1,271 research outputs found

    Topological Landau-Ginzburg theory with a rational potential and the dispersionless KP hierarchy

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    Based on the dispersionless KP (dKP) theory, we give a comprehensive study of the topological Landau-Ginzburg (LG) theory characterized by a rational potential. Writing the dKP hierarchy in a general form, we find that the hierarchy naturally includes the dispersionless (continuous) limit of Toda hierarchy and its generalizations having finite number of primaries. Several flat solutions of the topological LG theory are obtained in this formulation, and are identified with those discussed by Dubrovin. We explicitly construct gravitational descendants for all the primary fields. Giving a residue formula for the 3-point functions of the fields, we show that these 3-point functions satisfy the topological recursion relation. The string equation is obtained as the generalized hodograph solutions of the dKP hierarchy, which show that all the gravitational effects to the constitutive equations (2-point functions) can be renormalized into the coupling constants in the small phase space.Comment: 54 pages, Plain TeX. Figure could be obtained from Kodam

    Redshift Dependent Lag-Luminosity Relation in 565 BASTE Gamma Ray Bursts

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    We compared redshifts zYz_Y from Yonetoku relation and zlagz_{lag} from the lag-luminosity relation for 565 BASTE GRBs and were surprised to find that the correlation is very low. Assuming that the luminosity is a function of both zYz_Y and the intrinsic spectral lag τlag\tau_{lag}, we found a new redshift dependent lag-luminosity relation as L=7.5×1050erg/s(1+z)2.53τlag−0.282L=7.5\times 10^{50}{\rm erg/s}(1+z)^{2.53}\tau_{lag}^{-0.282} with the correlation coefficient of 0.77 and the chance probability of 7.9×10−757.9\times 10^{-75}. To check the validity of this method, we examined the other luminosity indicator, Amati relation, using zYz_Y and the observed fluence and found the correlation coefficient of 0.92 and the chance probability of 5.2×10−1065.2\times 10^{-106}. Although the spectral lag is computed from two channels of BATSE, our new lag-luminosity relation suggests that a possible lag-luminosity relation in the \swift era should also depend on redshift

    Evolution of non-linear cosmological perturbations

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    We define fully non-perturbative generalizations of the uniform density and comoving curvature perturbations, which are known, in the linear theory, to be conserved on sufficiently large scales for adiabatic perturbations. Our non-linear generalizations are defined geometrically, independently of any coordinate system. We give the equations governing their evolution on all scales. Also, in order to make contact with previous works on first and second order perturbations, we introduce a coordinate system and show that previous results can be recovered, on large scales, in a remarkably simple way, after restricting our definitions to first and second orders in a perturbative expansion.Comment: 4 pages, version published in PRL 95, 091303 (2005

    An overview of the Riemannian metrics on spaces of curves using the Hamiltonian approach

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    Here shape space is either the manifold of simple closed smooth unparameterized curves in R2\mathbb R^2 or is the orbifold of immersions from S1S^1 to R2\mathbb R^2 modulo the group of diffeomorphisms of S1S^1. We investige several Riemannian metrics on shape space: L2L^2-metrics weighted by expressions in length and curvature. These include a scale invariant metric and a Wasserstein type metric which is sandwiched between two length-weighted metrics. Sobolev metrics of order nn on curves are described. Here the horizontal projection of a tangent field is given by a pseudo-differential operator. Finally the metric induced from the Sobolev metric on the group of diffeomorphisms on R2\mathbb R^2is treated. Although the quotient metrics are all given by pseudo-differential operators, their inverses are given by convolution with smooth kernels. We are able to prove local existence and uniqueness of solution to the geodesic equation for both kinds of Sobolev metrics. We are interested in all conserved quantities, so the paper starts with the Hamiltonian setting and computes conserved momenta and geodesics in general on the space of immersions. For each metric we compute the geodesic equation on shape space. In the end we sketch in some examples the differences between these metrics.Comment: 46 pages, some misprints correcte

    Large-scale cosmological perturbations on the brane

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    In brane-world cosmologies of Randall-Sundrum type, we show that evolution of large-scale curvature perturbations may be determined on the brane, without solving the bulk perturbation equations. The influence of the bulk gravitational field on the brane is felt through a projected Weyl tensor which behaves effectively like an imperfect radiation fluid with anisotropic stress. We define curvature perturbations on uniform density surfaces for both the matter and Weyl fluids, and show that their evolution on large scales follows directly from the energy conservation equations for each fluid. The total curvature perturbation is not necessarily constant for adiabatic matter perturbations, but can change due to the Weyl entropy perturbation. To relate this curvature perturbation to the longitudinal gauge metric potentials requires knowledge of the Weyl anisotropic stress which is not determined by the equations on the brane. We discuss the implications for large-angle anisotropies on the cosmic microwave background sky.Comment: 13 pages, latex with revtex, no figure

    On the evolution and environmental dependence of the star formation rate versus stellar mass relation since z ˜ 2.

