.North Carolina, a Continuing Story. SR Koening Research Update on Screening Germ plasm and Breeding for Reisistance to Phomopsis Seed Decay in Soybean. S Li, A Wrather, P Chen, and J Rupe Afternoon sessions (Cliff Coker, moderator) Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus: A New Widespread Virus in the Southeast and Midwest. J Zhou, R-H Wen, M Newman, SK Kantartzi, MR Hajimorad, and IE Tzanetakis Black Root Rot a New Soybean Disease to Arkansas. A Carroll, S Monfort, M Emerson, and J Fortner Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers are published annually by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Text, references, figures, and tables are reproduced as they were submitted by authors. The opinions expressed by the participants at this conference are their own and do not necessarily represent those of the Southern Soybean Workers. Mention of a trademark or proprietary products in this publication does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or endorsement of that product by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers

    Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (March 5-6, 2014, Pensacola Beach, Florida)

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    Contents Schedule Southern United Station Soybean Disease Loss Estimates for 2013. Compiled by SR Koenning Graduate student paper competition (Ed Sikora, moderator) Association of Phomopsis longicolla and Macrophomina phaseolina with zone lines in soybean roots at maturity. ML Zaccaron, JC Rupe, and RT Holland Molecular Phylogenetic Redefinition of Cercospora kikuchii. S Albu, P Price, V Doyle, and R Schneider The effects of salinity on Pythium rot of soybean. TJ Stetina, CS Rothrock, and JC Rupe Distribution of Cercospora sojina and sensitivity to Qol fungicides in Mississippi soybean fields. J Standish, M Tomaso-Peterson, TW Allen, S Sabanadzovic, N Aboughanem-Sabanadzovic Effect of crop rotation, location and isolation temperature on Pythium spp. population composition in Arkansas. KE Urrea, JC Rupe, CS Rothrock, MI Chilvers, and JA Rojas Soybean Cultivars and Fungicide Responses to Frogeye Leaf Spot: Ten Years of Field Data Heather. M Kelly, William J Jordan, and Melvin Newman Observations on Soybean Rust and Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus in Alabama in 2013. EJ Sikora, K Conner, D Delaney, L. Zhang, and M Delaney Importance of kudzu as a reservoir for soybean viruses: preliminary data. N Aboughanem-Sabanadzovic, WF Moore, TW Allen, A Lawrence, and S Sabanadzovic Management of Cercospora Leaf Blight of Soybean with Foliar Applications of Iron. E Chagas da Silva, AK Chanda, T Garcia Aroca, CL Robertson, E Tubana, B Ward, S Albu and RW Schneider Late Fungicide Applications to Manage Frogeye Leaf Spot in the Mississippi Soybean Production System. TW Allen, TH Wilkerson, JT Irby, and BR Golden Development and Optimization of a Weather-based Disease Advisory for Soybean. HL Mehl and PM Phipps An Encounter with Target Spot and its Management with Fungicides. RW Schneider, CL Robertson, E Chagas da Silva and B Ward Cercospora Leaf Blight of Soybean: Latent Infection and Symptom Development. Ashok K Chanda., Zhi-Yuan Chen, Eduardo Chagas da Silva, and Raymond W Schneider Effect of Long-term Potassium Fertilization Rate on Sudden Death Syndrome, Cercospora Leaf Blight and Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean. JC Rupe, NA Slaton, RT Holland, ML Zaccron, R OeLong, AJ Steger Sensitivity of Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis to fluopyram. Travis Faske and Katherine Hurd Reniform nematode influence on soybean production in Louisiana. C Overstreet, EC McGawley, DM Xavier, and MT Kularathna Rhizoctonias associated with soybean in the Southeast United States. CS Rothrock, SA Winters, and TN Spurlock Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers are published annually by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Text, references, figure, and tables are reproduced at they were submitted by the authors. The opinions expressed by the participants at this conference are their own and do not necessarily represent those of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Mention of a trademark or proprietary products in this publication does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or endorsement of that product by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers

    Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (March 13-14, 2013, Pensacola Beach, Florida)

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    Contents Southern United States Soybean Disease Loss Estimates for 2012. Compiled by SR Koenning Update on Detection and Management of QoI Fungicide Resistant Cercospora sojina, the Causal Agent of Frogeye Leaf Spot in Soybean. C Bradley, G Zhang, V Chapara, R Ming, F Zeng, H Young Kelly, and M Newman Identification of Soybean Genotypes to Cercopsora sojina by Field Screening and Molecular Markers. A Mengistu and R Mian Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus. D Hershman Single Applications of Triazole Fungicides at R1 for Management of Cercospora Leaf Blight and Rust in Soybean. RW Schneider, CL Robertson, BM Ward, and EC Silva Observations on soybean rust management in Alabama in 2012. EJ Sikora, D Delaney, and M Delaney Graduate student paper competition (Clayton Hollier, moderator) Logical Areas of Collection: A Precision Concept for Management of Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA. TN Spurlock, CS Rothrock, and WS Monfort Screening of Soybean Recombinant Inbred Lines against Phakopsora pachyrhizi. M Ganiger, DR Walker, and ZY Chen Effects of Minor Element Nutrition on Cercospora Leaf Blight of Soybean. BM Ward, CL Robertson, RW Schneider, and EC Silva Sensitivity of Cercospora kikuchii Populations to Methyl Benzimidazole, Carbamate, Quinone Outside Inhibitor, and Demethylation Inhibitor Fungicides. P Price, MA Purvis, CL Robertson, GB Padgett, and RW Schneider Effect of Foliar Application of Micronutrients on Severity of Rust in Soybean. EC Silva, BM Ward, CL Robertson, and RW Schneider Southern Soybean Disease Workers paper session (Tom Allen, moderator) History of Reniform Nematode in the South. RT Robbins Role of Seed Quality, Planting Date, and Seed Treatment on Soybean Stand and Yield. JC Rupe, R Holland, A Steger, S Goeke, EE Gbur, WJ Ross, M Wyss, J McCoy, and R Cingolani Screening Soybean Germplasm and Commercial Varieties for Resistance to Phomopsis Seed Decay: Results from 2012 Trials. S Li, G Sciumbato, P Chen, S Sun, J Rupe, R Holland, and A Steger A Novel Seed Treatment with Activity against SDS in Soybeans. C Graham Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY) is essential for Virulence of Cercospora kikuchii in soybeans. AK Chanda, RW Schneider, and Z-Y Chen Fungicide Timing Strategies: Targeting Yield Enhancement in Mississippi Soybean. TW Allen, D Cook, A Catchot, J Gore, and N Buehring Update from the United Soybean Board. K Whiting Industry Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education (iPiPE). S Isard, R Magarey, J Golod, and J Russo Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers are published annually by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Text, references, figures, and tables are reproduced as they were submitted by authors. The opinions expressed by the participants at this conference are their own and do not necessarily represent those of the Southern Soybean Workers. Mention of a trademark or proprietary products in this publication does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or endorsement of that product by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers