179 research outputs found

    Single session imaging of cerebellum at 7 tesla: Obtaining structure and function of multiple motor subsystems in individual subjects

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    The recent increase in the use of high field MR systems is accompanied by a demand for acquisition techniques and coil systems that can take advantage of increased power and accuracy without being susceptible to increased noise. Physical location and anatomical complexity of targeted regions must be considered when attempting to image deeper structures with small nuclei and/or complex cytoarchitechtonics (i.e. small microvasculature and deep nuclei), such as the brainstem and the cerebellum (Cb). Once these obstacles are overcome, the concomitant increase in signal strength at higher field strength should allow for faster acquisition of MR images. Here we show that it is technically feasible to quickly and accurately detect blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal changes and obtain anatomical images of Cb at high spatial resolutions in individual subjects at 7 Tesla in a single one-hour session. Images were obtained using two high-density multi-element surface coils (32 channels in total) placed beneath the head at the level of Cb, two channel transmission, and three-dimensional sensitivity encoded (3D, SENSE) acquisitions to investigate sensorimotor activations in Cb. Two classic sensorimotor tasks were used to detect Cb activations. BOLD signal changes during motor activity resulted in concentrated clusters of activity within the Cb lobules associated with each task, observed consistently and independently in each subject: Oculomotor vermis (VI/VII) and CrusI/II for pro- and anti-saccades; ipsilateral hemispheres IV-VI for finger tapping; and topographical separation of eye- and hand- activations in hemispheres VI and VIIb/VIII. Though fast temporal resolution was not attempted here, these functional patches of highly specific BOLD signal changes may reflect small-scale shunting of blood in the microvasculature of Cb. The observed improvements in acquisition time and signal detection are ideal for individualized investigations such as differentiation of functional zones prior to surgery. Copyright

    A silent gradient axis for soundless spatial encoding to enable fast and quiet brain imaging

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    Purpose: A novel silent imaging method is proposed that combines a gradient insert oscillating at the inaudible frequency 20 kHz with slew rate-limited gradient waveforms to form a silent gradient axis that enable quiet and fast imaging. Methods: The gradient insert consisted of a plug-and-play (45 kg) single axis z-gradient, which operated as an additional fourth gradient axis. This insert was made resonant using capacitors and combined with an audio amplifier to allow for operation at 20 kHz. The gradient field was characterized using field measurements and the physiological effects of operating a gradient field at 20 kHz were explored using peripheral nerve stimulation experiments, tissue heating simulations and sound measurements. The imaging sequence consisted of a modified gradient-echo sequence which fills k-space in readout lanes with a width proportional to the oscillating gradient amplitude. The feasibility of the method was demonstrated in-vivo using 2D and 3D gradient echo (GRE) sequences which were reconstructed using a conjugate-gradient SENSE reconstruction. Results: Field measurements yielded a maximum gradient amplitude and slew rate of 40.8 mT/m and 5178T/m/s at 20 kHz. Physiological effects such as peripheral nerve stimulation and tissue heating were found not to be limiting at this amplitude and slew rate. For a 3D GRE sequence, a maximum sound level of 85 db(A) was measured during scanning. Imaging experiments using the silent gradient axis produced artifact free images while also featuring a 5.3-fold shorter scan time than a fully sampled acquisition. Conclusion: A silent gradient axis provides a novel pathway to fast and quiet brain imaging

    PCA denoising and Wiener deconvolution of 31P 3D CSI data to enhance effective SNR and improve point spread function

