644 research outputs found

    The semantic differential as a measure of speech tension

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    Electrochemical Deposition Method Utilizing Microdroplets of Solution

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    A method of electrochemical deposition uses microdroplets of electrolytic solution over a targeted small circuit element. Only the targeted circuit element is electrically biased so that deposition occurs on the surface of that element, underneath the microdroplet, and nowhere else unless it is under other microdroplet(s). The invented method achieves extremely accurate and selective electrochemical deposition with a tiny amount of electrolytic solution, compared to conventional submersive and/or immersive methods, and eliminates the need for masking or etching, reducing the costs of manufacture and amount of waste electrolytic solution produced

    Let\u27s Control Swarming

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    How to Destroy Bees in the Home

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    How to Requeen

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    An Arsenic Survey in Utah

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    An individual-based model of canid populations: modelling territoriality and social structure

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    The management of canid populations has been at the forefront of wildlife management worldwide for much of the last century. Effective management depends on the ability to integrate species biology, the environmental aspects upon which those populations depend, and the factors controlling species abundance. Further, managing canid populations requires consideration of territoriality and dominance, which may have a significant effect on population dynamics. To better understand the effect of social structure on canid populations, we developed an individual-based computer model using Swarm to mimic natural coyote population dynamics. We selected the Swarm simulation environment because it is ideally suited for creating a system of multiple interacting agents with variable schedules and hierarchies. Swarm was a software platform that allows the user to describe generic individuals and behaviours, link those behaviours in each concurrent time step, and assemble behaviours and objects in a hierarchical framework. This model stands apart from previous modelling efforts because it explicitly incorporates behavioral features, such as dominance and territoriality, as major determinates of species demography into a simple model. Individual variation, such as status within territorial social groups and age-based reproduction are incorporated, but assumptions typically associated with most demographic models are not needed. The simple population model with few parameters not only closely resembled ‘real world’ populations but also helped us understand population dynamics that emerged from model. The sensitivity analysis revealed that the model was largely insensitive to individual parameter estimates and could be used to guide management of territorial animal populations with social structure. The model output variables closely matched the mean and range of values reported in the literature of wild populations for population size, proportion of females breeding, offspring survival and litter size. The variation of model output was similar to the variation recorded in field studies. Further, population dynamics reported from field studies emerged from the model and may help to explain the mechanisms responsible for this variation. This type of model could also provide insights into potential management alternatives for other canid species or other species with similar social structure

    A New Approach to Understanding Canid Populations Using an Individual-based Computer Model: Preliminary Results

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    Ensuring the welfare of wild canid populations depends upon the ability to integrate species biology, the environmental aspects upon which those populations depend, and the factors controlling species abundance. Toward this end, we developed an individual-based computer model using Swarm to mimic natural coyote populations. Swarm is a software platform that allows the user to describe individual behaviors for all individuals, link those behaviors in each concurrent time step, and assemble behaviors and objects in a hierarchical framework. Our model stands apart from previous modeling efforts because it relies on field data and explicitly incorporates behavioral features, such as dominance and territoriality, as major determinates of species demography. Individual variation, such as status within territorial social groups and age-based reproduction are assumed, but assumptions typically associated with most demographic models are not needed. The eventual goal is to incorporate other environmental components such as prey abundance and/or competing carnivores. This type of model could also provide insights into potential management alternatives for when the gray wolf is removed from endangered status in Minnesota

    Cavity Resonant Mode in a Metal Film Perforated with Two-Dimensional Triangular Lattice Hole Arrays

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    The transmission property of metallic films with two-dimensional hole arrays is studied experimentally and numerically. For a triangular lattice subwavelength hole array in a 150 nm thick Ag film, both cavity resonance and planar surface modes are identified as the sources of enhanced optical transmissions. Semi-analytical models are developed for calculating the dispersion relation of the cavity resonant mode. They agree well with the experimental results and full-wave numerical calculations. Strong interaction between the cavity resonant mode and surface modes is also observed

    Multi-State Memory and Multi-Functional Devices Comprising Magnetoplastic or Magnetoelastic Materials

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    Apparatus and methods are disclosed that enable writing data on, and reading data of, multi-state elements having greater than two states. The elements may be made of magnetoplastic and/or magnetoelastic materials, including, for example, magnetic shape-memory alloy or other materials that couple magnetic and crystallographic states. The writing process is preferably conducted through the application of a magnetic field and/or a mechanical action. The reading process is preferably conducted through atomic-force microscopy, magnetic- force microscopy, spin-polarized electrons, magnetooptical Kerr effect, optical interferometry or other methods, or other methods/effects. The multi functionality (crystallographic, magnetic, and shape states each representing a functionality) of the multi -state elements allows for simultaneous operations including read&write, sense&indicate, and sense&control. Embodiments of the invention may be used, for example, for storing, modifYing, and accessing data for device, sensor, actuator, logic and memory applications. Embodiments may be particularly effective for non-volatile memory or other read&write, sense&indicate, and/or sense&control functions in computer or other applications; such simultaneous operation of two (or more) of said multiple functionalities open new pathways for miniaturization of devices
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