26 research outputs found

    Die Batterie als Schlüsseltechnologie für die Elektromobilität der Zukunft.Herausforderungen – Potenziale – Ausblick

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    Mit dieser Arbeit wird eine Analyse bezüglich der Herausforderungen, Potenziale und dem Ausblick der Batterie als Türöffner für die Elektromobilität der Zukunft vorgelegt. Zunächst werden die technischen Grundlagen der Batterie dargestellt und die an sie gestellten Anforderungen für automobile Anwendungen aufgezeigt. Anschließend werden die für den automobilen Einsatz in Fahrzeugen aktuell am stärksten verbreiteten sowie sich in Entwicklung befindliche elektrochemische Speichersysteme vorgestellt. Daran schließt sich eine Erörterung derer Potenziale und Grenzen an. Dazu werden die Batterietechnologien anhand der Anforderungen untereinander verglichen und bewertet. Als vielversprechendste Schlüsseltechnologie zur flächendeckenden Einführung der Elektromobilität wird die Lithium-Ionen-Batterie mit ihren Potenzialen und Spannungsfeldern vertiefender behandelt. Dies erfolgt über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette hinweg, beginnend bei der Rohstoffgewinnung über die Produktion und die Nutzung bis hin zum Recycling der Batterie. Im Fazit und Ausblick werden die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Arbeit zusammenfassend dargestellt

    Noise-free scattering of the quantized electromagnetic field from a dispersive linear dielectric

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    We study the scattering of the quantized electromagnetic field from a linear, dispersive dielectric using the scattering formalism for quantum fields. The medium is modeled as a collection of harmonic oscillators with a number of distinct resonance frequencies. This model corresponds to the Sellmeir expansion, which is widely used to describe experimental data for real dispersive media. The integral equation for the interpolating field in terms of the in field is solved and the solution used to find the out field. The relation between the in and out creation and annihilation operators is found which allows one to calculate the S-matrix for this system. In this model, we find that there are absorption bands, but the input-output relations are completely unitary. No additional quantum noise terms are required.Comment: Revtex, submitted to Physical Review

    Antisense Therapy Attenuates Phospholamban p.(Arg14del) Cardiomyopathy in Mice and Reverses Protein Aggregation

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    Inherited cardiomyopathy caused by the p.(Arg14del) pathogenic variant of the phospholamban (PLN) gene is characterized by intracardiomyocyte PLN aggregation and can lead to severe dilated cardiomyopathy. We recently reported that pre-emptive depletion of PLN attenuated heart failure (HF) in several cardiomyopathy models. Here, we investigated if administration of a Pln-targeting antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) could halt or reverse disease progression in mice with advanced PLN-R14del cardiomyopathy. To this aim, homozygous PLN-R14del (PLN-R14 (Δ/Δ)) mice received PLN-ASO injections starting at 5 or 6 weeks of age, in the presence of moderate or severe HF, respectively. Mice were monitored for another 4 months with echocardiographic analyses at several timepoints, after which cardiac tissues were examined for pathological remodeling. We found that vehicle-treated PLN-R14 (Δ/Δ) mice continued to develop severe HF, and reached a humane endpoint at 8.1 ± 0.5 weeks of age. Both early and late PLN-ASO administration halted further cardiac remodeling and dysfunction shortly after treatment start, resulting in a life span extension to at least 22 weeks of age. Earlier treatment initiation halted disease development sooner, resulting in better heart function and less remodeling at the study endpoint. PLN-ASO treatment almost completely eliminated PLN aggregates, and normalized levels of autophagic proteins. In conclusion, these findings indicate that PLN-ASO therapy may have beneficial outcomes in PLN-R14del cardiomyopathy when administered after disease onset. Although existing tissue damage was not reversed, further cardiomyopathy progression was stopped, and PLN aggregates were resolved

    Phospholamban antisense oligonucleotides improve cardiac function in murine cardiomyopathy