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    Purpose: This study evaluates the performance of 2 processing methods, that is, principal component analysis-based denoising and Wiener deconvolution, to enhance the quality of phosphorus 3D chemical shift imaging data. Methods: Principal component analysis-based denoising increases the SNR while maintaining spectral information. Wiener deconvolution reduces the FWHM of the voxel point spread function, which is increased by Hamming filtering or Hamming-weighted acquisition. The proposed methods are evaluated using simulated and in vivo 3D phosphorus chemical shift imaging data by 1) visual inspection of the spatial signal distribution; 2) SNR calculation of the PCr peak; and 3) fitting of metabolite basis functions. Results: With the optimal order of processing steps, we show that the effective SNR of in vivo phosphorus 3D chemical shift imaging data can be increased. In simulations, we show we can preserve phosphorus-containing metabolite peaks that had an SNR < 1 before denoising. Furthermore, using Wiener deconvolution, we were able to reduce the FWHM of the voxel point spread function with only partially reintroducing Gibb-ringing artifacts while maintaining the SNR. After data processing, fitting of the phosphorus-containing metabolite signals improved. Conclusion: In this study, we have shown that principal component analysis-based denoising in combination with regularized Wiener deconvolution allows increasing the effective spectral SNR of in vivo phosphorus 3D chemical shift imaging data, with reduction of the FWHM of the voxel point spread function. Processing increased the effective SNR by at least threefold compared to Hamming weighted acquired data and minimized voxel bleeding. With these methods, fitting of metabolite amplitudes became more robust with decreased fitting residuals

    Amide proton transfer weighted imaging in pediatric neuro-oncology:initial experience

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    Amide proton transfer weighted (APTw) imaging enables in vivo assessment of tissue-bound mobile proteins and peptides through the detection of chemical exchange saturation transfer. Promising applications of APTw imaging have been shown in adult brain tumors. As pediatric brain tumors differ from their adult counterparts, we investigate the radiological appearance of pediatric brain tumors on APTw imaging. APTw imaging was conducted at 3 T. APTw maps were calculated using magnetization transfer ratio asymmetry at 3.5 ppm. First, the repeatability of APTw imaging was assessed in a phantom and in five healthy volunteers by calculating the within-subject coefficient of variation (wCV). APTw images of pediatric brain tumor patients were analyzed retrospectively. APTw levels were compared between solid tumor tissue and normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) and between pediatric high-grade glioma (pHGG) and pediatric low-grade glioma (pLGG) using t-tests. APTw maps were repeatable in supratentorial and infratentorial brain regions (wCV ranged from 11% to 39%), except those from the pontine region (wCV between 39% and 50%). APTw images of 23 children with brain tumor were analyzed (mean age 12 years ± 5, 12 male). Significantly higher APTw values are present in tumor compared with NAWM for both pHGG and pLGG (p &lt; 0.05). APTw values were higher in pLGG subtype pilocytic astrocytoma compared with other pLGG subtypes (p &lt; 0.05). Non-invasive characterization of pediatric brain tumor biology with APTw imaging could aid the radiologist in clinical decision-making.</p

    Identifying the source of spurious signals caused by B 0 inhomogeneities in single-voxel 1H MRS

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    PURPOSE: Single-voxel MRS (SV MRS) requires robust volume localization as well as optimized crusher and phase-cycling schemes to reduce artifacts arising from signal outside the volume of interest. However, due to local magnetic field gradients (B 0 inhomogeneities), signal that was dephased by the crusher gradients during acquisition might rephase, leading to artifacts in the spectrum. Here, we analyzed this mechanism, aiming to identify the source of signals arising from unwanted coherence pathways (spurious signals) in SV MRS from a B 0 map. METHODS: We investigated all possible coherence pathways associated with imperfect localization in a semi-localized by adiabatic selective refocusing (semi-LASER) sequence for potential rephasing of signals arising from unwanted coherence pathways by a local magnetic field gradient. We searched for locations in the B 0 map where the signal dephasing due to external (crusher) and internal (B 0 ) field gradients canceled out. To confirm the mechanism, SV-MR spectra (TE = 31 ms) and 3D-CSI data with the same volume localization as the SV experiments were acquired from a phantom and 2 healthy volunteers. RESULTS: Our analysis revealed that potential sources of spurious signals were scattered over multiple locations throughout the brain. This was confirmed by 3D-CSI data. Moreover, we showed that the number of potential locations where spurious signals could originate from monotonically decreases with crusher strength. CONCLUSION: We proposed a method to identify the source of spurious signals in SV 1 H MRS using a B 0 map. This can facilitate MRS sequence design to be less sensitive to experimental artifacts

    T2* mapping in an equine articular groove model - visualizing changes in collagen orientation