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    This paper discusses the evolution of the correlation between galaxy star formation rates (SFRs) and stellar mass (M*) over the last ∼10 Gyr, particularly focusing on its environmental dependence. We first present the mid-infrared (MIR) properties of the Hα-selected galaxies in a rich cluster Cl 0939+4713 at z = 0.4. We use wide-field Spitzer/MIPS 24 μm data to show that the optically red Hα emitters, which are most prevalent in group-scale environments, tend to have higher SFRs and higher dust extinction than the majority population of blue Hα sources. With an MIR stacking analysis, we find that the median SFR of Hα emitters is higher in higher density environment at z = 0.4. We also find that star-forming galaxies in high-density environment tend to have higher specific SFR (SSFR), although the trend is much less significant compared to that of SFR. This increase of SSFR in high-density environment is not visible when we consider the SFR derived from Hα alone, suggesting that the dust attenuation in galaxies depends on environment; galaxies in high-density environment tend to be dustier (by up to ∼0.5 mag), probably reflecting a higher fraction of nucleated, dusty starbursts in higher density environments at z = 0.4. We then discuss the environmental dependence of the SFR–M* relation for star-forming galaxies since z ∼ 2, by compiling our comparable, narrow-band-selected, large Hα emitter samples in both distant cluster environments and field environments. We find that the SSFR of Hα-selected galaxies (at the fixed mass of log (M*/M⊙) = 10) rapidly evolves as (1 + z)3, but the SFR–M* relation is independent of the environment since z ∼ 2, as far as we rely on the Hα-based SFRs (with M*-dependent extinction correction). Even if we consider the possible environmental variation in the dust attenuation, we conclude that the difference in the SFR–M* relation between cluster and field star-forming galaxies is always small (≲0.2 dex level) at any time in the history of the Universe since z ∼ 2

    The failure of cosmological perturbation theory in the new ekpyrotic and cyclic ekpyrotic scenarios

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    Cosmological perturbation theory fails in the new ekpyrotic and cyclic ekpyrotic scenarios, before the scale factor of the Universe reaches zero. As a result, a recently-proposed recipe for evolving the curvature perturbation through the bounce in these scenarios cannot be justified.Comment: 10 pages. v2: Logic of the demonstration of non-linearity stated more explicitely. Remarks on non-singular bounces removed for inclusion in a later paper. v3: As accepted by Phys Lett B v4: Comment on the paper of Banks and Fischler removed following its withdrawal; more precise abstrac

    An Observational Test of Two-field Inflation

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    We study adiabatic and isocurvature perturbation spectra produced by a period of cosmological inflation driven by two scalar fields. We show that there exists a model-independent consistency condition for all two-field models of slow-roll inflation, despite allowing for model-dependent linear processing of curvature and isocurvature perturbations during and after inflation on super-horizon scales. The scale-dependence of all spectra are determined solely in terms of slow-roll parameters during inflation and the dimensionless cross-correlation between curvature and isocurvature perturbations. We present additional model-dependent consistency relations that may be derived in specific two-field models, such as the curvaton scenario.Comment: 6 pages, latex with revtex, no figures; v2, minor changes, to appear in Physical Review

    Establishment of a monoclonal antibody for human LXRα: Detection of LXRα protein expression in human macrophages

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    Liver X activated receptor alpha (LXRα) forms a functional dimeric nuclear receptor with RXR that regulates the metabolism of several important lipids, including cholesterol and bile acids. As compared with RXR, the LXRα protein level in the cell is low and the LXRα protein itself is very hard to detect. We have previously reported that the mRNA for LXRα is highly expressed in human cultured macrophages. In order to confirm the presence of the LXRα protein in the human macrophage, we have established a monoclonal antibody against LXRα, K-8607. The binding of mAb K-8607 to the human LXRα protein was confirmed by a wide variety of different techniques, including immunoblotting, immunohistochemistry, and electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). By immunoblotting with this antibody, the presence of native LXR protein in primary cultured human macrophage was demonstrated, as was its absence in human monocytes. This monoclonal anti-LXRα antibody should prove to be a useful tool in the analysis of the human LXRα protein

    Comments on gauge-invariance in cosmology

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    We revisit the gauge issue in cosmological perturbation theory, and highlight its relation to the notion of covariance in general relativity. We also discuss the similarities and differences of the covariant approach in perturbation theory to the Bardeen or metric approach in a non-technical fashion.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, revtex4; v3: minor changes, typos corrected, discussion extended; v4: typos corrected, corresponding to published versio
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