177 research outputs found

    Kostumiranje narodno-zabavnih ansamblov

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    V prispevku so obravnavani odrski oblačilni videz narodno-zabavnih ansamblov in prepoznane zakonitosti, ki so vplivale na razvoj tovrstnega kostumiranja. Najpomembnejšo vlogo je zaradi svoje odločitve, da se obleče v t. i. narodne noše, v petdesetih letih 20. stoletja imel Ansambel bratov Avsenik, t. i. narodna noša pa je zlasti v tujini postala in ostala obvezna spremljevalka slovenske narodno-zabavne glasbe. *** What is interesting to observe and study in the field of polka music, apart from musical characteristics of this genre, is the visual appearance of it‘s performers, along with origin and use of the so called »national garb« as a substantial part of this genre. This style in fact came to it‘s own in the Fifties (20th Century), marked by the appearance of The ensemble of Avsenik Brothers along with a number of other similar ensembles. The decision to use the »national costume« as a part of their image proved to work in their favor and hereby became a hallmark of polka music both at home and abroad

    Vranje near Sevnica: A Late Roman Settlement in the Light of Certain Pottery Finds

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    This article presents the results of exeavations at the settlement of Ajdovski gradeč above Vranje near Sevnica in Slovenia. The first section discusses the history of research at this site, whilst the second section considers Lombard, Early Byzantine and local late Roman pottery in Slovenia. The historical background of the settlement is indirectly illuminated through these finds.Avlor predstavlja raziskovanja naselbine Ajdovski gradeč nad Vranjem pri Sevnici v Sloveniji. V prvem delu podaja zgodovino raziskav najdišča, v drugem pa se posveča problematiki langobardske, zgodnjebizantinske in lokalne grobe poznoantične lončenine v Sloveniji. Na osnovi teh najdb posredno osvetljuje zgodovinsko ozadje, ki je botrovalo premenam v naselbini

    Income Diversification in Agricultural Households

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    The research studies structural changes in agriculture and incomes of households in the Škofja Loka region based on an empirical analysis of income diversification in a sample of agricultural households (AHs) in 2001 and 2006. The analysis was conducted from three points of view: for the entire sample of AHs, according to socio-economic types of AHs, and according to areas with different levels of development and different datums for agricultural production. The numbers of households professionally engaged in farming has dropped. In turn, the number of AHs abandoning farming has risen. Structural changes differ among areas. The age of the owner has an impact on work and land productivity. Income derived from agriculture is insufficient to sustain most AHs, making income diversification inevitable. AHs have a positive attitude towards Slovenia's accession to the European Union (EU). The greatest difficulties encountered by AHs emerged in the process of adapting to EU legal requirements. Strategies of AHs are unclear. Farms are abandoning farming due to uneconomical production and better employment opportunities in non-agricultural activities.

    Agricultural Holdings in Hilly-Mountain Areas in Slovenia before and after the Accession to the European Union

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         This paper presents the questionnaire results of the research on implications of the effects of Slovenia’s accession to the European Union (EU) on structural changes in agricultural holdings (AHs) in the case of Škofjeloška hilly-mountain rural areas. The effects are studied based on the analysis of income diversification of AHs three years before the Slovenian accession to the EU in 2000 and six years after the Slovenian accession to the EU in 2010. Strategies of AHs on the basis of the questionnaire were analysed in early 2011. Income diversification of AHs with non-agricultural employment and off-farm incomes is necessary for survival for the majority of AHs. There are observed differences in structural changes in the AHs between areas with different natural conditions for agricultural production, and particularly in the extent and in the direction of structural changes by socio- economic types of AHs. Structural changes inhibit non-economic objectives of AHs, while non-agricultural employment has a two-way influence

    Identification of novel biomarkers for endometriosis and endometrial cancer using proteomic and metabolomic approaches

