32 research outputs found

    Delivering mindfulness in the classroom via a technology-enabled approach:Feasibility and the potential impact on teachers' psychological well-being, self-efficacy, and mindfulness

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    This longitudinal study included 64 teachers. We examined the feasibility and preliminary effects of a newly designed program, playing pre-recorded mindfulness practices to elementary school students by teachers across one school year. Self-report surveys and logbooks were used to collect data quantitative and qualitative data. During the first four months of implementation, teachers reported significant improvements in self-efficacy in classroom management and lower levels of perceived stress. Levels of mindfulness increased significantly and gradually throughout the school year. Qualitative results underlined potential changes in teachers’ outcomes, suggesting a calming effect and perceived improvement in their teaching skills.</p

    Providing emergency remote teaching:What are teachers’ needs and what could have helped them to deal with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic?

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    When schools closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, teachers suddenly had to teach remotely. To better understand the possible impact of these measures on teachers' work functioning and well-being, this study examined teachers’ needs. Using a thematic analysis approach analyzing the 1,115 open-ended answers, three domains related to needs were identified: work-life balance and working from home, teaching and interaction with students and parents, and school management and colleagues. Findings are interpreted from existing frameworks (i.e., Jobs Demands-Resources (JD-R) model and Self-Determination Theory (SDT)). We also identified several unique needs, such as adjusting learning goals

    Kennisoverzicht: Onderzoek en Hulpbronnen rondom Online en Blended Onderwijs binnen de Hanzehogeschool Groningen en in Nederland

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    Dit document biedt een overzicht van bestaande hulpbronnen, cursussen en onderzoeksprojecten op het gebied van online/ blended onderwijs. Binnen de Hanzehogeschool zijn gedurende de corona pandemie een aantal mooie initiatieven tot stand gekomen, die inspiratie en ondersteuning kunnen bieden in de opkomende transitie naar blended onderwijs. Ook buiten de Hanzehogeschool wordt er op dit vlak veel onderzoek gedaan en kennis gedeeld. In dit overzicht zijn daarom zowel interne als externe initiatieven opgenomen. Deze lijst is niet uitputtend, maar biedt een startpunt voor iedereen die zich verder wil verdiepen in blended onderwijs, binnen de organisatie en/of daarbuiten

    Trajectories of Fatigue in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Fatigue is one of the most frequently reported symptoms by patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), both during active disease phases as well as during clinical remission. This study addressed whether different trajectories of fatigue over time can be identified among patients with IBD. Subsequently, we compared the demographic and clinical characteristics between trajectories. METHODS: The current study included 849 patients with IBD diagnosed with either Crohn disease (CD; n = 511) or ulcerative colitis (UC; n = 338) who visited the University Medical Center in Groningen (the Netherlands) at least 3 times during a 9-year follow-up. We conducted latent class growth analyses to identify distinct trajectories. RESULTS: In all patients with IBD (and in the subgroup with CD), we found 5 trajectories for fatigue. In the UC subgroup, we found 4 fatigue trajectories. One trajectory present in both patients with CD (11.45%) and patients with UC (4.75%) was characterized by chronic elevated levels of fatigue across time. Women and parents were more prevalent in trajectories with higher fatigue severity. We also found significant associations among the fatigue trajectories with disease activity and psychological well-being. CONCLUSIONS: The results clearly showed the existence of distinct fatigue paths over time in patients with IBD. Those reporting more chronic elevated levels of fatigue also reported greater disease activity and reduced well-being. Therefore, reducing disease activity may be important for the treatment of fatigue. In addition, given the significant association with well-being, it is possible that reducing fatigue may improve self-reported well-being


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