47 research outputs found


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    Web Services are common means to exchange data and information over the network. Web Services make themselves available over the Internet, where technology and platform are independent. These web services can be developed on the basis of two interaction styles such as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Representational State Transfer Protocol (REST). In this study, a comparison of REST and SOAP web services is presented in terms of their applicability in diverse areas. It is concluded that in the past both technologies were equally popular, but during the rapid Internet development the REST technology has become the leading one in the area of access to Internet services.Usługi sieciowe są powszechnie stosowane do wymiany danych i informacji w Internecie. Usługi sieciowe nie zależą od użytej platformy sprzętowej oraz od oprogramowania. W niniejszym artykule zostały omówione dwie najpopularniejsze technologie tworzenia usług sieciowych: REST (ang. Representational State Transfer) i SOAP (ang. Simple Object Access Protocol). W trakcie realizacji badań przeprowadzono analizę stosowalności  tych usług w różnych obszarach zastosowań. Stwierdzono że w przeszłości obie technologie cieszyły się porównywalną  popularnością, lecz w momencie gwałtownego rozwoju Internetu technologia REST stała się technologią dominującą w zakresie dostępu do usług sieciowych

    70 lat Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego w przestrzeni miejskiej Łodzi (1945–2015)

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    Przedstawiono dzieje Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego widziane przez pryzmat budynków, które przez 70 lat znajdowały się w jego posiadaniu. Uwzględniono rolę Uniwersytetu i użytkowanych przez niego budynków w przestrzeni miasta w ostatnim siedemdziesięcioleciu. W pierwszej opracowania można znaleźć zarys dziejów Uniwersytetu, uwzględniający jego rolę w tworzeniu przestrzeni miasta w ciągu ostatniego siedemdziesięciolecia, natomiast w drugiej – zestawienie kilkudziesięciu budynków, które Uniwersytet przez krótszy lub dłuższy czas w tym okresie użytkował. Nie są to wszystkie budynki, należące do uczelni – taki rejestr musiałby obejmować około stu obiektów. Jest to jednak grupa przekrojowa, pokazująca, w jak zróżnicowanych (i na ogół zupełnie nieprzystosowanych do funkcji akademickich) budynkach przyszło Uniwersytetowi funkcjonować. Celowo, pisząc o tych obiektach, autorzy nie ograniczyli się tylko do przedstawienia ich związków z uczelnią, której początki działalności są związane z budynkiem szkoły włókienniczej przy ul. Żeromskiego 115 – tam odbywały się pierwsze wykłady, a ponieważ budynek nie należał formalnie do UŁ, korzystano z zaproszenia władz szkoły. Historia każdego z budynków została opisana znacznie szerzej. Dzięki temu Czytelnik może dostrzec, jak Uniwersytet Łódzki wpisywał się w historię Łodzi, a także – jak dynamicznie zmieniała się ona sama w ciągu ostatnich dwóch stuleci.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    An agent-based model of hierarchic genetic search

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    AbstractAn effective exploration of the large search space by single population genetic-based metaheuristics may be a very time consuming and complex process, especially in the case of dynamic changes in the system states. Speeding up the search process by the metaheuristic parallelisation must have a significant negative impact on the search accuracy.There is still a lack of complete formal models for parallel genetic and evolutionary techniques, which might support the parameter setting and improve the whole (often very complex) structure management.In this paper, we define a mathematical model of Hierarchical Genetic Search (HGS) based on the genetic multi-agent system paradigm. The model has a decentralised population management mechanism and the relationship among the parallel genetic processes has a multi-level tree structure. Each process in this tree is Markov-type and the conditions of the commutation of the Markovian kernels in HGS branches are formulated

    Biokinetics of ^{131}I after endogenous and exogenous stimulation of TSH in patients with DTC