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    Endometrioza in rak endometrija sta hormonsko odvisni, pogosti ženski ginekološki bolezni. Endometrioza predstavlja eno najpogostejših kroničnih benignih ginekoloških bolezni, ki je značilna predvsem za ženske pred menopavzo in je najpogostejši vzrok neplodnosti. Rak endometrija pa je značilen predvsem za ženske po menopavzi in je v Sloveniji na petem mestu najpogostejših malignih obolenj, v svetovnem merilu pa na šestem mestu. Obe bolezni povezuje hormonska odvisnost, kjer je povečana koncentracija estrogenov in/ali zmanjšana koncentracija progesterona dejavnik tveganja za nastanek obeh bolezni. Diagnosticiranje endometrioze trenutno poteka z invazivnimi metodami, saj biokemijski označevalci, ki bi omogočili zanesljivo neinvazivno postavitev diagnoze, še niso znani. Namen naših študij na področju endometrioze je identifikacija biokemijskih označevalcev, ki skupaj s kliničnimi podatki bolnic predstavljajo osnovo za statistično analizo, modeliranje in izgradnjo diagnostičnih modelov, ki bi jih lahko prenesli v klinično prakso. Pri bolnicah z rakom endometrija pa je namen naših študij identifikacija tako diagnostičnih kot tudi prognostičnih biokemijskih označevalcev. Diagnostični biokemijski označevalci endometrioze in raka endometrija bi omogočili zgodnejše odkritje bolezni, kar bi vodilo v zgodnejše zdravljenje in bi tako preprečilo napredovanje bolezni, s pomočjo prognostičnih biokemijskih označevalcev raka endometrija pa bi lahko identificirali bolnice z bolj ali manj agresivno obliko bolezni in temu ustrezno prilagodili obseg in vrsto operativnega pristopa. Biokemijske označevalce endometrioze in raka endometrija smo iskali med posameznimi proteini (o. p. CA-125, HE4, ARX) ter s pristopi tarčne »omike« v naboru številnih proteinov (o. p. od 40 do 900 različnih proteinov) in metabolitov (o. p. od 163 do 188 različnih metabolitov). V prvem delu doktorske disertacije smo tako na osnovi predhodne transkriptomske študije preverili potencial ARX (angl. Aristaless-related homeobox) kot možnega biokemijskega označevalca endometrioze. Ugotovili smo, da ARX ni biokemijski označevalec endometrioze, saj izvira iz strome jajčnika in ne iz endometriotičnih epitelnih ali stromalnih celic. Glede na prisotnost ARX-a v celicah, ki izvirajo iz ovarijske strome, pa smo predpostavili, da bi lahko predstavljal označevalca sex cord-stromalne diferenciacije pri tumorjih jajčnikov. V sodelovanju z Ginekološko kliniko Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra v Ljubljani in Ginekološko kliniko Medicinske univerze na Dunaju smo zbrali krvne vzorce bolnic z endometriozo, rakom endometrija in dveh kontrolnih skupin bolnic. Na osnovi izmerjenih serumskih koncentracij dveh tumorskih označevalcev (o. p. CA-125 in HE4), zbranih kliničnih podatkov in s pristopi logistične regresije smo postavili več različnih diagnostičnih modelov za bolnice z endometriozo in diagnostičen model za bolnice z rakom endometrija. Ugotovili smo tudi, da ima HE4 v primerjavi s CA-125 pri raku endometrija boljše prognostične karakteristike, vendar prognostičnega modela nismo uspeli postaviti. V sodelovanju z inštitutom Helmholtz Zentrum München (Institute of Experimental Genetics, Genome Analysis Centre, Nueherberg, Nemčija) smo s pomočjo komercialno dostopnih kompletov in z uporabo tekočinske kromatografije, sklopljene s tandemsko masno spektrometrijo, v plazmi bolnic z endometriozo in rakom endometrija določili koncentracije 188 oz. 163 različnih metabolitov lipidov. Preliminarni rezultati študije metabolitov kot potencialnih biokemijskih označevalcev endometrioze so pokazali, da je med bolnicami z različnimi oblikami endometrioze in kontrolno skupino bolnic več statistično značilno spremenjenih metabolitov, kar nam je predstavljalo izhodišče za izgradnjo diagnostičnega modela. Pri bolnicah z rakom endometrija smo identificirali tri posamezne metabolite in 341 razmerij koncentracij metabolitov, ki predstavljajo potencialne diagnostične biokemijske označevalce. Postavili smo tudi diagnostičen model, ki vključuje tri različna razmerja metabolitov in dodani podatek o statusu kajenja. Postavili smo štiri različne prognostične modele za napoved prisotnosti globoke invazije v miometrij in model za napoved prisotnosti limfovaskularne invazije pri bolnicah z rakom endometrija. Z uporabo proteinskih mikromrež smo na manjšem številu vzorcev plazme bolnic s peritonealno endometriozo in plazme kontrolne skupine bolnic iz nabora 900 različnih proteinov identificirali 24 potencialnih biokemijskih označevalcev, med katerimi smo koncentracije treh proteinov določili na večjem številu vzorcev bolnic z različnimi oblikami endometrioze. Z uporabo visoko zmogljive imunološke metode, imenovane »Luminex«, smo v plazmi bolnic z endometriozo in plazmi kontrolne skupine bolnic določili koncentracije 40 različnih citokinov in kemokinov. Na osnovi plazemskih koncentracij teh vnetnih dejavnikov in z uporabo ustreznih statističnih pristopov diagnostičnega modela, ki bi ločeval bolnice z endometriozo od kontrolne skupine bolnice, ni bilo mogoče postaviti. Z navedenimi študijami smo tako prispevali k identifikaciji biokemijskih označevalcev endometrioze in raka endometrija. Pokazali smo, da lahko na osnovi izmerjenih vrednosti določenih proteinov in/ali metabolitov, zbranih kliničnih podatkov ter z ustreznimi statističnimi pristopi postavimo modele z dobrimi diagnostičnimi in/ali prognostičnimi karakteristikami, ki bi jih lahko, po dodatnih validacijskih študijah, prenesli v klinično prakso.Endometriosis and endometrial cancer are hormone-dependent gynecological