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    Heart failure (HF) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, highlighting an urgent need for novel treatment options, despite recent improvements. Aberrant Ca(2+) handling is a key feature of HF pathophysiology. Restoring the Ca(2+) regulating machinery is an attractive therapeutic strategy supported by genetic and pharmacological proof of concept studies. Here, we study antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) as a therapeutic modality, interfering with the PLN/SERCA2a interaction by targeting Pln mRNA for downregulation in the heart of murine HF models. Mice harboring the PLN R14del pathogenic variant recapitulate the human dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) phenotype; subcutaneous administration of PLN-ASO prevents PLN protein aggregation, cardiac dysfunction, and leads to a 3-fold increase in survival rate. In another genetic DCM mouse model, unrelated to PLN (Cspr3/Mlp(−/−)), PLN-ASO also reverses the HF phenotype. Finally, in rats with myocardial infarction, PLN-ASO treatment prevents progression of left ventricular dilatation and improves left ventricular contractility. Thus, our data establish that antisense inhibition of PLN is an effective strategy in preclinical models of genetic cardiomyopathy as well as ischemia driven HF

    Complications associated to wound drainages in tumor spine surgery: a multicenter surveillance study from the German Spine Registry (DWG-Register)

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    There is an ongoing debate whether a surgical drainage is beneficial to prevent local accumulation of hematoma and to reduce the rate of wound infections, and neurological deficits. Data from the German Spine Society (DWG) registry were filtered for surgically treated spine tumor cases between 2017 and 2021. Cases were categorized into with (Group I) and without (Group II) placement of a surgical drainage. Subgroups were compared for demographic data, type of surgery, experience of the surgeon and postoperative surgical complications. 10,029 cases were included into final analysis (Group I: 3007; Group II: 7022). There was no significant difference between both groups regarding age or gender distribution. Average morbidity of patients was significantly elevated in Group I (p < 0.05) and the rates of invasive surgery were significantly increased in this group (p < 0.001). Overall complication rates were reported with 12.0% (Group I) and 8.5% (Group II). There were significantly more epidural hematoma (p < 0.001) and motor dysfunction (p = 0.049) as well as deep wound infections (p < 0.001) and implant failures (p = 0.02) in Group I. A surgical wound drainage cannot prevent epidural hematoma

    Molecular In-Depth Characterization of Chondrosarcoma for Current and Future Targeted Therapies

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    Chondrosarcoma (CHS) are heterogenous, but as a whole, represent the second most common primary malignant bone tumor entity. Although knowledge on tumor biology has grown exponentially during the past few decades, surgical resection remains the gold standard for the treatment of these tumors, while radiation and differentiated chemotherapy do not result in sufficient cancer control. An in-depth molecular characterization of CHS reveals significant differences compared to tumors of epithelial origin. Genetically, CHS are heterogenous, but there is no characteristic mutation defining CHS, and yet, IDH1 and IDH2 mutations are frequent. Hypovascularization, extracellular matrix composition of collagen, proteoglycans, and hyaluronan create a mechanical barrier for tumor suppressive immune cells. Comparatively low proliferation rates, MDR-1 expression and an acidic tumor microenvironment further limit therapeutic options in CHS. Future advances in CHS therapy depend on the further characterization of CHS, especially the tumor immune microenvironment, for improved and better targeted therapies

    Quantification of electrosurgery-related critical events during laparoscopic cholecystectomy – a prospective experimental study among surgical novices

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    Uncontrolled movement of instruments in laparoscopic surgery can lead to inadvertent tissue damage, particularly when the dissecting or electrosurgical instrument is located outside the field of view of the laparoscopic camera. The incidence and relevance of such events are currently unknown. The present work aims to identify and quantify potentially dangerous situations using the example of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). Twenty-four final year medical students were prompted to each perform four consecutive LC attempts on a well-established box trainer in a surgical training environment following a standardized protocol in a porcine model. The following situation was defined as a critical event (CE): the dissecting instrument was inadvertently located outside the laparoscopic camera’s field of view. Simultaneous activation of the electrosurgical unit was defined as a highly critical event (hCE). Primary endpoint was the incidence of CEs. While performing 96 LCs, 2895 CEs were observed. Of these, 1059 (36.6%) were hCEs. The median number of CEs per LC was 20.5 (range: 1–125; IQR: 33) and the median number of hCEs per LC was 8.0 (range: 0–54, IQR: 10). Mean total operation time was 34.7 min (range: 15.6–62.5 min, IQR: 14.3 min). Our study demonstrates the significance of CEs as a potential risk factor for collateral damage during LC. Further studies are needed to investigate the occurrence of CE in clinical practice, not just for laparoscopic cholecystectomy but also for other procedures. Systematic training of future surgeons as well as technical solutions address this safety issue

    Amputatversorgung in Notfallmedizin und Rettungswesen

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