7 research outputs found

    XXIV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 24th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings. The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 24rd International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 79 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism or regional public administration

    Współczesne cechy folkloru ceremonialnego jako zasoby społeczno-kulturalne wsi uhonorowanej tytułem wsi roku

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    The study focuses on the ecological elements of the ceremonial folklore feature, namely the song Singing at dawn – typical for the Hrušov village. It is a microsurvey on the specific wedding songs that indicate the ceremonial symbolic bride’s farewell to her friends. This feature is observed as a phenomenon of the local culture and as a result of the impact of various determinants which are part of the sociocultural resources of the village. The study describes the form of the examined feature and its contemporary functions.Badanie koncentruje się na ekologicznych elementach ceremonialnego folkloru – dokładniej pieśni zatytułowanej Śpiewanie o świcie – charakterystycznej dla wsi Hrušov. Jest to mikroprzegląd konkretnych piosenek weselnych, które wskazują na uroczyste pożegnanie panny młodej z przyjaciółmi. Cecha ta jest obserwowana jako zjawisko lokalnej kultury oraz jako wynik oddziaływania różnych uwarunkowań, które są częścią społeczno-kulturowych zasobów wsi. W pracy opisano formę badanej cechy i jej współczesne funkcje

    Cultural Heritage and Its Global / Local Manifestations In a Contemporary Small Town

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    This paper considers the cultural heritage and global / local manifestation in urban spaces. It focuses on cultural monuments, phenomena, events and the image of the city, which form a historical continuum and the part of today's city culture with the overlap between global and local elements, forms and functions. Global and local manifestations enable compliance or conflict that may promote, encourage, even out or damage cultural heritage. Municipal institutions, NGOs, individuals and foreign investors and entrepreneurs enter into this process. The paper is the result of field research in Zvolen located in central Slovakia

    Cultural heritage - in politics, practice, and education (the example of Slovakia)

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     Cultural and art heritage of Slovakia has been since 2007 one of the priorities in research and development. As a consequence of growing globalization and acculturation there is a real danger of the loss of traditional cultural values. That is why it is crucial to pay special attention to the research of cultural and art heritage. Application of knowledge on cultural heritage in the educational process is highly important because the level of national and ethnic identity and pride of young generation is not connected with cultural and art traditions of Slovakia.Cultural and art heritage of Slovakia has been since 2007 one of the priorities in research and development. As a consequence of growing globalization and acculturation there is a real danger of the loss of traditional cultural values. That is why it is crucial to pay special attention to the research of cultural and art heritage. Application of knowledge on cultural heritage in the educational process is highly important because the level of national and ethnic identity and pride of young generation is not connected with cultural and art traditions of Slovakia

    Spremembe v nesnovni dediščini na Slovaškem: Primer fujare

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    This study examines changes in the expanding environment and functions of the instrument known as the fujara, the first element of intangible cultural heritage added to the Representative List of Slovak Intangible Cultural Heritage. The text looks at Slovak legislation on safeguarding intangible cultural heritage as well as at terminology, which, from the point of view of national protection of cultural heritage and research, in being increasingly unified. The change in the natural environment has also changed the functions of playing the fujara and passing on the fujara tradition. From the point of view of changes in the distribution of culture from the rural to urban environment, the authors paid attention to new ways of learning to play the fujara as well as the ratio of vertical, horizontal, and indirect modes of transmission.Cilj raziskave je pokazati na okolje in funkcije fujare (ljudska pastirska piščal) – prvega elementa nesnovne kulturne dediščine, ki je vpisan na Reprezentativni seznam nesnovne kulturne dediščine (NKD) na Slovaškem. Članek je pozoren na slovaško zakonodajo o varovanju NKD in na terminologijo, ki z vidikov državne zaščite kulturne dediščine in znanosti postaja vse bolj poenotena. Spremembe v naravnem okolju so prav tako vplivale na funkcije fujare in igranja nanjo. Glede na spremembe in razširjanje kulture iz podeželskega v mestno okolje sta avtorja pozorna na nove načine učenja igranja na fujaro in na deleže vertikalnih, horizontalnih in posrednih načinov prenašanja

    Interpretation of the borderline space on the example of neighbouring towns of central Slovakia: Banska Bystrica and Zvolen

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    The aim of considerations is the analysis of the cultural space of neighbouring places situated in central Slovakia, namely Banska Bystrica and Zvolen. Basing on historical and ethnographic data the attempt was made to show the existence of various types of borders between the centers in question (a geographic, political, economic, economic, cultural and linguistic one). The emptirical studies assumed that the way of perceiving and interpreting the influence of the the very borders on people’s daily life, as well as their former and current influence on the local / town identity of inhabitants will be captured. The emphasis was put on presenting the actions of the inhabitants having a competitive and cooperative nature that have shaped the present-day economic, social and cultural needs, as well as the influence of a domestic and local politics aiming at forming one regional centre