diseases. Endometriosis is one of the most common chronic benign gynecological diseasesit is predominantly prevalent in pre-menopausal women, and is the most common cause of infertility. Endometrial cancer is particularly prevalent in post-menopausal women, and it is the fifth most common malignant disease in Slovenia, and the sixth in the world. As hormone-dependent diseases, increased estrogen levels and/or decreased progesterone levels are a risk factor for the emergence of both endometriosis and endometrial cancer. Diagnosis of endometriosis is currently performed through an invasive surgical approach, as to date there are no biomarkers known that can provide reliable non-invasive diagnosis. One aim of our studies on endometriosis and endometrial cancer is thus the identification of biomarkers that can be combined with clinical data of patients as the starting point for statistical analysis and construction of diagnostic models that can be translated into clinical practice. Diagnostic biomarkers of endometriosis and endometrial cancer will enable their earlier detection, allowing earlier treatment to prevent progression of these diseases. Similarly, we aim to identify prognostic biomarkers of endometrial cancer, through which it will be possible to better define the aggressive nature of these cancers, and hence to adjust the treatment approaches for these patients accordingly. We searched for biomarkers of endometriosis and endometrial cancer among individual proteins (i. e. CA-125, HE4, ARX) as well as in a panel of proteins (i. e. from 40 to 900 different proteins) and metabolites (i. e. from 163 to 188 different metabolites). In the first part of this project for my doctoral thesis, and on the basis of a previous transcriptomic study, we investigated the Aristaless-related homeobox (ARX) protein as a biomarker of endometriosis. However, this was not the case, as ARX originates from the ovarian stroma rather than the endometriotic epithelial or stromal cells. Therefore, as ARX is found in the ovarian stroma and cells derived from the ovarian stroma, and also in all types of sex-cord stromal tumors of the ovary, we hypothesize that it represents a marker for sex-cord stromal differentiation in ovarian tumours. We collected blood samples from patients with endometriosis and endometrial cancer, and also from control groups of patients, in collaboration with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana (Ljubljana, Slovenia) and with the Medical University (Vienna, Austria). On the basis of the serum concentrations of two tumor markers, CA-125 and HE4, and the collected patient clinical data and our logistic regression analysis, several diagnostic models were constructed for patients with endometriosis, and a diagnostic model was constructed for patients with endometrial cancer. Here, we showed that serum HE4 levels have superior prognostic value compared to serum CA-125 levels, although we did not succeed in establishing a suitable prognostic model. In a further collaboration with Helmholtz Zentrum München (Institute of Experimental Genetics, Genome Analysis Centre, Nueherberg, Germany), we used commercially available analytical kits and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry to define the plasma concentrations of 188 and 163 different lipid metabolites in patients with endometriosis and endometrial cancer, respectively. Our preliminary analysis of these metabolites as biomarkers of endometriosis indicated several different statistically significant metabolic variables between patients with different types of endometriosis and the control group. This provided the starting point for the construction of a diagnostic model. In the metabolic study for patients with endometrial cancer, three individual metabolites and 341 metabolite ratios were identified as potential diagnostic biomarkers. We thus constructed a diagnostic model using three metabolite ratios and with the addition of smoking status. For these patients with endometrial cancer, we also constructed four different prognostic models for the presence of deep myometrial invasion, plus a model for the presence of lymphovascular invasion. Using plasma samples collected from patients with peritoneal endometriosis and a control group of patients, we also used proteomics aporoch with antibody microarrays to define 24 potential biochemical markers from a set of 900 different proteins. Although this was carried out on a relatively small number of plasma samples, one of these biochemical markers was also confirmed for a larger number of samples from patients with different types of endometriosis. We also used a high-performance immunological method known as ‘Luminex’ to determine the concentrations of 40 different cytokines and chemokines in plasma samples from patients with endometriosis and from a control group of patients. Through the appropriate statistical approaches, the aim was to define a diagnostic model here to separate the patients with endometriosis from the control group of patientshowever, such a model could not be established on the basis of the plasma concentrations of these inflammatory factors. These studies have contributed to the identification of biomarkers of endometriosis and endometrial cancer. We have demonstrated that on the basis of the levels of certain proteins and/or metabolites, the collected clinical data of the patients, and the appropriate statistical approaches, models with good diagnostic and/or prognostic characteristics can be defined. Following additional validation studies, the aim is to transfer these to clinical practice