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    BACKGROUND: The effective radioiodine treatment of patients with DTC is possible only after raising the TSH value over 30 μUI/ml. This effect might be obtained by either endogenous or exogenous stimulation. The aim of this study was to evaluate differences in 131I biokinetics of selected regions of interest (ROIs) in cases of endogenous and exogenous stimulation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two groups of 50 patients were enrolled in the study. All patients were treated with 3.7 GBq of 131I; the first group after thyroid hormone withdrawal (THW), the second group after rhTSH administration (rhTSH). On the basis of post-treatment images, the uptake ratios over selected ROIs (thyroid remnants, mediastinum, liver, stomach, abdomen, and whole-body) were compared between groups. RESULTS: In the case of uptake over the whole-body and the liver, statistically significant higher values were received for the THW group. For the remaining regions, the differences between groups were statistically insignificant, but uptake ratios in the rhTSH group were generally numerically lower compared to the THW group. CONCLUSIONS: The revealed difference in radioiodine biokinetics after thyroid hormone withdrawal or administration of recombinant human TSH may influence many important aspects of patients with DTC treatment, such as the choice of proper therapeutic scheme, the cost of therapy, and the dose assessment

    Metal foams as novel catalyst support in environmental processes

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    Metal foams are considered as promising catalyst carriers due to their high porosity, large specific surface area, and satisfactory thermal and mechanical stability. The study presents heat transfer and pressure drop experiments performed for seven foams of different pore densities made from diverse metals. Mass transfer characteristics are derived using the Chilton–Colburn analogy. It was found that the foams display much more intense heat/mass transfer than a monolith, comparable to packed bed. Next, the foams’ efficiencies have been compared, using 1D reactor modeling, in catalytic reactions displaying either slower (selective catalytic reduction of NOx) or faster kinetics (catalytic methane combustion). For the slow kinetics, the influence of carrier specific surface area at which catalyst can be deposited (i.e., catalyst amount) was decisive to achieve high process conversion and short reactor. For this case, monolith appears as the best choice assuming it’s the lowest pressure drop. For the fast reaction, the mass transfer becomes the limiting parameter, thus solid foams are the best solution

    Enhanced recovery after colorectal surgery in elderly patients

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    INTRODUCTION: The elderly will soon constitute 20% of the population. Their number is constantly rising, particularly in developed countries. It was found that they particularly benefit from the use of minimally invasive surgery. The Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol may further improve clinical outcomes in this group of patients. AIM: To assess the implementation of the ERAS protocol in elderly patients submitted to laparoscopic colorectal surgery. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ninety-two patients who underwent elective laparoscopic colorectal surgery were included in the study. Patients were divided into group 1 (≤ 65 years) and group 2 (> 65 years). Perioperative care was based on ERAS Society guidelines. Length of hospital stay, time of first stool passage, perioperative complications and readmissions were analyzed. RESULTS: Group 2 patients had higher ASA grades in comparison to group 1. In all cases, oral fluid intake started on the day of surgery. The groups did not differ according to oral fluid tolerance, first stool passage time or length of hospital stay. Number and character of perioperative complications were comparable between the two groups. Four patients were readmitted within 30 days after discharge. One patient required reoperation. CONCLUSIONS: Implementation of the ERAS protocol is possible regardless of the age of surgical patients. Its use in the elderly allows the length of hospitalization to be shortened and is not associated with higher risk of postoperative complications or readmissions

    Biokinetics of 131I after endogenous and exogenous stimulation of TSH in patients with DTC

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    BACKGROUND: The effective radioiodine treatment of patients with DTC is possible only after raising the TSH value over 30 μUI/ml. This effect might be obtained by either endogenous or exogenous stimulation. The aim of this study was to evaluate differences in 131I biokinetics of selected regions of interest (ROIs) in cases of endogenous and exogenous stimulation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two groups of 50 patients were enrolled in the study. All patients were treated with 3.7 GBq of 131I; the first group after thyroid hormone withdrawal (THW), the second group after rhTSH administration (rhTSH). On the basis of post-treatment images, the uptake ratios over selected ROIs (thyroid remnants, mediastinum, liver, stomach, abdomen, and whole-body) were compared between groups. RESULTS: In the case of uptake over the whole-body and the liver, statistically significant higher values were received for the THW group. For the remaining regions, the differences between groups were statistically insignificant, but uptake ratios in the rhTSH group were generally numerically lower compared to the THW group. CONCLUSIONS: The revealed difference in radioiodine biokinetics after thyroid hormone withdrawal or administration of recombinant human TSH may influence many important aspects of patients with DTC treatment, such as the choice of proper therapeutic scheme, the cost of therapy, and the dose assessment. Nuclear Med Rev 2010; 13, 2: 55–5

