14 research outputs found

    Alkali activation of dif ferent type of ash as a production of combustion process

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    Presented study deals with the final struc ture and radiological properties of different fly-ash based geopolymers. Lig nite fly-ash (lignite Kolubara – Ser bia) and wood fly ash were obtained in combustion process together with commercial fly-ash. Synthesis of the geopolymers was con ducted by mixing fly-ash, sodium silicate solution, NaOH and water. The sam ples were strength ened 60 °C for 48 hours af ter stay ing at room temperature in covering mold for 24 hours. The X-ray dif frac tion, Fou rier trans form in fra red and SAM mea sure ments were conducted on the sam ples af ter 28 days of geopolymerization pro cess. The X-ray dif frac tion measurements of lignite fly-ash sam ples show anhydrite as the main constituent, while wood fly-ash samples consist of cal cite, albite and gypsum minerals. Besides determination of physicochemical properties, the aim of this study was radiological characterization of lignite fly-ash, wood fly-ash and the obtained geopolymer products. Ac tiv ity con cen tra tion of 40 K and radionuclides from the 238 U and 232 Th decay series, in ash sam ples and fly-ash based geopolymers, were determined by means of gamma-ray spectrometry, and the absorbed dose rate, D, and the annual effective dose rate, E, were calcu lated in accordance with the UNSCEAR 2000 report

    The effects of cow genetic group on the density of raw whole milk

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    peer reviewedThe density of milk is dependent upon various factors including temperature, processing conditions, and animal breed. This study evaluated the effect of different cow genetic groups, Jersey, elite Holstein Friesians (EHF), and national average Holstein Friesians (NAHF) on the compositional and physicochemical properties of milk. Approximately 1,040 representative (morning and evening) milk samples (~115 per month during 9 mo) were collected once every 2 wk. Milk composition was determined with a Bentley Dairyspec instrument. Data were analysed with a mixed linear model that included the fixed effects of sampling month, genetic group, interaction between month and genetic group and the random effects of cow to account for repeated measures on the same animal. Milk density was determined using three different analytical approaches – a portable and a standard desktop density meter and 100 cm3 calibrated glass pycnometers. Milk density was analysed with the same mixed model as for milk composition but including the analytical method as a fixed effect. Jersey cows had the greatest mean for fat content (5.69 ± 0.13%), followed by EHF (4.81 ± 0.16%) and NAHF (4.30 ± 0.15%). Milk density was significantly higher (1.0313 g/cm³ ± 0.00026, P < 0.05) for the milk of Jersey breed when compared to the EHF (1.0304 ± 0.00026 g/cm³) and NAHF (1.0303 ± 0.00024 g/cm³) genetic groups. The results from this study can be used by farmers and dairy processors alike to enhance accuracy when calculating the quantity and value of milk solids depending upon the genetic merit of the animal/herd, and may also improve milk payment systems through relating milk solids content and density

    Chemical, physical and radiological evaluation of raw materials and geopolymers for building applications

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    The main goal of this study was the evaluation of physical–chemical, as well as radiological properties of residual materials used for geopolymer synthesis and those final products as a possible application as new materials in a civil engineering industry. Concentration of 40K and radionuclides from the 238U and 232Th decay series in waste precursors, their metaphases and geopolymer samples synthetized by alkali activation were determined together with corresponding absorbed dose rate (D˙) and the annual effective dose rate. Natural activity concentrations in the alkali-activated material (geopolymer) were found to be lower than that of both residual materials and calcined ones

    Rheological and physical properties of camel and cow milk gels enriched with phosphate and calcium during acid-induced gelation

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    The rheological properties of acid-induced coagulation of camel and cow milk gels following the addition of calcium chloride (CaCl(2)) and hydrogen phosphate dehydrate (Na(2)HPO(4)*2H(2)O) were investigated using a dynamic low amplitude oscillatory rheology. For a considered condition, the final values of storage modulus (G′) and loss modulus (G″) of camel milk gels were significantly lower than those of cow milk gels. The increase of the added CaCl(2) levels improved significantly the gelation properties of camel and cow milk gels, since a reduction in the gelation time and an increase in the gel firmness were observed. Following the addition of Na(2)HPO(4)*2H(2)O at 10 and 20 mM, no significant effect on the gelation rate and the firmness of camel milk gels was observed, while, a significant decrease in the gelation rate and firmness were observed for cow milk gels

    White matter microstructure is altered in cognitively normal middle-aged APOE-ε4 homozygotes

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    Background: The ε4 allele of the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE-ε4) is the strongest genetic factor for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. During middle age, cognitively healthy APOE-ε4 carriers already show several brain alterations that resemble those of Alzheimer's disease (AD), but to a subtler degree. These include microstructural white matter (WM) changes that have been proposed as one of the earliest structural events in the AD cascade. However, previous studies have focused mainly on comparison of APOE-ε4 carriers vs noncarriers. Therefore, the extent and magnitude of the brain alterations in healthy ε4 homozygotes, who are the individuals at highest risk, remain to be characterized in detail. Methods: We examined mean, axial, and radial water diffusivity (MD, AxD, and RD, respectively) and fractional anisotropy in the WM as measured by diffusion-weighted imaging in 532 cognitively healthy middle-aged participants from the ALFA study (ALzheimer and FAmilies) cohort, a single-site population-based study enriched for AD risk (68 APOE-ε4 homozygotes, 207 heterozygotes, and 257 noncarriers). We examined the impact of age and APOE genotype on these parameters using tract-based spatial statistics. Results: Healthy APOE-ε4 homozygotes display increased WM diffusivity in regions known to be affected by AD. The effects in AxD were much smaller than in RD, suggesting a disruption of the myelin sheath rather than pure axonal damage. Conclusions: These findings could be interpreted as the result of the reduced capacity of the ε4 isoform of the APOE protein to keep cholesterol homeostasis in the brain. Because cerebral lipid metabolism is strongly related to the pathogenesis of AD, our results shed light on the possible mechanisms through which the APOE-ε4 genotype is associated with an increased risk of AD