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    T2* mapping is promising for the evaluation of articular cartilage collagen. In this work, a groove model in a large animal is used as a model for post-traumatic arthritis. We hypothesized that T2* mapping could be employed to differentiate between healthy and (subtly) damaged cartilage. Eight carpal joints were obtained from four adult Shetland ponies that had been included in the groove study. In this model, grooves were surgically created on the proximal articular surface of the intermediate carpal bone (radiocarpal joint) and the radial facet of the third carpal bone (middle carpal joint) by either coarse disruption or sharp incision. After nine months, T2* mapping of the entire carpal joint was carried out on a 7.0T whole body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner by means of a gradient echo multi echo sequence. Afterwards, assessment of collagen orientation was carried out based on Picrosirius Red-stained histological sections, visualized by polarized light microscopy (PLM). The average T2* relaxation time in grooved samples was lower than in contralateral control sites. Opposite to the grooved areas, the "kissing sites" had a higher average T2* relaxation time than the grooved sites. PLM showed mild changes in orientation of the collagen fibers, particularly around blunt grooves. This work shows that T2* relaxation times are different in healthy cartilage versus (early) damaged cartilage, as induced by the equine groove model. Additionally, the average T2* relaxation times are different in kissing lesions versus the grooved sites. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    T2* mapping in an equine articular groove model: Visualizing changes in collagen orientation

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    T2* mapping is promising for the evaluation of articular cartilage collagen. In this work, a groove model in a large animal is used as a model for posttraumatic arthritis. We hypothesized that T2* mapping could be employed to differentiate between healthy and (subtly) damaged cartilage. Eight carpal joints were obtained from four adult Shetland ponies that had been included in the groove study. In this model, grooves were surgically created on the proximal articular surface of the intermediate carpal bone (radiocarpal joint) and the radial facet of the third carpal bone (middle carpal joint) by either coarse disruption or sharp incision. After 9 months, T2* mapping of the entire carpal joint was carried out on a 7.0-T whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner by means of a gradient echo multi-echo sequence. Afterwards, assessment of collagen orientation was carried out based on Picrosirius Red-stained histological sections, visualized by polarized light microscopy (PLM). The average T2* relaxation time in grooved samples was lower than in contralateral control sites. Opposite to the grooved areas, the "kissing sites" had a higher average T2* relaxation time than the grooved sites. PLM showed mild changes in orientation of the collagen fibers, particularly around blunt grooves. This work shows that T2* relaxation times are different in healthy cartilage vs (early) damaged cartilage, as induced by the equine groove model. Additionally, the average T2* relaxation times are different in kissing lesions vs the grooved sites

    A silent echo-planar spectroscopic imaging readout with high spectral bandwidth MRSI using an ultrasonic gradient axis

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    Purpose: We present a novel silent echo-planar spectroscopic imaging (EPSI) readout, which uses an ultrasonic gradient insert to accelerate MRSI while producing a high spectral bandwidth (20 kHz) and a low sound level. Methods: The ultrasonic gradient insert consisted of a single-axis (z-direction) plug-and-play gradient coil, powered by an audio amplifier, and produced 40 mT/m at 20 kHz. The silent EPSI readout was implemented in a phase-encoded MRSI acquisition. Here, the additional spatial encoding provided by this silent EPSI readout was used to reduce the number of phase-encoding steps. Spectroscopic acquisitions using phase-encoded MRSI, a conventional EPSI-readout, and the silent EPSI readout were performed on a phantom containing metabolites with resonance frequencies in the ppm range of brain metabolites (0–4 ppm). These acquisitions were used to determine sound levels, showcase the high spectral bandwidth of the silent EPSI readout, and determine the SNR efficiency and the scan efficiency. Results: The silent EPSI readout featured a 19-dB lower sound level than a conventional EPSI readout while featuring a high spectral bandwidth of 20 kHz without spectral ghosting artifacts. Compared with phase-encoded MRSI, the silent EPSI readout provided a 4.5-fold reduction in scan time. In addition, the scan efficiency of the silent EPSI readout was higher (82.5% vs. 51.5%) than the conventional EPSI readout. Conclusions: We have for the first time demonstrated a silent spectroscopic imaging readout with a high spectral bandwidth and low sound level. This sound reduction provided by the silent readout is expected to have applications in sound-sensitive patient groups, whereas the high spectral bandwidth could benefit ultrahigh-field MR systems
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