53 research outputs found

    A preliminary report on the early Oligocene (Rupelian, Kiscellian) selachians from the Kiscell Formation (Buda Mts, Hungary), with the re-discovery of Wilhelm Weiler’s shark teeth

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    An Early Oligocene (Rupelian, Kiscellian), partially published shark tooth material, unearthed from the Kiscell Clay (Budapest, Hungary) is shortly reviewed here. A few shark taxa have been published by Wilhelm Weiler in 1933 and 1938, and some of this material was re-dis- covered in the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Th e here described shark taxa are Notorynchus primigenius , Hexanchus agassizi , Heptranchias howelli , Araloselachus cuspidatus , Carcharias spp., Carcharoides catticus , Isurolamna gracilis , Otodus ( Carcharocles ) angustidens , Alopias cf. exigua , Car- charhinus sp., and Physogaleus latus . Th e results indicate a relatively diverse shark fauna with mixed ecological needs. Th e revised list of the local selachian taxa suggests that a detailed review of all Kiscell shark material (collected in the last century), placed both in public and private collections, is needed. With 73 fi gures, 1 table and 1 appendix

    Impacts of climate change on Lepidoptera species and communities

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    In this review, the impacts of climate change on Lepidoptera species and communities are summarized, regarding already registered changes in case of individual species and assemblies, and possible future effects. These include changes in abundance, distribution ranges (altitude above sea level, geographical distribution), phenology (earlier or later flying, number of generations per year). The paper also contains a short description of the observed impacts of single factors and conditions (temperature, atmospheric CO2 concentration, drought, predators and parasitoids, UV-B radiation) affecting the life of moths and butterflies, and recorded monitoring results of changes in the Lepidoptera communities of some observed areas. The review is closed with some theoretical considerations concerning the characteristics of “winner” species and also the features and conditions needed for a successful invasion, conquest of new territories

    Oribatid assemblies of tropical high mountains on some points of the “Gondwana-Bridge” – a case study

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    This work is the first part of a series of studies, which introduces the methodological possibilities of coenological and zoogeographical indication and – following the climate, vegetation and elevation zones – the pattern-describing analysis of the main Oribatid sinusia of the world explored till our days.This current work is a case-study, which displays the comparison of 9 examination sites from 3 different geographical locations. On each location, three vegetation types have been examined: a plain rain-forest, a mossforest and a mountainous paramo. Analyses are based on the hitherto non-published genus-level database and coenological tables of the deceased János Balogh professor. Occurrence of 18 genera is going to be published as new data for the given zoogeographical region

    Impact of climate change on the potential distribution of Mediterranean pines

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    The impact of climate change on the potential distribution of four Mediterranean pine species – Pinus brutia Ten., Pinus halepensis Mill., Pinus pinaster Aiton, and Pinus pinea L. – was studied by the Climate Envelope Model (CEM) to examine whether these species are suitable for the use as ornamental plants without frost protection in the Carpathian Basin. The model was supported by EUFORGEN digital area database (distribution maps), ESRI ArcGIS 10 software’s Spatial Analyst module (modeling environment), PAST (calibration of the model with statistical method), and REMO regional climate model (climatic data). The climate data were available in a 25 km resolution grid for the reference period (1961–1990) and two future periods (2011–2040, 2041–2070). The regional climate model was based on the IPCC SRES A1B scenario. While the potential distribution of P. brutia was not predicted to expand remarkably, an explicit shift of the distribution of the other three species was shown. Northwestern African distribution segments seem to become abandoned in the future. Current distribution of P. brutia may be highly endangered by the climate change. P. halepensis in the southern part and P. pinaster in the western part of the Carpathian Basin may find suitable climatic conditions in the period of 2041–2070

    Kína Új Selyemút kezdeményezésének bemutatása és nemzetközi értelmezései

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    Dinamikus kapcsolati képességek modellezése szervezetközi együttműködések során

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    A szervezetközi együttműködések, mint jelenség, az elmúlt húsz évben egyre inkább központi kérdést jelent a marketingben, stratégiai menedzsmentben és az innováció-menedzsmentben, főképpen akkor, amikor egy-egy szervezet sikeressége nem kizárólag belső hatékonyságán, eredményességén múlik, sokkal inkább azon hálózat(ok) sikerességén, melyek részeként tevékenykedik. Jelen cikkben az interakció folyama-tát a szervezet nézőpontjából szemléljük. Központi kérdésünk, hogy mely erőforrások, folyamatok segítségével dolgozza fel egy szervezet a vevő-szállítói interakció következményeit az együttműködések menedzselése során, vagy másképpen fogalmazva, hogyan módosítja, változtatja kapcsolati magatartását, kapcsolati képességeit

    Generic isomorphism classes of abelian groups

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    We prove that the universal solenoid is the generic (in the sense of Baire category) connected compact metrizable abelian group. We also settle the dual problem in the sense of Pontryagin duality: (Q,+)(\mathbb{Q},+), which is the dual of the universal solenoid, is the generic countably infinite torsion-free abelian group.Comment: 13 page

    Biológiai jelfeldolgozás újabb módszerei

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    Az emberi test által generált biológiainak nevezett jelek nagyon nagy része nem sorolható a lineáris és stacionárius jelek osztályába. Ezért nagy körültekintéssel kell megválogassuk azon eljárásokat amelyek alkalmasok ezen jelek elemzésére Egy biológiai rendszer esetében általában nem ismert az információhordozó, sem az információ, sem a moduláció milyensége. Elemezni kell ezeket a megfelelő eljárásokkal. Az NSRG csoport által mért jeleket használtuk elsősorban az elemzések során. Nem a biológiai értelmezésen van itt a hangsúly, hanem az újabb lehetőségek ismertetésén amelyek sokat javíthatnak a biológiai rendszerek működésének megértésében

    Preconditioning protects the heart in a prolonged uremic condition

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    Metabolic diseases such as hyperlipidemia and diabetes attenuate the cardioprotective effect of ischemic preconditioning. In the present study, we examined whether another metabolic disease, prolonged uremia, affects ischemia/reperfusion injury and cardioprotection by ischemic preconditioning. Uremia was induced by partial nephrectomy in male Wistar rats. The development of uremia was verified 29 wk after surgery. Transthoracic echocardiography was performed to monitor cardiac function. At week 30, hearts of nephrectomized and sham-operated rats were isolated and subjected to a 30-min coronary occlusion followed by 120 min reperfusion with or without preceding preconditioning induced by three intermittent cycles of brief ischemia and reperfusion. In nephrectomized rats, plasma uric acid, carbamide, and creatinine as well as urine protein levels were increased as compared with sham-operated controls. Systolic anterior and septal wall thicknesses were increased in nephrectomized rats, suggesting the development of a minimal cardiac hypertrophy. Ejection fraction was decreased and isovolumic relaxation time was shortened in nephrectomized rats demonstrating a mild systolic and diastolic dysfunction. Infarct size was not affected significantly by nephrectomy itself. Ischemic preconditioning significantly decreased infarct size from 24.8 ± 5.2% to 6.6 ± 1.3% in the sham-operated group and also in the uremic group from 35.4 ± 9.5% to 11.9 ± 3.1% of the area at risk. Plasma ANG II and nitrotyrosine were significantly increased in the uremic rats. We conclude that although prolonged experimental uremia leads to severe metabolic changes and the development of a mild myocardial dysfunction, the cardioprotective effect of ischemic preconditioning is still preserved