548 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Skin Diseases in Female Prisoners in Turkey: Analysis of Impact of Prison Conditions and Psychological Stress

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    Prisons have been considered as communal places where risk of contagious diseases and dermatological diseases associated with stress are more frequent. We aimed to investigate the prevalence of skin diseases in female prisoners with special focus on psychological stress. We held a day-time dermatology polyclinic for 6-weeks. The patients were given Beck Depression Inventory and a questionnaire including the impact of skin disease. A total of 383 female prisoners were examined; 41 diseases were diagnosed. Acne was the most prevalent condition (34%), followed by hair loss (19%), dry skin (16%) and eczema (12%). Thirty-six percent of the prisoners felt embarrassed, 34% felt anxious and 45% felt sad about their skin disease. Forty-seven percent of the responders were found in severe depression according to BDI responses. We could not find any association between BDI results and any kind of skin disease. Our results showed that prisoners have benign and common skin conditions that were similar to those in a free environment.</p

    Inertial effect in aluminum metal foams

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Izmir, 2011Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 68-71)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxi, 71 leavesIn this study, Al tubes, Al foams of different types, Al sandwich plates of various configurations (orientations) and brittle glass foam samples were quasistatically reloaded in order to assess any micro inertia effect on the deformation stresses. Al foams tested quasi-statically were further reloaded (interrupted test) in Split Hopkinson Bar (SHPB) at dynamic strain rates in order to see effect of strain rate on micro inertia effect. Al empty tubes experienced micro inertia independent (Type I) deformation behavior in lateral compression and micro inertia dependent (Type II) deformation behavior in axial compression. The lack of strain rate sensitivity of the tested Alulight (AlSi10) closed cell Al foams (Al/Si) produced through powder route within the studied strain rate regime was attributed to the foam cell wall fracture during cell wall buckling. While Al foams with and without SiC addition showed micro inertia effect through progressive cell wall bending. In accord with these observations, Al and Al/SiC foams showed the strain rate sensitive, while Alulight foams showed strain rate insensitive plateau stress in the SHPB compression tests. The layer configuration/orientation was shown to affect Al sandwich plate deformation. Progressive bending of the interlayer fins resulted in strain rate depending crushing stress, while shearing of the interlayer resulted in strain rate insensitive deformation stress. As was expected, the strength enhancement was not seen in glass foam specimens tested as the cell walls were fractured under compressive loads. Finally, a simple testing method was shown to investigate micro inertia effect in hollow and cellular Al structures

