223 research outputs found

    Extracts from the test plan for in-flight evaluation of the NT-33A peripheral vision display

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    The Peripheral Vision Display (PVD) which presents the pilot with a gyro stabilized artificial horizon projected onto his instrument panel by a laser light source is outlined. During instrument flight conditions, such a display allows the pilot to gain attitude awareness by sensing the horizon line through his peripheral vision. The pilot can detect changes to aircraft attitude without continuously referring back to his flight instruments. A second generation PVD unit was installed in the USAF/Calspan NT-33A during late 1982. An NT-33A flight evaluation of the display provides a unique opportunity to utilize a Workload Assessment Device (WAD) to obtain quantitative data regarding the utility of the PVD in reducing pilot workload. The experimental design and procedures for a two phase NT-33 PVD flight evaluation program is described

    Interaction of feel system and flight control system dynamics on lateral flying qualities

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    An experimental investigation of the influence of lateral feel system characteristics on fighter aircraft roll flying qualities was conducted using the variable stability USAF NT-33. Forty-two evaluation flights were flown by three engineering test pilots. The investigation utilized the power approach, visual landing task and up-and-away tasks including formation, gun tracking, and computer-generated compensatory attitude tracking tasks displayed on the Head-Up Display. Experimental variations included the feel system frequency, force-deflection gradient, control system command type (force or position input command), aircraft roll mode time constant, control system prefilter frequency, and control system time delay. The primary data were task performance records and evaluation pilot comments and ratings using the Cooper-Harper scale. The data highlight the unique and powerful effect of the feel system of flying qualities. The data show that the feel system is not 'equivalent' in flying qualities influence to analogous control system elements. A lower limit of allowable feel system frequency appears warranted to ensure good lateral flying qualities. Flying qualities criteria should most properly treat the feel system dynamic influence separately from the control system, since the input and output of this dynamic element is apparent to the pilot and thus, does not produce a 'hidden' effect

    The Role of Motivation in Online Professional Learning

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    The importance of online learning has been highlighted by higher education, and online program administrators have looked for management strategies to establish competitive advantages through student satisfaction and loyalty. This research investigated theroles of various learning motivations (i.e., autonomous motivation, external motivation, need achievement, goal setting, social comparison, and reinforcement), perceived value, and satisfaction to predict students’ loyalty toward an online program in the MBA context. Data were collected from online panel members of Qualtrics who were currently enrolled in online MBA programs in the United States. The empirical findings identify that perceived value was significantly influenced by external motivation, need achievement, goal setting, and reinforcement. MBA program satisfaction was positively affected by need achievement and reinforcement, and loyalty toward an MBA program was significantly influenced by perceived value and MBA program satisfaction. Overall, these results indicate the relative importance of each learning motivation for predicting online students’ loyalty

    Supplier Selection and Development: The Relationship between Small Manufacturing Enterprises and Mass Merchandisers

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    This study examines the results of a program intended to act as a selection tool for mass merchandisers and a development tool for small manufacturers. The evaluation program assessed the management practices and products of potential suppliers. Based on past experience, buyers for mass merchandisers consider small manufacturing enterprises a poor risk as potential suppliers of retail goods. As part of the evaluation process, firms were asked 34 closed-end questions regarding their management practices, and each product was evaluated on 41 specific qualities necessary for the mass merchandising market. Of the 1,690 firms that participated in this project, about 5 percent had their products accepted by a national mass merchandiser. A review of the evaluation data reveals that firms needed high performance in both areas of evaluation to be successful in the marketplace, not just a strong firm or a marketable product. However, each of these areas separately had a statistically significant effect on the success of the product in gaining a retail buyer’s attention

    Neural Network Prediction of Aluminum-Lithium Weld Strengths from Acoustic Emission Amplitude Data

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    Acoustic Emission (AE) flaw growth activity was monitored in aluminum-lithium weld specimens from the onset tensile loading to failure. Data on actual ultimate strengths together with AE data from the beginning of loading up to 25 percent of the expected ultimate strength were used to train a backpropagation neural network to predict ultimate strengths. Architecturally, the fully interconnected network consisted of an input layer for the AE amplitude data, a hidden layer to accommodate failure mechanism mapping, and an output layer for ultimate strength prediction. The trained network was the applied to the prediction of ultimate strengths in the remaining six specimens. The worst case prediction error was found to be +2.6 percent

    Creating Online Graduate Engineering Degrees at the University of New Mexico

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    This paper describes the motivation, strategies, and implementation details that lead to the creation of online graduate-level degree programs in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico. It also presents some of the benefits as well as the challenges encountered when designing and implementing these programs. The paper concludes with a discussion of lessons learned and the future directions of the program

    Deep vs. Surface Learning: An Empirical Test of Generational Differences

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    ABSTRACT Student learning and knowledge acquisition preferences influence pedagogy choices by instructors, particularly when critical thinking is a fundamental learning objective. Generational theory suggests that the Millennial generation, those born from 1981to 2000, prefer to acquire knowledge that is much broader and shallower than their Baby Boomer and Generation X predecessors.This study tests the knowledge aspiration differences between Millennials, Generation Xers, and Baby Boomers.Using a snowball technique originating with students in a senior business capstone course at a state university, an online survey was completed by 1,790 students. Results show Boomers scoring significantly higher on deep learning and lower on surface learning than Millennials and Generation Xers, and Millennials scoring significantly higher on surface learning than Boomers or Generation Xers
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