    Zgodnjesrednjeveški pozlačeni predmeti z Gradišča nad Bašljem (Slovenija)

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    North of Kranj, on the slope of the mount Storžič, there rises the steep elevation of Gradišče nad Bašljem. On its conical summit is the location of the ruins of a late antiquity settlement which are in some places covered with a thick layer of ashes, which contains remains dating from the Early Middle Ages. Most of these remains are elements of military equipment and horse gear. Among many items of this kind which were made of iron, and often tinned, there are also several bronze and gilded artefacts: a strap separator, a strap end, a belt buckle ring, a hanger with a suspension loop and fragment of a spur. Judging by their stylistic characteristics and their functional features, three items from Gradišče nad Bašljem belong to a luxury set – either to a horse’s headgear made of straps, or to a belt used as a sword hanger. Based on the analogies, the gilded finds from Gradišče nad Bašljem indicate Carolingian influence, and there is no doubt that they belonged to the ruling class in early mediaeval Carniola, i.e. Kranjska, in the late 8th and in the 9th centuries. Early Mediaeval gilded items have also been found at other sites in Slovenia. The strongholds that were located in the key positions secured the power of the military aristocracy in the territory of present-day Slovenia, similarly to the way in which they functioned in other parts of the 9th century Slavic world.Severno od Kranja se dviga v pobočju gore Storžič prepadna vzpetina Gradišče nad Bašljem. Na njenem koničastem vrhu so razvaline poznoantične naselbine. Te so ponekod prekrite z debelo žganinsko plastjo, ki vsebuje ostaline iz zgodnjega srednjega veka. Največ jih pripada vojaški opravi in konjski opremi; med množico železnih, pogosto pokositernih predmetov te vrste, je tudi nekaj bronastih in pozlačenih izdelkov: jermenski razdelilec, jermenski zaključek, obroč pasne spone, obešalnik z zanko in del ostroge. Trije predmeti z Gradišča nad Bašljem so glede na slogovne značilnosti in uporabne lastnosti pripadali luksuzni garnituri, bodisi jermenskem oglavju konja ali pasu za obešanje meča. Pozlačene najdbe z Gradišča nad Bašljem po navedenih arheoloških primerjavah kažejo karolinški vpliv in so nedvomno pripadale vladajočemu sloju v zgodnjesrednjeveški Karnioli oz. Kranjski ob koncu 8. in v 9. st. Zgodnjesrednjeveški pozlačeni predmeti so bili najdeni tudi na drugih najdiščih v Sloveniji. Na ključnih položajih so tamkajšnje postojanke, podobno kot drugod v slovanskem svetu 9. st., tudi na ozemlju sedanje Slovenije vojaškemu plemstvu zagotavljale oblast

