12 research outputs found

    Terminologija in indikacije za kolposkopski pregled

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    Nabava kot funkcija podjetja, pa naj bo še tako izpopolnjena, ne naredi podjetja uspešnega, če ne sodeluje z ostalimi funkcijami v podjetju. Skozi diplomsko delo smo spoznali, da je sodelovanje nabave z ostalimi funkcijami v podjetju eden izmed najpomembnejših dejavnikov, ki pripomorejo, da podjetje uresniči zastavljene cilje. Nabavni oddelki v podjetjih, ki nenehno ocenjujejo uspešnost dela nabavnih referentov, so bolj uspešni, saj zaposleni redno dobivajo povratne informacije o uspešnosti dela in se zato še bolj trudijo, ker vedo, da nadrejeni opazijo njihovo prizadevnost pri delu. V diplomskem delu smo raziskali področja sodelovanja nabavne funkcije z ostalimi funkcijami v podjetju Albin Promotion d. o. o.. Omenjeno podjetje je malo podjetje. V takšnih podjetjih so oddelki med seboj bolj povezani, zaposleni se med seboj dobro poznajo in tako lahko hitreje in uspešnejše sodelujejo. Tudi managerjem je lažje vrednotiti delo zaposlenih, tako v nabavnem kot ostalih oddelkih podjetja, jih motivirati na pravi način, da čim bolje opravijo svoje delo in jih za dosežene uspehe tudi nagraditi.A business can be very up-to-date, however cost as a function of a business can not make a company successful if it does not cooperate with other functions within the company. Throughout our thesis, we realized that the cooperation of costs with other functions in the company is one of the most important factors, which helps an enterprise to achieve their set goals. Purchasing departments, in a company, that are constantly assessing the work performance of purchasing officers are more successful, as employees receive regular feedback on work performance and therefore are motivated and work harder especially as they know that their superiors are observing them. Is this thesis, areas of cooperation of cost functions with other functions in the Albin Promotion Ltd company were researched. The company is a small business. In such companies, the departments are connected to each other more and employees are familiar with each other therefore they can work quickly and more effectively together. Even the managers can evaluate the work of their employees in both the purchasing and other business departments and can encourage them through motivation to work hard and better and therefore reward their achievement

    Kolposkopija v nosečnosti

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    Kolposkopski primeri žleznih sprememb

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    Terminologija, indikacije za kolposkopski pregled in kako pravilno kolposkopiramo

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    Vrednost testa Pap danes

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    Potek zdravljenja bolnice s patološkim brisom in negativnim testom HPV

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    Presejalni program zgodnjega odkrivanja materničnega vratu temelji v Sloveniji na citološkem pregledu brisov materničnega vratu. V primeru patološkega citološkega izvida je potrebno opraviti tudi dodatne diagnostične preiskave in načrtovati ustrezno zdravljenje. Čeprav je velika večina predrakavih in rakavih bolezenskih sprememb na materničnem vratu pogojena s HPV-okužbo, pa se je potrebno zavedati, da obstoja možnost bolezni redko tudi pri populaciji z negativnim izvidom testa HPV

    Comparison of Conservative Treatment of Cervical Intraepithelial Lesions with Imiquimod with Standard Excisional Technique Using LLETZ: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    (1) Background: There are limited data on the success of conservative treatment of high-grade cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) with imiquimod directly compared to standard of treatment with LLETZ. (2) Methods: Patients aged 18–40 with histological HSIL (with high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, CIN2p16+ and CIN3), were randomly assigned to treatment with imiquimod or LLETZ. The primary outcome was defined as the absence of HSIL after either treatment modality. The secondary outcomes were the occurrence of side effects. (3) Results: 52 patients were allocated in each group and were similar regarding baseline characteristics. In the imiquimod group, 82.7% of patients completed treatment, which was successful in 51.9%. All patients in the LLETZ group completed treatment, which was successful in 92.3% (p < 0.001). In the subgroup of CIN2p16+ patients, treatment with imiquimod was not inferior to LLETZ (73.9% vs. 84.2%, p = 0.477). During and after treatment, no cases of progression to cancer were observed. Side effects and severe side effects (local and systemic) were more prevalent in the imiquimod than in the LLETZ group (88.5% vs. 44.2% (p-value < 0.001) and 51.9% vs. 13.5% (p-value < 0.001), respectively). (4) Conclusion: Generally, in patients with HSIL, LLETZ remains the gold standard of treatment. However, in a subgroup analysis of patients with CIN2p16+, the success rate was comparable between the two treatment modalities. Due to the prevalence of side effects, the treatment compliance with imiquimod use may, however, present a clinically important issue