616 research outputs found


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    The representation of abstract task rules in the human prefrontal cortex

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    We have previously reported sustained activation in the ventral prefrontal cortex while participants prepared to perform 1 of 2 tasks as instructed. But there are studies that have reported activation reflecting task rules elsewhere in prefrontal cortex, and this is true in particular when it was left to the participants to decide which rule to obey. The aim of the present experiment was to use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to find whether there was activation in common, irrespective of the way that the task rules were established. On each trial, we presented a word after a variable delay, and participants had to decide either whether the word was abstract or concrete or whether it had 2 syllables. The participants either decided before the delay which task they would perform or were instructed by written cues. Comparing the self-generated with the instructed trials, there was early task set activation during the delay in the middle frontal gyrus. On the other hand, a conjunction analysis revealed sustained activation in the ventral prefrontal and polar cortex for both conditions. We argue that the ventral prefrontal cortex is specialized for handling conditional rules regardless of how the task rules were established

    Madagascar's grasses and grasslands:anthropogenic or natural?

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    Grasses, by their high productivity even under very low pCO2, their ability to survive repeated burning and to tolerate long dry seasons, have transformed the terrestrial biomes in the Neogene and Quaternary. The expansion of grasslands at the cost of biodiverse forest biomes in Madagascar is often postulated as a consequence of the Holocene settlement of the island by humans. However, we show that the Malagasy grass flora has many indications of being ancient with a long local evolutionary history, much predating the Holocene arrival of humans. First, the level of endemism in the Madagascar grass flora is well above the global average for large islands. Second, a survey of many of the more diverse areas indicates that there is a very high spatial and ecological turnover in the grass flora, indicating a high degree of niche specialization. We also find some evidence that there are both recently disturbed and natural stable grasslands: phylogenetic community assembly indicates that recently severely disturbed grasslands are phylogenetically clustered, whereas more undisturbed grasslands tend to be phylogenetically more evenly distributed. From this evidence, it is likely that grass communities existed in Madagascar long before human arrival and so were determined by climate, natural grazing and other natural factors. Humans introduced zebu cattle farming and increased fire frequency, and may have triggered an expansion of the grasslands. Grasses probably played the same role in the modification of the Malagasy environments as elsewhere in the tropics

    Speckle observations with PISCO in Merate - II. Astrometric measurements of visual binaries in 2004

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    International audienceWe present relative astrometric measurements of visual binaries taken during the second semester of 2004 with the Pupil Interferometry Speckle camera and Coronagraph (PISCO) at the 1-m Zeiss telescope of the Brera Astronomical Observatory, in Merate, Italy. We performed 207 new observations of 194 objects with angular separations in the range 0.1-4.0 arcsec and an accuracy better than ~0.01 arcsec. Our sample contains orbital couples as well as binaries whose motion is still uncertain. Our purpose is to improve the accuracy of the orbits and constrain the masses of the components. Those measurements show that the orbit of ADS 15115 needs to be revised; we propose a new orbit for this object

    Tests with a Carlina-type diluted telescope; Primary coherencing

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    Studies are under way to propose a new generation of post-VLTI interferometers. The Carlina concept studied at the Haute- Provence Observatory is one of the proposed solutions. It consists in an optical interferometer configured like a diluted version of the Arecibo radio telescope: above the diluted primary mirror made of fixed cospherical segments, a helium balloon (or cables suspended between two mountains), carries a gondola containing the focal optics. Since 2003, we have been building a technical demonstrator of this diluted telescope. First fringes were obtained in May 2004 with two closely-spaced primary segments and a CCD on the focal gondola. We have been testing the whole optical train with three primary mirrors. The main aim of this article is to describe the metrology that we have conceived, and tested under the helium balloon to align the primary mirrors separate by 5-10 m on the ground with an accuracy of a few microns. The servo loop stabilizes the mirror of metrology under the helium balloon with an accuracy better than 5 mm while it moves horizontally by 30 cm in open loop by 10-20 km/h of wind. We have obtained the white fringes of metrology; i.e., the three mirrors are aligned (cospherized) with an accuracy of {\approx} 1 micron. We show data proving the stability of fringes over 15 minutes, therefore providing evidence that the mechanical parts are stabilized within a few microns. This is an important step that demonstrates the feasibility of building a diluted telescope using cables strained between cliffs or under a balloon. Carlina, like the MMT or LBT, could be one of the first members of a new class of telescopes named diluted telescopes.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, A&A, accepte

    Speckle observations with PISCO in Merate - III. Astrometric measurements of visual binaries in 2005 and scale calibration with a grating mask

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    International audienceWe present relative astrometric measurements of visual binaries made during the first semester of 2005, with the Pupil Interferometry Speckle Camera and Coronagraph (PISCO) at the 102-cm Zeiss telescope of the Brera Astronomical Observatory, in Merate. We performed 214 new observations of 192 objects, with angular separations in the range 0.2-4.3arcsec, and with an average accuracy of 0.01arcsec. Most of the position angles could be determined without the usual 180° ambiguity, and their mean error is . Our sample contains orbital couples as well as binaries whose motion is still uncertain. The purpose of this long-term programme is to improve the accuracy of the orbits and constrain the masses of the components. For the first time with PISCO, the astrometric calibration was made with a grating mask mounted at the entrance of the telescope. The advantage of this procedure is to provide a reliable and fully independent scale determination. We have found two possible new triple systems: ADS 7871 and KUI 15. We propose a preliminary orbit for ADS 4208