    Staroslovansko grobišče v Zgornjem Dupleku

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    On the graminaceous slope (plot Nos. 296/2 and 298, pertaining to Zgornji Duplek cadastre; fig. 3), on the estate owned by Jernej Purgaj, Zgornji Duplek 175 (8 km SE—from Maribor; fig. 1), a “contracted skeleton”, together with a ceramic pot (probably A 2877, fig.), was discovered in 1932. While digging for sand in 1975, the locals came again across skeleton graves at the same spot. The first recognitory and protective measures were apparently carried out by Stanko Pahič (of the Provincial Museum, Maribor), and by Mira Strmčnik- Gulič (of the Institution for Protection of Monuments, Maribor), who documented the three skeleton graves (Nos. 2—4; fig. 4).1 From April 21 to 29, 1975, the authors of this report carried out additional protective digging on the threatened archaeological ground (fig. 5). Consequently was examined the eastern and the northern edge (4 m in width) of the sandpit, where the five skeleton graves were situated (Nos. 5—9; fig. 4).2 The finds from the graves are kept by the Provincial Museum, Maribor, inventory Nos. A 2975—A 2993.3 In the cemetery at Zgornji Duplek, where further excavations could possibly give further results, nine skeleton graves have been discovered to date. The oval and tub shaped grave •ts (as can be assumed on the basis of the preserved outlines in the graves 5, 8, and 9) P* jug into the sandy base through a layer of humus (depth of up to 1 m). The aves 2 to 9 were pointed towards the east, with a maximum deviation of 14° towards the north. In all graves grave goods were found, predominantly pottery, with exception of a weapon (grave No. 3), and jewellery (grave No. 5). The pottery (without pot A 2877) consits of vessels with out-turned upper rims (to mention that there appeared some undeterminable parts and fragments), made on hand driven tter’s wheel: the outer surfaces are wavy, even slightly ridgy at times and in general not rnoothed as well as the upper rims, while the inner surfaces show signs of vertical strokes with fingers. The vessels are ornamented with wavy incisions (PI. Is 1, 2, 6, 7; 2: 3—5; 3: 1 3 5), with horizontal grooves (PI. 2: 4; 3: 3—5), with imprints in the shape of drops (PI. 3: 4) and with vertical short incisions (PI. 1: 1). The ornamentation is arranged mostly in strips. The bases of the three vessels show potter’s insignia: cross in a circle (Pl. 1: 6; 2: 3), and a wheel with eight spokes (PI. 3: 1). Clay is more or less mixed with silicic grains, with exception of two pots of which clay is mixed with uncrushed sand (graves 4 &5). The pots appear in three dimensions: small (ht. 8.0 cm; PI. 3: 5), medium (ht. up to 13.7 cm; Pl. 1: 2, 6; 2: 3, 4; 3: 4), and large (ht. up to 20.6 cm: PI. 1: 1, 7; 2; 5; 3: 1, 3). Arms are represented by a 22.2 cm long iron knife with a groove on each side of the blade, serving for drainage of blood (Pl. 1: 3), while jewellery is represented by two ear-rings (a pair, although not identical), made of silver wire, and with pending clusters in filigree ornamentation (PI. 2: 1, 2; fig. 2 a, b). The closest comparisions to the burial ground at Zgornji Duplek are: -the necropolis at Turnišče (apart from the analogies for pottery, note also comparision as regards the ear-ring: PI. 2: 2; fig. 2 b)5, the necropolis at Brezje nad Zrečami (also comparision for battle-knife: PI. 1: 3),6 an<J to a lesser extent the older phase of the cemetery at Ptuj-grad (fig. I).7 As regards Slovenia, separate graves with ceramic grave goods are also known to have been found at Dobova, at Roje pri Moravčah, ait Puščava pri Starem trgu, and in the region of Gorenjska (i. e. Srednje Bitnje pri Kranju, Kranj—Gorenja Sava, Begunje, Bled—Mlino gle(j—Žale).8 Outside the territory of Slovenia, related cemeteries appear in the area of Great Moravia,9 in the Lower Austria,10 in the Panonian Croatia,11 and in Dalmatia.12 Although only neighbouring areas are allotted by this manner, and not the whole territory where graves with pottery appear, the significance of the little cemetery at Zgornji Duplek is clearly stipulated: it is one of the Old Slavic cemeteries with pre-Christian burial rites, taking place partially in the 8th, but predominantly in the 9th century