    Development of an experimental allergic conjunctivitis model in mice

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    Amaç: Alerjik hastalıkların fizyopatogenezinin daha iyi anlaşılması ve yeni ilaçların geliştirilmesi için yapılacak çalışmalarda kullanılmak üzere insandaki alerjik konjonktiviti simüle eden bir hayvan modeli geliştirmek. Yöntem: 12 erkek Balb/c fare, her birinde 6 fare bulunan 2 gruba ayrıldı. Duyarlılaştırma için, Grup 1’deki farelere, birinci ve sekizinci günlerde, 5mg/ml ovalbümin (OVA) ve 15mg/ml aliminyum hidroksit karışımının 0.2 ml’lik solüsyonu; Grup 2’deki farelere ise 0.2 ml’lik salin solüsyonu intraperitoneal olarak enjekte edildi. Deneysel alerjik konjonktiviti indüklemek için, Grup 1’deki farelerin gözlerine OVA solüsyonu (5mg/ml) ile 15. ve 18. günlerde antijen uyarımı (challenge) yapılırken; Grup 2’deki farelerin gözlerine ise Human Balanced Salt Solution damlatıldı. Klinik inceleme için konjonktival ödem, palpebral ödem, konjonktival hiperemi ve sulanma değerlendirildi. Histopatolojik inceleme için eksize edilen göz küreleri, göz kapakları ve lakrimal glandları, doku laboratuvarının olağan akışına uygun olarak hazırlandı. Hematoksilen-Eozin ve Toluidin Blue boyamalarına ek olarak Masthücre triptaz ile Labeled Streptavidin–Biotin amplifikasyon yöntemi ve 3,3´- diaminobenzidine kullanılarak immünohistokimyasal değerlendirme yapıldı. Bulgular: Grup 1’deki farelerin gözlerinde belirgin olarak palpebral ve konjonktival ödem oluştuğu, sulanma ve konjonktival hiperemi ortaya çıktığı gözlemlendi. Grup 2 (5.6 ± 3.1 hücre/mm2) ile karşılaştırıldığında, subkonjonktival dokuyu infiltre eden ortalama mast hücre yoğunluğunun anlamlı olarak Grup 1’de (alerji grubu, 23.2 ± 7.5 hücre/mm2, p<0.0001) daha yüksek olduğu bulundu. Her iki grupta da subkonjonktival dokuda eozinofil ve lenfosit sayısında ve vasküler yoğunlukta artış izlenmedi. Sonuç: Geliştirilen fare modeli insanlardaki alerjik konjonktivite klinik ve patofizyolojik açıdan benzerlik göstermektedir ve yapılacak yeni çalışmalara temel oluşturacak niteliktedirPurpose: To develop an animal model that simulates human allergic conjonctivitis to understand the physiopathogenesis of allergic diseases and for developing novel therapeutic interventions. Methods: BALB/c mice (12 males) were divided into two groups each comprised of six mice. For sensitization, on the 1st and 8th days, a 0.2 ml mixed solution, adjusted to a concentration to 5mg/ml of ovalbumin (OVA) and 15mg/ml of aluminium hydroxide, was administered intraperitoneally to the mice in Group 1 and 0.2 ml saline solution to the mice in Group 2. To induce experimental allergic conjunctivitis, an antigen challenge was made on days 15 and 18, using an OVA solution (5mg/ml) instilled into both eyes of the mice in Group 1; while the mice in Group 2 received Human Balanced Salt Solution instead of OVA. For the clinical evaluation, the occurrence of conjunctival and palpebral oedema, conjunctival hyperaemia, and lacrimation were observed. For the histological examination, eyeballs, eyelids and lacrimal glands were removed and prepared according to the routine processing method of the tissue laboratory. Immunohistochemical examination was made with Mast cell tryptase using the labeled Streptavidin–Biotin amplification method and 3,3´- diaminobenzidine, in addition to Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE), and Toluidine Blue (TB) staining. Results: Evident conjunctival oedema, palpebral oedema, conjunctival hyperaemia, and lacrimation were observed in Group 1. Mean mast cell density infiltrating the subconjunctival tissue was significantly higher in Group 1 (allergy group, 23.2 ± 7.5 cells/mm2, p<0.0001) when compared to Group 2 (5.6 ± 3.1 cells/mm2). There was no increase in eosinophil and lymphocyte counts as well as vascular intensity in the subconjunctival tissue in any group. Conclusion: The murine model developed is similar to the human allergic conjunctivitis both clinically and histopathologically and as a template for future studies

    The incidence of rezidual curarization following the intermediate-acting muscle relaxants and related factors