    Investigation of biochemical composition of adrenal gland tumors by means of FTIR

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    The application of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy for the analysis of biomolecular composition of adrenal gland tumors is described. Samples were taken intraoperatively from three types of adrenal lesions: adrenal adenoma (ACA), adrenal cortical hyperplasia (ACH), both derived from adrenal cortical cells, and pheochromocytoma (Ph) derived from chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla. The specimens were cryo-sectioned and freeze-dried. Since the investigated lesions originated from different cell types, it was predictable that they might differ in biomolecular composition. The experimental results were used to determine which absorption bands differentiate the analyzed samples the most. The main difference was observed in the lipid functional groups. The experimental results indicated that the level of lipids was higher in both the adenoma and the hyperplasia samples compared to pheochromocytomas. In contrast, the level of proteins was higher in the pheochromocytomas. Furthermore, differences within the range of nucleic acids and carbohydrates were observed in the studied adrenal gland tumor types

    Re-treatment with [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE or [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE and [90Y]Y-DOTA-TATE of patients with progressive neuroendocrine neoplasm

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    Background: Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) are heterogeneous groups of tumours derived from neuroendocrine cells of the ectoderm or endoderm. They are considered rare, with an estimated incidence and prevalence of 6/100,000 and 35/100,000 respectively, and a noticeable upward trend. Radioligand therapy (RLT) using beta-radiation-emitters combined with somatostatin analogues is an effective and relatively safe treatment method. It is usually used as a second-line therapy in case of progressive disease. Material and methods: In retrospective analysis covering eight years of observation (2015–2023) of patients treated in a single highest-reference NEN centre, a subgroup of 13 who received RLT re-treatment (177Lu or 177Lu/90Y-mixture) was identified. Epidemiological aspects, renal, hepatic, haematological parameters and chromogranin A serum concentration were analysed. Results: The median PFS after the first cycle of RLT was 53.8 months (IQR = 19.3). Directly after the second cycle of RLT disease stabilization and progression was observed in 11/13 (84.6%) and 2/13 (15.4%) patients respectively. After the second cycle of RLT median observation time for the study group was 16.2 months. Eight out of 13 patients were reachable for long-term observation and stabilization was confirmed in 62.5 % (5/8), progression in 12.5% (1/8) and death in 25% (2/8) patients. Median survival time in patients with confirmed death was 7 months. During observation, an increase in creatinine concentration with a decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was noticed, however, the values were at a statistical trend level (p = 0.056; p = 0.071). The increase of liver parameters was statistically, but not clinically significant. The decrease in albumin concentration and fasting glucose concentration were not significant. An increase in chromogranin A concentration correlated, although not statistically, with the progression of the disease. A statistically significant decrease in the number of all bone marrow cell lines was observed. The first RLT cycle caused a higher decrease in blood parameters than the second. There were no differences in PFS or laboratory parameters depending on the radioligand ([177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE vs. [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE/[90Y]Y-DOTA-TATE). Conclusions: In follow-up after RLT re-treatment stabilization was observed in 62.5%, progression in 12.5% and death in 25% of patients. Decrease of glomerular filtration, and bone marrow parameters resulted from the cumulative adverse effect of RLT, the natural ageing process, and the progression of the disease. Side effects were mainly caused by the first treatment cycle. There was no significant influence on the measured parameters, depending on the radioisotope used. Re-treatment of RLT seems to be a reliable and relatively safe method, thus should be considered in patients who underwent one cycle of RLT and responded to the treatment