    Staroslovanski grobišči v Spodnjih Gorjah in Zasipu

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    On the basis of eyewitness reports, chance finds, archaeological excavation and anthropological analyses, it is possible to locate a small cemetery, with supposed 60 graves, on the edge of the glacial terrace in Spodnje Gorje and its sunward slope. Of all graves, only 4 were systematically documented in 1984 and 1985, which from their location and finds suggest that the cemetery belongs to the later period of the Alpine Slavs (the 9lh and 10,h Centuries). The site of Žale near Zasip lies on the southern slope of a glacial moraine, east of the Blcd-Zasip road. Here 55 graves were systematically excavated from 1985 to 1987. and represent the entire cemetery. Chronologically the nearby cemetery of Dlesc near Bodešče is contemporary, that is dating to the 9lh and 10"' Centuries (Knific, Pleterski 1981, 482-523). Only graves 15 and 55 are somewhat older, probably from the 8" Century.Po pripovedih očividcev, naključnih najdbah, arheološkem izkopavanju in osteoloških analizah lahko na rob ledeniške terase in njeno sončno pobočje v Spodnjih Gorjah umestimo manjše grobišče, domnevno s približno 60 grobovi. Od teh so bili 1984 in 1985 strokovno dokumentirani le štirje, ki s svojo lego in najdbami govorijo, da grobišče pripada vsaj mlajšemu obdobju alpskih Slovanov (9. in 10. st.). Najdišče Žale pri Zasipu leži na južnem pobočju ledeniške morene, vzhodno od poti Bled-Zasip. V letih 1985-1987 je bilo načrtno izkopanih 55 grobov, ki sestavljajo celotno grobišče. Je sočasno bližnjemu grobišču na Dlescu pri Bodeščah. torej vsaj iz 9. in 10. st. (Knific, Pleterski 1981, 482 ss). Le grobova 15 in 55 sta nekoliko starejša, verjetno še iz 8. st