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada, genel anestezi altında orta etkili kas gevşetici kullanılmış olan hastaların, erken ve geç derlenme dönem rezidüel kürarizasyon insidansı ve buna etki eden risk faktörlerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem ve Gereç: Genel anestezi altında orta etkili kas gevşeticiler (vekuronyum, rokuronyum, atrakuryum) kullanılarak ameliyat olmuş, Amerikan Anesteziyoloji Derneği (ASA) klinik sınıflaması I ve II olan, 18-70 yaş arası, 208 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Derlenme odasına alınan hastaların, daha önce eğitim verilen derlenme hemşiresi tarafından, 10'ar dakika (dk) ara ile kalp hızı, ortalama arteriyel kan basıncı, oksijen saturasyonu değerleri, cilt ve timpanik ısıları ile Modifiye Aldrete Skorları kaydedildi. Rezidüel kas gevşeticisi etkinliğini saptamak için nöromusküler monitörizasyon yapılıp, 'TOF < %90 = rezidüel kürarizasyon var ' ve 'TOF ' % 90 = rezidüel kürarizasyon yok ' olarak kaydedildi. Rezidüel kürarizasyona etki edebilecek faktörler olarak; yaş, anestezi süresi, antidot kullanımı, kas gevşeticisinin idamesinde kullanılan ek doz sayısı ve kas gevşetici cinsi değerlendirildi. Derlenme odasında 0. dk ve 30. dk rezidüel kürarizasyon için Binary Logistik Regresyon Analizi yapıldı. Bulgular: Erken derlenme döneminde rezidüel kürarizasyon riski % 10,6 bulundu ve erken derlenme döneminde anestezi süresi, kas gevşetici ek doz sayısı ve antidot kullanımının rezidüel kürarizasyonda etkisi olduğu saptandı. Geç derlenme döneminde ise rezidüel kürarizasyon insidansı % 2,9 olarak bulundu ve tek etkili faktör kas gevşetici ek doz sayısı olarak saptandı. Modifiye Aldrete Skoru ile rezidüel kürarizasyon arasında korelasyon bulunmadı. Sonuç: Orta etkili kas gevşeticilere bağlı rezidüel kürarizasyon insidansı düşük olmakla birlikte kas gevşetici ek doz sayısı arttığında, postoperatif rezidüel kürarizasyon riskinin arttığı saptandı.Purpose: To evaluate the incidence of residual curarization in the early and late postoperative periods, and related risk factors in patients receiving intermediate-acting muscle relaxants under general anesthesia. Methods: 208 American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status I and II adult patients, aged 18-70 years, receiving the intermediate-acting muscle relaxants who underwent general anesthesia were included in this study. Patients' who transported to in Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU), heart rates, mean blood pressures, oxygen saturation levels, skin and tympanic temperatures, and Modified Alderete Scores were recorded every 10 minute (min) by an educated PACU nurse. To defined the efficacy of residual muscle relaxant, the neuromuscular monitoring were performed and TOF ratios <90 % were regarded as residual curarization whereas TOF ratios '90 % as adequate neuromuscular recovery. Age, duration of anesthesia, repeated doses and the intermediate-acting neuromuscular blocker agents were evaluated as the factors may influence the residual curarization. Binary Logistic Regression Analyses were performed for the 0th and 30th mins. in PACU. Results: The risk of residual curarization was found to be 10,6 % in the early recovery period, and duration of anesthesia, repeated doses and using of reversal were defined as related factors for the early periods of recovery. However, the risk of residual curarization was found to be 2,9 % in the late recovery period, and repeated doses was defined as the only one effective factor for the late periods of recovery. There wasn't found to be any correlation between the Modified Aldrete Score and residual curarization. Conclusion: The incidence of residual curarization following the intermediate-acting muscle relaxants is less frequent, whereas the risk of residual curarization increases with repeated doses

    Deceptive Landscape Algorithmic patterning strategies for a pavilion installation

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    This paper reflects a collaborative, research led design project, aiming to explore the potentials offered by incorporating parametric / generative tools and performative lighting simulation software in order to design and fabricate a small pavilion for the School of Architecture. The Deceptive Landscape pavilion was designed in the framework of a masters level, research led, and collaborative design studio. During its intense 12 weeks schedule, student teams were asked to explore and apply generative / parametric tools such as Rhino and Grasshopper, in order to design and later construct a small pavilion, with a theme of their choice. In addition, each team was asked to optimise their design proposal by embedding environmental software plug-ins (e.g. DIVA for Rhino) in their design process, thereby aiming to re-inform their parametric models and set performance targets. Finally each team was expected to propose a file to factory fabrication technique, following all constrains of a limited, predetermined budget. The most convincing and consistent proposal, was then chosen for fabrication. The finalised project serves as verification of the effectiveness of the design system and teaching methods used

    Yeni şiirimiz ve kahramanlar

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 26-Yaşar Nabi Nayı

    Assessment of relationship between C-reactive protein to albumin ratio and 90-day mortality in patients with acute ischaemic stroke

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    Aim and clinical rationale for the study. It is now known that inflammation is involved in the pathophysiology of acute ischaemic stroke (AIS). It has been proven that CRP and albumin alone are useful in predicting a prognosis for stroke patients. A combination of these two parameters, namely the ratio of CRP to albumin (CAR), is believed to be a more accurate indicator of inflammatory status than CRP or albumin alone, and may be more valuable than either of them separately in predicting the prognosis of ıschaemic stroke patients. However, the role of CAR as a predictor of mortality in patients with AIS remains unclear.Materials and methods. We retrospectively enrolled 260 patients who were referred to our clinic within the first 24 hours of symptom presentation and who were diagnosed with AIS between January 2015 and December 2018. The patient group was classified into two groups according to 90-day mortality. These groups were compared in terms of C-reactive protein, albumin, and CAR.Results. The C-reactive protein and CAR values were higher, and the albumin level was lower, in non-surviving patients. The CAR value was also found to be a significant independent variable of 90-day mortality in patients with AIS (p &lt; 0.001). The optimum cut-off value of CAR in predicting the 90-day mortality for patients with AIS was 0.50, with 64.1% sensitivity and 56.2%specificity.Conclusions and clinical implications. Our study demonstrated that a high CAR value is an independent predictor of 90-day mortality in patients with AI