24 research outputs found

    Proyecto eMadrid: metodologías educativas, ludificación y calidad

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    Esta comunicación presenta un conjunto de trabajos de investigación sobre metodologías docentes, ludificación y calidad realizados en el seno del proyecto eMadrid, de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. En primer lugar se resumen los trabajos realizados en los dos primeros años del proyecto. Posteriormente se presentan las líneas de trabajo previstas para los dos años restantesEstos trabajos se han financiado parcialmente por el proyecto eMadrid (S2013/ICE-2715) de la Comunidad de Madrid, los proyectos FLEXOR (TIN2014-52129-R), RESET (TIN2014-53199-C3-1-R) e iProg (TIN2015-66731-C2-1-R) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, y el proyecto “Adaptación de la metodología PhyMEL a la formación clínica mediante el uso de simuladores” financiado por la empresa Medical Simulato

    Switchable gas permeability of a polypropylene-liquid crystalline composite film

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    The development of functionalized polyolefins for use as stimuli-responsive commodity polymers has recently received much attention. In this work, a microporous polypropylene (PP) scaffold is used to align and fortify a smectic liquid crystalline network (LCN) which can switch its gas permeability upon pH changes. The LCN is a photopolymerized liquid crystalline mixture of a dimerized benzoic acid derivative monoacrylate and a diacrylate crosslinker. In the hydrogen-bonded state, the composite membrane shows a high-molecular order and a low permeability for He, N2, and CO2 gases. By pH switching from the hydrogen-bonded state to the salt form, the molecular order is reduced, and the gas permeability is increased by one order of magnitude. This increase is mainly attributed to a loss in order of the system, increasing the free volume, resulting in an increased diffusibility. By exposing the composite film to basic or acidic environments, reversible switching between low and high gas permeability states is observed, respectively. The physical constraints imposed by the PP scaffold strengthens the membrane while the reversible switching inside the liquid crystalline polymer is maintained. This switching of gas permeation properties is not possible with the fragile freestanding LCN films alone

    Detecção da toxina-1 da síndrome do choque tóxico em amostras de Staphylococcus aureus isoladas de mastite bovina Detection of toxic shock syndrome toxin by Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from bovine mastitis

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar a produção da toxina da síndrome do choque tóxico (TSST-1) e de enterotoxinas estafilocócicas (SE) A, B, C e D em 127 amostras de S. aureus, isoladas de amostras de leite proveniente de vacas com mastite no Estado de Minas Gerais, entre 1994 e 1997. A verificação da produção de toxinas foi feita pela técnica de sensibilidade ótima em placa. Das 127 amostras testadas, 60 (47%) eram produtoras de TSST-1 e 54 (43%) produtoras de SE, 38 amostras produziram SED (30%), 24 SEB (19%), 8 SEC (6%) e 4 SEA (3%). Estes resultados trazem preocupações quanto à saúde pública pela alta prevalência de amostras de S. aureus produtoras de TSST-1 e de enterotoxinas em isolamentos a partir de leite de vacas com mastite.<br>A total of 127 strains of Staphylococcus aureus were examined for the production of toxic shock syndrome toxin (TSST-1) and staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE) A, B, C and D. The strains were isolated from milk samples from cows with mastitis in dairy herds of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, from 1994 to 1997. The toxins were detected using the optimum-sensitivity plate method. Of 127 isolates, 60 (47%) produced TSST-1 and 54 (43%) produced SE, 38 (30%) produced SED, 24 (19%) SEB, 8 (6%) SEC and 4 (3%) enterotoxin A.