51 research outputs found

    Probing the inter-layer exciton physics in a MoS2_2/MoSe2_2/MoS2_2 van der Waals heterostructure

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    Stacking atomic monolayers of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) has emerged as an effective way to engineer their properties. In principle, the staggered band alignment of TMD heterostructures should result in the formation of inter-layer excitons with long lifetimes and robust valley polarization. However, these features have been observed simultaneously only in MoSe2_2/WSe2_2 heterostructures. Here we report on the observation of long lived inter-layer exciton emission in a MoS2_2/MoSe2_2/MoS2_2 trilayer van der Waals heterostructure. The inter-layer nature of the observed transition is confirmed by photoluminescence spectroscopy, as well as by analyzing the temporal, excitation power and temperature dependence of the inter-layer emission peak. The observed complex photoluminescence dynamics suggests the presence of quasi-degenerate momentum-direct and momentum-indirect bandgaps. We show that circularly polarized optical pumping results in long lived valley polarization of inter-layer exciton. Intriguingly, the inter-layer exciton photoluminescence has helicity opposite to the excitation. Our results show that through a careful choice of the TMDs forming the van der Waals heterostructure it is possible to control the circular polarization of the inter-layer exciton emission.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. Just accepted for publication in Nano Letters (http://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b03184

    Influence of Trapping on the Exciton Dynamics of Al_xGa_1-xAs Films

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    We present a systematic study on the exciton relaxation in high purity AlGaAs epilayers. The time for the excitonic photoluminescence to reach its maximum intensity (t_max) shows a non-monotonic dependence on excitation density which is attributed to a competition between exciton localization and carrier-carrier scattering. A phenomenological four level model fully describes the influence of exciton localization on t_max. This localization effect is enhanced by the increase of the Al content in the alloy and disappears when localization is hindered by rising the lattice temperature above the exciton trapping energy.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 16 ref

    Non equilibrium anisotropic excitons in atomically thin ReS2_2

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    We present a systematic investigation of the electronic properties of bulk and few layer ReS2_2 van der Waals crystals using low temperature optical spectroscopy. Weak photoluminescence emission is observed from two non-degenerate band edge excitonic transitions separated by \sim 20 meV. The comparable emission intensity of both excitonic transitions is incompatible with a fully thermalized (Boltzmann) distribution of excitons, indicating the hot nature of the emission. While DFT calculations predict bilayer ReS2_2 to have a direct fundamental band gap, our optical data suggests that the fundamental gap is indirect in all cases

    Dynamics of relaxation and trapping of excitons in Al x Ga 1-x As films

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    PACS 78.47.+p, 78.55.Cr, 78.66.Fd Carrier relaxation in high quality Al x Ga 1-x As (x up to 5%) epilayers has been investigated by means of time resolved photoluminiscence. The time for the excitonic PL to reach the maximum intensity shows a non-monotonic behaviour with increasing excitation density, which is attributed to the competition between exciton localization and carrier-carrier scattering. The increase of the Al content enhances the alloy scattering and increases the number of localization sites, moderately accelerating the dynamics. A fourlevel rate equation model qualitatively describes the influence of trapping in the exciton dynamics at low excitation densities

    Non equilibrium anisotropic excitons in atomically thin ReS2

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    We present a systematic investigation of the electronic properties of bulk and few layer ReS2 van der Waals crystals using low temperature optical spectroscopy. Weak photoluminescence emission is observed from two non-degenerate band edge excitonic transitions separated by similar to 20 meV. The comparable emission intensity of both excitonic transitions is incompatible with a fully thermalized (Boltzmann) distribution of excitons, indicating the hot nature of the emission. While DFT calculations predict bilayer ReS2 to have a direct fundamental band gap, our optical data suggests that the fundamental gap is indirect in all cases

    Magnetoexcitons in large area CVD-grown monolayer MoS2 and MoSe2 on sapphire

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    Magnetotransmission spectroscopy was employed to study the valley Zeeman effect in large area monolayer MoS2 and MoSe2. The extracted values of the valley g factors for both A and B excitons were found to be similar with g(v) similar or equal to -4.5. The samples are expected to be strained due to the CVD growth on sapphire at high temperature (700 degrees C). However, the estimated strain, which is maximum at low temperature, is only similar or equal to 0.2%. Theoretical considerations suggest that the strain is too small to significantly influence the electronic properties. This is confirmed by the measured value of the valley g factor, and the measured temperature dependence of the band gap, which are almost identical for CVD and mechanically exfoliated MoS2

    Disorder Effects on Exciton-Polariton Condensates

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    The impact of a random disorder potential on the dynamical properties of Bose Einstein condensates is a very wide research field. In microcavities, these studies are even more crucial than in the condensates of cold atoms, since random disorder is naturally present in the semiconductor structures. In this chapter, we consider a stable condensate, defined by a chemical potential, propagating in a random disorder potential, like a liquid flowing through a capillary. We analyze the interplay between the kinetic energy, the localization energy, and the interaction between particles in 1D and 2D polariton condensates. The finite life time of polaritons is taken into account as well. In the first part, we remind the results of [G. Malpuech et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 206402 (2007).] where we considered the case of a static condensate. In that case, the condensate forms either a glassy insulating phase at low polariton density (strong localization), or a superfluid phase above the percolation threshold. We also show the calculation of the first order spatial coherence of the condensate versus the condensate density. In the second part, we consider the case of a propagating non-interacting condensate which is always localized because of Anderson localization. The localization length is calculated in the Born approximation. The impact of the finite polariton life time is taken into account as well. In the last section we consider the case of a propagating interacting condensate where the three regimes of strong localization, Anderson localization, and superfluid behavior are accessible. The localization length is calculated versus the system parameters. The localization length is strongly modified with respect to the non-interacting case. It is infinite in the superfluid regime whereas it is strongly reduced if the fluid flows with a supersonic velocity.Comment: chapter for a book "Exciton Polaritons in Microcavities: New Frontiers" by Springer (2012), the original publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co