488 research outputs found

    Quasiparticle resonance in decay spectrum of unbound nuclei near neutron drip-line

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    Background: The pairing correlation in weakly bound nuclei causes a mixing among bound and unbound configurations. A remarkable consequence is emergence of the quasiparticle resonance, which has been predicted with the coordinate space Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) theory, but not yet observed experimentally. Purpose: We discuss possible observation of quasiparticle resonances in decay spectrum of unbound nuclei near the neutron drip-line. We deal with an example of unbound nucleus 21{}^{21}C which disintegrates to 20{}^{20}C and a neutron. Method: We describe a scattering state consisting of 20{}^{20}C and a neutron in the framework of the HFB formalism. We assume that a nucleon knockout reaction produces a doorway state of the decay, and we evaluate the decay spectrum by taking an overlap of the doorway state and the scattering state of 20C+n{}^{20}\mathrm{C}+n. A numerical calculation was performed with the Woods-Saxon potential and a density-dependent effective pairing interaction. Results: We show that the quasiparticle resonance appears as low-lying peaks in the decay spectrum of 21{}^{21}C. They originate from the weakly bound single-neutron orbits 2s1/22s_{1/2} and 1d5/21d_{5/2}, but emerge as unbound resonant quasiparticle states under the influence of the neutron pairing correlation. The resonance energy and the width of the calculated quasiparticle resonances are consistent with an experimental observation whereas they are sensitive to the neutron pairing correlation. Conclusion: The results suggest that nucleon knockout reactions populating the unbound nucleus 21C{}^{21}\mathrm{C} provide realistic opportunity of experimentally observing the quasiparticle resonance and of disclosing the pairing correlation in neutron-rich nuclei

    Quark masses and CKM hierarchies from S4S_4^\prime modular flavor symmetry

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    We propose models to explain the hierarchies of the quark masses and mixing by utilizing the S4S_4^\prime modular flavor symmetry. The hierarchy is realized by the modulus τ\tau stabilized at Imτ1\mathrm{Im}\,\tau \gg 1, where the residual Z4TZ_4^T symmetry is approximately unbroken and the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism works. It is found that the quark hierarchies are realized only in a few cases of quark representations. We study two models with assigning the modular weights, so that the observed quark hierarchies are explained in the cases of both small and large ratios of the top to bottom Yukawa couplings. We also argue that O(0.1)\mathcal{O}({0.1}) hierarchies of the O(1)\mathcal{O}({1}) coefficients can be explained by imposing another S3S_3 modular symmetry.Comment: 13 pages, 3 tables; ver2 comments on CP violation adde

    Fermion Hierarchies in SU(5)SU(5) Grand Unification from Γ6\Gamma_6^\prime Modular Flavor Symmetry

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    We construct a model in which the hierarchies of the quark and lepton masses and mixing are explained by the Γ6\Gamma_6^\prime modular flavor symmetry. The hierarchies are realized by the Froggatt-Nielsen-like mechanism due to the residual Z6TZ^T_6 symmetry, approximately unbroken at τi.\tau \sim i\infty. We argue that the Γ6()\Gamma_6^{(\prime)} symmetry is the minimal possibility to realize the up-type quark mass hierarchies, since the Yukawa matrix is symmetric. We find a combination of the representations and modular weights and then show numerical values of O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) coefficients for the realistic fermion hierarchies.Comment: 18 page

    Carcinosarcoma of the Uterine Corpus with Alpha-Fetoprotein-Producing Hepatoid Adenocarcinoma: A Report of Two Cases

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    We report two cases of uterine carcinosarcoma associated with alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)-producing hepatoid adenocarcinoma. Samples were obtained from two women aged 63 and 82 years. Serum AFP levels of the two samples were 10,131 and 401 ng/ml, respectively. Histologically, in both cases the tumor cells were composed of hepatoid adenocarcinoma component and sarcoma component including rhabdomyosarcoma. Immunohistochemical analyses revealed that AFP was expressed in the cytoplasm of the carcinomatous component. After surgery, the patients received six courses of carboplatin/paclitaxel chemotherapy, and the serum levels of AFP decreased to normal range. The first patient is alive and well at the 2-year follow-up, while the second patient died of disease 1 year after initial operative treatment. This is, to our knowledge, the second report of carcinosarcoma of the uterine corpus with AFP-producing hepatoid adenocarcinoma, as proven by immunohistochemical analyses

    子宮内膜症と関連する卵巣癌 : 明細胞腺癌と類内膜腺癌の発癌機序における相違点

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    The histogenesis of endometriosis and endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer is one of the most mysterious aspects of pathology. To better understand the histogenesis of endometriosis and endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer, we analyzed the possibility of a link of endometrium, ovarian surface epithelium, and a cortical inclusion cyst to ovarian endometriosis and endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer by immunohistochemistry using the epithelial membrane antigen (an epithelial marker), calretinin (a mesothelial marker), and hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-1β (a clear cell carcinoma-specific transcription factor). During ovarian surface epithelium invagination, cortical inclusion cyst epithelial cells may, in some cases, undergo mesothelial–epithelial transition and subsequently differentiate into endometriosis. This case of endometriosis that has undergone Müllerian metaplasia arises from the HNF-1β-negative cells. The remaining endometriosis may develop from the late secretory and menstrual endometria, with HNF-1β-positive staining, by retrograde menstruation. Endometrioid adenocarcinoma and clear cell carcinoma arise from the HNF-1β-negative and HNF-1β-positive epithelial cells of endometriosis, respectively. It has been proposed that clear cell and endometrioid-type adenocarcinomas arise from distinct types of endometriosis with different cells of origin.博士(医学)・乙第1309号・平成25年3月15日©2012 International Society of Gynecological Pathologist

    A Cardiac Rhabdomyoma in a Guinea Pig

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    A guinea pig (9-week-old) that had been placed in a control group for a pharmacological test was found to have a single nodule on the surface of the right ventricular wall. In a transverse section of the heart after fixation, a whitish mass was found that extended from the subendocardium to the subepicardium of the right ventricular wall. Histopathological examination revealed a spongy network consisting of vacuolated spaces in the myocardium of the right ventricle extending to the myocardium and subepicardium of the right atrium. The vacuolated space was PAS-positive. Immunohistochemical examinations revealed that the lesions contained striated fibers that were positive for anti-desmin and anti-myoglobin. Electron micrographs revealed the lesions resulting in affected striated muscle fibers and accumulations of many glycogen granules. Based on the findings, the lesions were diagnosed as a cardiac rhabdomyoma. This is the first report of application of immunohistochemical examinations to diagnosis of cardiac rhabdomyoma in the guinea pig